at the beach house

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Kazuichis pov

I hummed a tune to myself as I walked along the beach. Nothing to do today but walk around aimlessly-

I stopped at the sight of mahiru standing in front of the beach house. But I thought she was sick. That's why she cancelled on the beach day. I should check this out.

"Mahiru?" She jumped at the sound of my voice "I thought you were in bed with a stomach ache"

"Umm I got better?" Even she sounded unsure of her lie. She's been acting off since we played that game and I intend to get to the bottom of it!

"Mahiru" I placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a kind smile "talk to me. What's going on with you?"

"Nothing!" She pulled away "I'm just meeting up with someone"

"In a small room with no windows? Do you have any idea how risky that is!" I yelled.

"I trust hiyoko kaz" she said firmly "She wouldn't try to hurt me"

"And you're sure it's hiyoko your meeting in there?" I pressed on "Not some impersonator?"

"Yeah she sent me a note" she fished a note out of her pocket.

I quickly scanned through it "this isn't from hiyoko"

"Wha-" she did a double take.

"I've been given my fair share of mean notes during breakfast and let me tell you she cannot spell! I don't know who sent you this but it wasn't hiyoko" I gripped the page angrily. Another attempt at murder most likely.

"I can't believe this" tears built up in her eyes.

"I'm sorry mahiru. Maybe you should go meet up with the other girls"

"Or I could go with you" she smiled slyly "would that be ok?"

"Oh sure" I scratched my neck nervously "but I'll have to buy a swimsuit"

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