Chapter 21

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-Bella is now 2 months old-
~Stella's POV~
It's 7:30am. I'm awake with Bella right now because she woke up at 4am and hasn't gone back to sleep.
I was sitting in the rocking chair in her room, rocking her back and forth, trying to see if she would sleep, but she just stayed awake.

"Hey babe, I'm heading out." Kelly came in and gave me a kiss.
"What time is it?" I asked him.
"7:30, I have to leave for work now." He said.
"Ok, love you. Please be safe." I gave him a kiss.

Once he left. I stayed with Bella in her nursery for about another 30 minutes before she finally fell asleep.
I carefully put her in her crib and set up the baby monitor. I grabbed the speaker and went over to the kitchen. I made myself coffee and I ate some fruit for breakfast.

I decided I wanted to go to the firehouse with Bella.
We've never been to the firehouse since that last day I was there before I went into labor. Everyone has already met her though.

At around noon, I got us both ready and we headed out. Bella hasn't gone on many car rides. And the very few times she has, she's always sleeping. Today, she was wide awake and crying almost the whole time.
"Shh.. baby we're almost at the firehouse." I told Bella, but obviously, she didn't understand.

Once we got to the firehouse, I saw that only truck was there. I found Dawson in the common room. She became a firefighter just about 1 month ago. From what Kelly told me, she used to be one for about a month before something happened, and she stayed being a paramedic again. This was about 2 years ago. No one even knew she was training to become a firefighter again.
"Hey Stella!" She said when she saw me.

"Hey! How are you? How's truck treating you?" I hugged her.
"Good, really good. I actually have something to tell you." She told me.
"What is it?" I asked her.
She motioned me to follow her.

She went into the briefing room.
"Ok.. what is it you wanna tell me?" I asked her.
"I'm pregnant!" She said.
My jaw completely dropped.
"What? Oh my god, no way!" I told her.

She laughed and hugged me.
"How far along are you?" I asked her.
"10 weeks. I just found out like 2-3 weeks ago. I thought I just had a bug or something. But then I realized I was late, so I took a test." She explained.

"Oh my god, that's amazing! What are you gonna do about work?" I asked her.
"The only option I have is to stop or go back onto Ambo. Matt has literally been making me do almost nothing on truck. Like I'll be just doing crowd control, or aerial lifts." She said.

"What do you wanna do?" I asked her.
"I'm not sure.... Matt thinks it would be better if I stop, but I'm not sure..." she said.

"Well, you could move back to ambo. But it's for you guys to decide." I told her.
She thought about it some more.
"Well... I don't wanna repeat of last time.." she whispered under her breath. But I still heard it.

I looked at her confused, she looked at me and sighed, realizing I heard her.
"What.. what do you mean?" I asked her, rocking Bella in my arms.
She rubbed her face.

"This isn't my first pregnancy... and this isn't my first time on truck... about 2 years ago, Matt and I got pregnant. Almost as soon as I found out, I transferred to OFI. But then.. the pregnancy was ectopic and we lost it... I was only... 6 weeks, if that... I didn't go to work for about... a month. Then after I just went back to ambo because something happened with the other paramedic. And I've just been on ambo since until recently..." She explained.

I didn't know what to say or do, except hug her.
"I'm so sorry.. I had no idea..." I told her.
She hugged me tightly.
"Yea... that's why I'm so torn about work." She said.

Bella was getting super fussy.
Dawson smiled at her.
"Can I hold her?" She asked.
"Sure." I told her.
I gave Bella to her and she calmed down after about 30 seconds.

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