Chapter 36

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~Stella's POV~
I opened the email and scrolled through it to find where it said the genders. Once we found it. I gasped and put my hands over my mouth. I started tearing up.
"Oh my god..." I cried.

We're having boy and girl twins.
"Oh my god... we're having a boy and a girl.." Kelly said.
I looked at him and nodded my head.
He hugged me.

"Is this real?" I chuckled.
"It is... it is... we're gonna have a boy and a girl..." Kelly chuckled as he put his hand on my stomach.
I smiled at him and wiped the tears off my face.

"So we're gonna use the boy and girl names we chose?" Kelly chuckled.
"Maybe... we'll see..." I chuckled. I rubbed his hand that was in my stomach and one of the twins kicked it.
I put my hand on Kelly's cheek and kissed him.

No one actually even knows the pregnancy is twins. And we actually aren't even sure we want to tell anyone.
"How should we tell everyone? Should we even tell anyone?" I laughed.

He thought for a moment.
"What if... we don't?" He told me.
I thought about it for a second.
"That would be cool... but you really think we'll be able to hide it?" I asked.
"Sure we can. You don't think so?" Kelly chuckled.
"I mean. I guess we could. That would be kinda funny to see everyone's reactions." I laughed.

It was a couple hours later. Kelly wanted to make some  of this "famous" steaks for dinner. So he's tackling that. While I'm just in our room with Bella. I was doing folding some laundry while also keeping her entertained.

Bella had a few toys on the bed with her.
"Mama." She called out.
I looked at her and she was giving me a little bear she had. She loves to just pick up stuff and give it to you.
"Thank you princess." I smiled. I took it from her, then set it down back in front of her.

I kept on doing the laundry for about another 15 minutes before Bella started crawling towards me on the bed.
"What's up honey?" I laughed as I had my arms out to her.
She crawled and then put her hands out and put them both on my stomach.

I smiled.
"You see your baby siblings? You're gonna have a brother and a sister.." I smiled at her.
She looked up at me and just giggled.
I picked her up and hugged her.

Then I was overcome with emotion. Part of me feels guilty for getting pregnant so soon after she was born. But I know she'll love her siblings.
"I promise mommy loves you so much... and you'll always be her first baby.." I whispered to her.

I stayed with her for about 5 minutes before putting her down and continuing with what I was doing.

But then, I heard some noise.
I heard heavy footsteps. Then I heard almost like a child running. And I could hear a little voice.
"I won't do it ever again!" It sounded like a little girl, scared.

I looked out into the hallway. I didn't know what to do at first.
"Hey Kelly?" I called out. I didn't hear anything.
Then the heavy footsteps got louder.
"You keep hiding from me and I'll make it worse!" I heard a deep, angry male voice.

I was scared. Who is that?
"Kelly? Kelly!" I called out again.
Still nothing. I grabbed Bella and went out to the kitchen.
I went down the hallway and it was freezing.

I was about to turn the corner to go to the main area, when all of a sudden a tall, semi-muscular man with a flannel, jeans, and heavy boots appeared in front of me, holding a bat.

I jumped back, holding Bella tight.
"Who are you?" I asked.
The man looked at me angry. When I tried back away, he grabbed my arm. It burned. I screamed and pull away, I saw the burn mark on my arm. Then I saw him try to lung. I screamed, covering my face and wrapping my arms more tightly around Bella. I slid down onto the floor, terrified.

Then, I heard some running.
"Babe? Baby what's wrong?" I heard Kelly's voice.
I looked up and saw him there.
"There was... there was.. a man here..." I said. I was crying.

He looked at me and sighed.
"What? No there wasn't baby..." he told me.
"Kelly, there was! He was holding a bat, he had this black and white flannel, dark blue jeans, heavy shoes... look! He even gave me this!" I yelled. I showed him my arm that the burn mark was on. But it was gone.

"What am I looking at?" Kelly asked me.
"No, no you don't understand... babe..." I said, helplessly. I'm not crazy. It was so real.
He took Bella from me.
"It's ok... let's just eat some dinner..." he said.

"Kelly... you don't believe me?" I asked him.
He looked at me and stroked my cheek.
"Yea.. of course I do..." he said. I know he didn't.


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