Chapter 58

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-few weeks later-
~Kelly's POV~
It was 8pm in our household. Stella was out working a shift at Molly's. So I was getting the kids to bed. I already got the twins to bed half an hour ago, now I was getting Bella ready.
"Come here Sky, let's get your PJs on." I called out to her.

She came over and I got her ready for bed.
She ran over to her little book shelf and picked out a book. She then ran back river to me and held out the book.
"Read pease." She smiled up at me.
I smiled and took the book.

"Ok, just one for tonight though." I told her.
I got the bed ready for her and she climbed in.
I sat next to her on her bed as I opened the book.
I read her the book and about halfway through, I noticed she fell fast asleep.

I smiled down at her and tucked her into bed and left her room. I went out into the main area and quietly cleaned up the main area from dinner and just the day. Once I finished, it was just about ten o'clock at night. It took me a lot longer than usual because I had to be so quiet. Once I finished, I heard some noise coming from one of the monitors. We still keep monitors in both the kids' rooms. I looked and it was Brookes. He was awake and trying to climb out of his crib. I went into the twins room and got him back to sleep.

When that was over, I stayed in the living room, with both monitors on the coffee table. Then I heard the front door open and I looked behind and saw Stella come in.
She came over to the couch and laid herself on-top of me.
"You're home early..." I whispered as I kissed the top of her head. She sunk herself deeper and relaxed as she took a sigh of relief.

"It was slow and I'm exhausted, so I just clocked out and came home." She said.
I stroked her hair and she started closing her eyes.
"Are the kids in bed?" She asked me.
"Yes, I got them all to sleep not too long ago." I told her.
She nodded her head.

"Come on, let's go to bed." I told her, trying to get up, but she was not moving.
"No, let's just stay here..." she mumbled and put her hand on my chest.
It couldn't have been more than 5 minutes before she fell into a deep sleep. I carried her to our bed and then laid there with her in my arms, stroking her hair and feeling her move with each breath she took.

"I love you..." I heard her whisper, honestly not knowing if she was even actually awake.
"I love you more..." I whispered and kissed her forehead.
I saw her give a slight smile in her sleep and I soon fell asleep too.

-next morning-
I slowly woke up and saw Stella was still in my arms. She was still fast asleep. I looked over at the clock on her nightstand and saw it was just about to be 8am. I carefully got up, managing to not wake Stella up, to go and check on the kids. I go to the twins room first, and they're both asleep in their cribs. Then I go to Bella's room.

She was awake in her room, quietly playing with some toys on her floor. She looked up and saw me and smiled and ran over.
"Good morning." She squealed. I smiled and picked her up.
"Good morning, princess. Did you sleep good?" I asked her.
She nodded her head.

"Where's Mama?" She asked me.
"Mama's still sleeping. Do you want to keep playing?" I asked her, pointing at the toys on the ground.
She shook her head.
"I'm hungry." She said.

"What do you want to make?" I asked her.
"Pancakes with the chocolate chips." She giggled.
I smiled at her and tickled her.
"Alright, let's go and make them." I laughed and played around with her.

We went to the kitchen and I got the ingredients out. We started cooking and Bella was sitting on the island as I was at the stove because I didn't want her near it.
I made about 20 mini pancakes with the batter. Once I was done, I heard the twins in their room calling out to me or Stella, so I got them from their room and got all the kids at the table, eating breakfast.

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