Fuyuhiko The Antagonist

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Kazuichis pov

"Fuyu wait up!" I called out to the boy as he headed into his cottage "wait up will you!" I placed a hand on his shoulder.

He turned around and sighed "what is it souda boy?"

"Please you don't have to go down this path" I pleaded with him "think about peko. This isn't what she would have wanted"

"Who cares what she would have wanted? She's dead" he spat.

"You don't mean that" I said shakily. After what he tried to do I can't believe he'd disregard her feelings like that.

He sighed "I'm tired kazuichi. I've lost the two most important women in the world all in one night and I don't have a lot of reasons to return home. My revenge is the only thing that keeping me going"

"But it doesn't have to be" I said desperately "you could have friends to lean on at the most desperate of times. You just have to open your heart to us"

"I don't want friends like them" he growled "they sent the woman I love to her death without batting an eye. Those are no friends of mine!" He sighed deeply "look kazzy you're a good kid. But stay the hell out of my business before you get hurt" with that he slammed the door in my face.

I leaned my head against the door with a sigh. What am I supposed to do? It doesn't look like I can change his mind about the others...

I'm going to need help.

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