Chapter 26

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-2 days later-
~Kelly's POV~
I woke up and looked down to see Stella snuggled in my chest. I looked to my left and saw that it was 8:45am. I smiled at Stella.

I kissed the top of her and rubbed her back. It took her a minute, but she woke up.
"Hey beautiful..." I smiled at her.
She rubbed her eyes and smiled at me.

"Hi.." she said.
"How'd you sleep?" I asked her.
She chuckled and shook her head.
"I didn't..." she sighed.

Then I got a notification on my phone.
"What's that?" She yawned.
It was a reminder that I set that today's the day we would go to Med to see what's going on with Stella.

"A reminder that today is the day we're going to Med. You're still feeling weird. We should go and get you checked out." I told her.
She sighed and rubbed her face.
"Ok.. you're right..." she said.

I was surprised she didn't try to argue.
"Wait- really?" I chuckled. She nodded her head and laid down on my chest.
"Yes... I want to figure out what's wrong with me. I was sure this was just gonna be a quick 2-3 day cold, but something in my gut is telling me it isn't..." she said.

I stroked her hair as I quietly listened.
"What have you been feeling? What's been weird for you?" I asked her.
She stood quiet for a minute.

"Well, you basically already know. The cramping, the fact that my milk has been way less than normal, it's good that we have all the milk in the freezer. But like... it's so weird... I've been like so much more tired than usual, but I can't sleep... and I've been like super hungry sometimes, but then I get super nauseous all of a sudden... I just, I don't- I don't know..." she sighed.

We were now sat up on the bed and she looked at me just so tired. I cupped her face in my hands and gave her a kiss.
"Don't worry, we'll figure this out... it's ok." I whispered to her.

She looked at me and leaned her head onto my shoulder.
"I'm just.. so so tired..." she whispered.
I wrapped my arms around her.
"I know.. I know.. we'll get to the bottom of this.." I whispered.

Then we heard Bella start to cry. Stella groaned under her breath, but before she got up, I did.
"No it's ok, let me go get her and I'll bring her here." I told her.
She nodded her head and gave me a little smile, but I could tell she was just so tired.

~Stella's POV~
Kelly brought Bella into the room.
"Hi my princess..." I smiled at her.
"Mama..." Bella smiled.

I smiled at her and at Kelly. He was sitting next to me.
Once Bella was done eating, I just held her, snuggling her. Then I felt really sick all of a sudden.
"Baby.. are you ok? You just went pale..." Kelly asked me.

I shook my head and quickly gave him Bella before I ran to the bathroom and threw up.
I threw up and leaned my back onto the wall, rubbing my face.
I heard Kelly come in.

"Ok.. maybe we should get you to Med now..." he said.
I nodded my head.
"Let's... let's call Brett and see if she can watch Bella..." I said.
"Ok, I'll get Bella ready." He told me.

I walked back to our room and called Brett.

Brett: hello?
Stella: hey Brett, are you busy?
Brett: no, Antonio and I are just eating breakfast. Why? What's up?
Stella: do you guys mind watching Bella for a few hours, Kelly and I have to go to Med.

Brett: is something wrong? Are you ok?
Stella: yea- well... we don't know... I've been just feeling weird for the past like week now.
Brett: what have you been feeling?

Stella: I've just been like nauseous and achy one swims, then I'll be fine the next. I've also had this like weird cramping, and also, I've noticed my milk has been like coming less and less. Like after Bella eats, I usually have to pump after, but lately, there's almost nothing to even pump.

Brett: ok.. how long have you been feeling this way for again?
Stella: since last week. It's been a week now.
Brett: ok, yea we'll head over right now.
Stella: thanks Brett. You're seriously the best.

Once I hung up, I got dressed. All of a sudden, I felt like weird, then I felt better like it was nothing.
I shook it off. This has been happening all week.

After about 5 minutes, I got dressed in leggings and a t-shirt. I just put on my crocs. I was fixing my hair. Then I saw Kelly come in the room with Bella. She was dressed.

"I called Brett, her and Antonio are able to come here and watch her." I told him.
He nodded his head.
Bella saw me and smiled.
"Mamama." She smiled.

I smiled at her and held her.
"Hi my pretty Sky girl." I said.
Kelly chuckled.
"You've never called her by her middle name before." He told me.

"Yea well... I never told you this... but I almost decided to change her name is just Sky. So she was going to be Sky Kidd. But then when she was born, once I told you Bella Sky Severide, I knew that name just fit her. But we can always call her both. We'll have a couple different names for her. Bella, Belle, Bells, Ella, Sky." I chuckled.

He laughed as we looked at our daughter.
She was born with so much hair and her hair is kinda long now.
"I still don't really know what kind of hair she's gonna have..." I chuckled.
"I feel like she's gonna have your curls. The ends of her hair are curled." He told me.

I chuckled and then all of a sudden, everything was weird.
"Hey.. what's wrong?" Kelly asked me.
I looked at him, but everything was a little fuzzy.

"I don't- I don't.. know.." I said.
I felt him grab Bella out of my arms.
Then I felt him guide me to the bed.
I took some deep breaths and blink my eyes a few times, then everything was ok again.

~Kelly's POV~
Stella looked like she was about to black out. I took Bella out of her arms.
"Hey, let's get you sitting down..." I told her. I helped her get onto the bed. She sat down for about a minute before she looked ok again.

"Are you ok?" I asked her.
She looked confused, but nodded her head.
"Yea I... I don't know what that was..." she said.

Then we heard the doorbell ring.
I looked back at Stella.
"It's probably Brett and Antonio.. you can go get the door. I just wanna sit here for just another minute..." she said.

I nodded my head and went to the door.
"Hey dude, what's up?" Antonio patted my shoulder.
"Not much, but I'm kinda worried about Stella. Thanks for agreeing to watch her for a few hours." I said.
"Yea of course." He said.

"Hey, where's Stella? I wanna talk to her real quick before you guys go." Brett told me.
"Yea, she's in our room." I told her.
She went to the room.
"Is there anything we should know about little Bella?" Antonio asked.

Authors Note: Diego and Eva do not exist in this story, Antonio does not have any kids

~Stella's POV~
I was lying down on the bed with my hands on my head. I really don't know why I feel this way.
I heard a knock on the bedroom door.
"Come in.." I mumbled.
I heard the door open and saw Brett there.

"Hey Stella... how you doing?" She asked me.
"It's so weird... I'm ok one minute, then the next I'm nauseous or tired the next.." I explained.
"Well.. I know you guys are gonna go to Med, but.. I have something for you.." she told me.

I looked at her confused.
"Ok... what is it?" I asked her. Sitting up on the bed.
She looked in her purse and gave me a....


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