Chapter 18

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~Stella's POV~
-few days later-
Today is a day I'm not looking forward to. I have to finalize my divorce with Grant today. Because he's in prison, and we really didn't want to take this to court, Kelly wanted us to just do it in the police station.

Kelly's worried about this whole situation. And I don't know how to feel. On one hand, I'm absolutely terrified, and on the other, I know I'll be protected. I have Kelly, and all the Intelligence officers there.

I got woken up by Kelly.
"Baby? We have to go to the police station today." Kelly rubbed my back to wake me up.
I didn't want to wake up, so I stayed asleep, just laying there.

He kept on rubbing my back for about 10 more seconds before he started kissing my neck.
I eventually turned to look at him.
"Hey beautiful... we have to head to the police district today." He told me.

"Yea... I know..." I said.
He stroked my hair and looked at me.
"You'll be ok... the moment you feel unsafe, we can leave." He told me.
"I.. I know... I just wanna get this divorce over with..." I sighed, rubbing my face.

"Don't worry... once this is all over.. we'll just hang out and countdown the time until our daughter is born..." he smiled and kissed my forehead. He always knows how to calm me down.
"Yea.. our daughter..." I smiled at him.

We got up and got ready.
I was getting more pre-labor cramps.
I winced in pain, leaning on the bed.
"Woah, woah babe... come on, sit down." Kelly put his hand on my back and sat me down on the bed.

He bent down in front of me, holding my hand as I was waiting for this pain to pass.
"Hey, it's ok... just breathe and look at me.. it'll pass." He told me.
I looked at him, in pain. But nodded my head, knowing he was right.

After it was over, Kelly was concerned.
"You aren't supposed to be even leaving the house right now... are you sure we should be doing this?"
Kelly asked me.
I nodded my head.

"Yea... I want to get this over with before she's born." I said.
"Ok... do you want him to have any contact with our daughter or no?" He asked me.

I looked at him like he was crazy.
"Of course not. I don't want him anywhere near her. Yes, he is technically her biological father, but he will never change." I said.
He nodded his head, understanding.
"Ok... you're right, he's not gonna have contact with her." He told me.

We both finished getting ready.
"What do you want for breakfast?" Kelly asked me.
I thought for a moment.
"I want pancakes." I said.

"Wanna go to a diner?" He asked me.
"Yea sure." I said.
We drove to a diner.
Once we finished, it was already time to head to the police station.

We drove to the 21st district.
We sat in the car for a second.
"Babe... I'm scared... like I'm really scared..." I said, tearing up.
"It's ok... you'll be ok... don't worry..." Kelly told me.

After about 5 minutes, we went upstairs.
"Hey you guys... how you doing?" Erin asked.
I was still shaking a bit.
"A little nervous..." I said.

"We're here to protect you, that's why we're doing it here... do you wanna take a little breather before we go see him?" She asked me.
I shook my head.
"No let's... let's get this over with..." I said.

We went to where Grant was. It was similar to an interrogation room. Except the room was bigger.
Once Grant saw me, he looked angry.
Kelly had his hand on my shoulder as we walked in.

We sat down at the table across from Grant.
I could feel all the nerves in my body shaking as I was face to face with him again.

"Just give me the documents and I'll sign them." Grant told me with an attitude.
I gave him the documents and showed him where he had to sign.
"Finally, I'm rid of you. But now I want to talk about our daughter." He told me.

I scoffed at him.
"Our daughter? No, she is yours anymore." I told him.
"Yes she is. Stella, you're joking right? That's my daughter!" He yelled.
Olinsky kept him from getting up.

"No she isn't. You chose drugs and alcohol over your family. We're done. I'm not letting you have any contact with her." I told him.
"You can't do that! She's my daughter! That's my blood!" He yelled.

"I don't care! I know you will abuse and hurt her! Just like how you did to me! I want her to have a good life without living in fear every-time she has to come home to you!" I raised my voice at him.
"You don't have the right to take her away from me! She's my daughter and I have the right to see her!" He yelled.

"No you don't! You're in prison! I don't want you to see her! She doesn't need you and you don't deserve her!" I yelled at him.
"You have to let me see my daughter!" He yelled.

"She isn't your daughter anymore! Forget it! I hope I never see you again!" I yelled.
Then Antonio stepped in.
"Ok, you two. Let's just tone it down a bit." He said.

I looked at Kelly and he rubbed my back.
Grant looked at us.
"You... you're that firefighter who came in my house a few years back..." he told Kelly.

Kelly didn't say anything.
"That doesn't matter. He helped me finally get away from you. He helped me escape that death trap that I called my home. Everyday I would dread coming home, wondering how drunk you would be. Wondering how many new bruises and body aches I would go to bed with that night. Worrying myself sick about the life my daughter would be brought into." I told Grant.

"You were always so annoying. You deserved it." He told me.
I got the paperwork and signed everything I had to.
"We're done. You're not allowed to have contact with our daughter." I said, pointing to Kelly and I.

"No, I don't think so. He is not the father of my daughter, I am." Grant told me.
"Yes he is. Even though he might not share her blood, he's going to treat her better than you ever will." I told him.

Grant was super angry and got up. Olinsky made him sit back down.
I was still shaking from the stress and all the anxiety from just being here.

I looked through the papers, making sure nothing was missed.
"I'm done with you." I told him.
"You know what? Forget it. I'll find my own ways to get her. I hope she doesn't survive birth." He told me.
Then he just left.

The prison guards took him out.
Kelly and I were left in the room.
He grabbed my hand.
"You ok..?" He asked me.

I had tears in my eyes and shook my head.
He hugged me and pulled me in.
"It's ok... he's never gonna see us. I'm gonna make sure of it. Our daughter is protected.." he told me.
I nodded my head.

He wiped my tears and moved the hair out of my face.
He smiled at me and put his hand on my stomach. Bella kicked his hand and he chuckled.
"She knows her daddy's touch... you're gonna be such a good dad..." I smiled.

He smiled.
"Let's get out of here already." He told me.
We got up and went to the car.
Once we got in, I got a sharp pain in my side.

"Woah..." I winced in pain.
"Hey, you alright?" Kelly asked me.
I nodded my head.
"Yea, just.. another false alarm..." I said.

"Maybe she's gonna come soon." He smiled.
"I hope so..." I told him.


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