Chapter 13

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~Kelly's POV~
I was talking with Stella, but she didn't look like herself. She looked like she was barely conscious and was yawning a ton, then she started coughing and rubbing between her neck and chest area.

I was getting a little concerned.
"Hey.. are you sure you're ok?" I asked her.

She looked super off. She put her hand on the doorway and I went over closer to her.

She looked at me and sort of nodded her head.
"I don't know... I've just been..." She was saying, she wasn't really talking much. Her voice just trailed off into her just being almost zoned out.

"Hey.. Stella, you ok?" I asked her.
She looked at me, barely, then she passed out.
I ran over to her and grabbed her before she hit the floor.

"Woah, woah, Stella! Hey, Hey wake up!" I said.
I felt her pulse, she had one, but it was weak.
"Stella, Stella!" I yelled and was rubbing her chest.
She felt super warm.

I knew I shouldn't do what I was about to do, but she could be dying right now.
I picked her up and carried her out to the squad truck.

"Capp, go to the front!" I yelled.
They were all confused.
"Lieutenant, what-" Mills started to say, but I cut him off.
"Cruz get us to Med now!" I ordered.

I hoped in the back and laid Stella down on the floor of the squad truck. I got a blanket and put it over her stomach. I felt her pulse again, it was still thready.
"Cruz, how far are we?" I yelled.
"3 minutes Lieutenant." He said.

They were all confused, but worried for Stella.
We finally pulled up to Med.
"Hey, we need a doctor!" I yelled as I ran in, carrying Stella.
Dr. Manning came running over.

"What happened?" She asked.
"I didn't know she stayed home from shift today, I go to our apartment to check on her. She was tired and out of it when we were talking. Then she was coughing a bit and like rubbing her chest. Then she just passed out." I explained.

They got her hooked up to monitors.
All of Squad was in the waiting room.
I was in the room as they were trying to get her stable.

Dr. Rhodes came in, doing compressions on her.
"Ok, let's check the fetus." Dr. Manning grabbed a portable ultrasound.
She checked Stella's daughter.
"Baby's good." She said.

They were now working on Stella.
"Her Temp is 102.4" April said.
I was worried for her.
"Give her some ibuprofen for that." Dr. Manning said.

They finally got her stabilized.
"Ok, she's finally stabilized. Let's talk out here." Dr. Rhodes said.
Dr. Manning, Dr. Rhodes, and I were now just outside her room.

"Ok, what exactly happened?" Dr. Rhodes asked.
"She didn't come to shift today, I go to our apartment to check on her. She didn't look herself. She just looked out of it. When I asked her if she was ok, she kept saying she was fine. But then she was coughing and rubbing her chest, then all of a sudden she passed out." I explained.

Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Manning looked at each other.
"This morning, she told me that her body ached and she was vomiting a lot yesterday.. let's run her a set of labs and see if this is an infection." Dr. Manning explained.

"Can I stay here with her?" I asked.
"Yea of course." Dr. Rhodes said.

I made a phone call to Chief about Stella:
Chief: hello?
Kelly: Chief, it's Severide. Listen, I'm at Med right now. I went to my apartment to check on Kidd and she wasn't good. I brought her to Med and she has a fever and they're running labs on her right now.

Chief: ok, and you wanna stay with her?
Kelly: yes, can you get a floater for me?
Chief: of course, call as soon as you hear something.
Kelly: ok, will do.

I went out to the waiting room to the rest of Squad.
"Hey, Lieutenant, what was... all that about?" Cruz asked.
I looked at them and I knew Stella didn't want them to know about us living together just yet.
"Don't worry about it. Capp, you're acting Lieutenant until Boden can get a floater." I told them.

They were all confused but agreed. Then they left.
I went back to Stella's room. She was just laying on the gurney, lifeless.
I held her hand and some tears fell down.
I love this girl, I'm in love with her. And I know she loves me too. But I understand the circumstances.

"Kelly?" I looked up and saw Dr. Manning.
"Yea? You guys got her labs back?" I asked.
She nodded her head.

"Yes, she has an infection. I wouldn't worry too too much, it's basically just like a really bad flu. It would explain the high fever, body aches, nausea, her chest pain, and the coughing." She explained.

"Ok.. so, what now?" I asked.
"We're gonna start her on a course of antibiotics. And see if they work." She explained.
I nodded my head.
"When, when will she wake up?" I asked.

"It's hard to say. Her body is trying to fight an infection while she's also pregnant. Her body's just exhausted." She explained to me.
I nodded my head again.
"Ok.." I said.

Dr. Manning gave her the medication.
Then she left. I stayed, holding Stella's hand. I was looking at her and her daughter's monitors, making sure everything was good.

After about 15 minutes, she started moving.
"Hey, Stella?" I asked.
It took her a minute, but she opened her eyes and looked at me.

"K-Kelly?" She coughed.
"Hey, yea I'm here." I smiled.
She smiled and squeezed my hand. Then she started coughing.
"Hey, just breathe. It's ok." I told her, adjusting her nasal cannula.

She took some deep breaths before she spoke again.
"What-what happened?" She asked.
"You didn't some to shift today. I didn't know why, so I went over to our apartment to check on you. I called out your name like twice before you came out of your bedroom looking super tired and out of it. We talked for like 5 minutes before you started coughing and then you just passed out." I explained.

She sat there, thinking for a second.
"What... what did you do after I passed out?" She asked.
"I carried you out to the squad truck. I covered your stomach so that way none of my guys would see it and they got you here fast." I explained.

She groaned.
"So.. they know we're living together?" She asked.
"Probably, I didn't say anything, I just wanted to get you here as fast as I could." I explained.

She laid there, with her eyes close for about a minute.
Then she coughed again.
"So what happened? What's wrong with me this time?" She chuckled.
"You have an infection, basically like a bad flu. They have you on some antibiotics right now." I explained to her.

She nodded her head and smiled at me.
"Thanks again... for helping me... I don't know what I would do without you.." she smiled.
I chuckled and looked down.
"Yea, of course." I chuckled.

She thought for a moment before she spoke again.
"I... I think I wanna try again." She said.
"What do you mean?" I asked her.
"I wanna try.. us again... I think we could make it work..." she smiled.

I smiled at her.
"You sure?" I asked her.
She laughed and nodded her head.
"Yes, I love you... and I know you feel the same way..." she laughed.

I laughed and nodded my head.
"Ok.. let's try this again..." I laughed and kissed her forehead.


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