Chapter 53

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~Stella's POV~
I finally went inside. I headed into the elevator and chose the rehab floor.
I was in the elevator and I could feel my body shaking.
The elevator stopped at a floor and the doors opened. It wasn't my floor though. Once the doors opened, I saw Nat there.
"Hey, Stella. What are you doing here? Everything alright?" She asked me.

"Uh yea... I'm heading up to see Grant." I said.
"Oh alright. How are you, Kelly, and the kids?" She asked me.
"We're all good. Bella just turned 2 yesterday and the twins turned 6 months last week." I said.
She smiled and nodded her head.

Then the elevator stopped at the rehab floor.
"Good luck." Nat said before I got off.
"Thanks..." I nervously said.
I got off the elevator and headed down the hall.

"Hello, can I help you? Are you visiting someone?" A woman at the front desk asked me.
"Um yes-" I said, but then I was interrupted.
"Stella, hi." Dr. Charles came up to me.
"Hey Dr. Charles." I said.

He motioned his head and we went inside the rehab facility.
"It's nice that you agreed to see him... this usually helps a lot of people in rehab." He explained to me.
"How is he? Is he doing good?" I asked him.

"He's doing great. Everyday he tells me that he's getting better to see his daughter." He explained.
That made me a bit happy that he's getting better, but I'm still scared about him seeing her.
"That's good..." I said.
"I get your past with him... and the trauma he's caused you. But he really has changed..." he told me.

Then we stopped outside of a room. There was I'm guessing a one way glass.
The room had a table and chairs, and a sofa.
"Since this is your first time seeing each since he came in, I made the decision to have you two be here. If you want, next time, you guys can be in his room." Dr. Charles explained.

I saw Grant sitting on a chair. He was writing on a paper at the table.
"Ok yea.. this is good.." I said.
"Are you ready?" He asked me.
I hesitated, but nodded my head.
He led me to a door and we went inside.

Grant looked up and saw me. He smiled.
I gave a small smile and he got up and hugged me.

Then we sat down at the table. Dr. Charles sat at the sofa in the room.
"Stella-Bella... how've you been?" He asked me.
"I'm good... I heard you're doing good here..." I told him.
He smiled and nodded his head. He looked good. He looked clean and healthy again.

"So what's new?" He asked me.
"Um... Bella just turned 2 yesterday." I told him.
"You have pictures?" He asked me.
I nodded my head.

He showed him some photos from her party yesterday.
"She's been obsessed with Daniel Tiger lately. She that was her party theme." I told him.
"She looks just like you..." he smiled.
"Yea, she does." I smiled. I kept showing him more photos of her party and then I came across a photo of her with the twins.

"You have more kids?" He asked me.
I was a bit surprised that he forgot.
"Yea... don't you remember when you came to our apartment right before he put yourself in here? I was like 8 or 9 months pregnant. And those are them. Brookes and Brooklyn. They're 6 months old." I told him.

He nodded his head in understanding.
"Yea they're.. they're cute. I'm guessing that I won't really see them too much though." He said.
I hesitated before saying anything.
"We'll cross that bridge once we get there." I finally said.
He nodded his head again.

"I have a few questions and I promise I won't get mad at the answers." He told me.
That got me a bit scared.
"Um... ok..." I said.
"How did you do it? How did you leave? Where did you go?" He asked me.

"Um..." I said, trying to get all my thoughts together.
"I won't get mad. You can tell me..." he said in his calming tone that I haven't heard in forever.

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