Chapter 30

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-end of April-
Bella is 10 months old.
Stella is 15 weeks pregnant.
Danielle is 2 months old.
Brett is 21 weeks pregnant.

Everyone knows that Brett is pregnant already. And she's not working anymore. No one still knows that Stella is pregnant, just Brett still. Emily Foster is temporarily covering for Brett. Violet is temporary PIC.

~Stella's POV~
Today is Brett's gender reveal party.
Antonio and Brett had Gabby and Casey plan the whole reveal. They're having the party at Molly's patio. I'm a little stressed out about going there. No one knows I'm pregnant yet. I haven't even seen anyone from the firehouse besides Brett, Dawson, and Casey,
since probably when Gabby had Danielle. Even though we've seen Dawson and Casey, we still haven't told them.

"Alright, I got her dressed and she's down for her nap." Kelly said. It's noon and the party starts at 2. But I promised Gabby I would help set up a bit. So we have to be there in an hour.
"Ok, I just don't really know what to wear.." I said, looking through my closet.

"What about this?" Kelly asked me, pulling out a little red dress.
"No way..." I chuckled.
"Why not? You look hot in it.." he smiled.
"It's a gender reveal. And we still haven't told anyone yet." I said, pointing to my stomach. It's grown so much now. It's bigger than when I was pregnant will Bella at that time. We actually find out the gender of our baby in a month.

He chuckled under his breath had out his hand on my stomach. I put my hand on top of his and kissed him.
"Ok.. what about this?" Kelly pulled out a flowy dark blue dress that went just past my knees.
"It's... actually perfect." I chuckled as I looked at it.

I put it on and it was perfect. The dress was so flowy that it completely hid my stomach. I did my hair straight and did my makeup. I put some jewelry on and some shoes. By that time, already 40 minutes had past and we had to leave now.

"Babe, can you please get her bag ready? I have to go and wake her up. But I'll meet you in the car." I told him.
"Ok, yea no problem. We're gonna be late if we don't leave 5 minutes." He said.
"Yea got it." I said, leaving the room.

I went to go wake up Bella. She usually has an hour naps, but she did not sleep good last night. I was awake with her, she was just so fussy. But nothing seemed to be wrong with her. I took her temperature, changed her diaper, fed her. Nothing worked. She finally went to bed at around 5am.

I tried to not wake her up. I picked her up and she woke up and immediately was fussy.
"I know, I know sweetheart..." I comforted her.
We all went down to the car and I sat with Bella in the back.

She was hungry in the car, but I couldn't feed her.
"Hey babe?" I asked Kelly.
"Yea?" He asked.
"Do you think we're going to be drinking?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure... but just say you can't because you have to feed Bella." He told me.
"Ok yea, that's a good excuse..." I chuckled.

Once we got there, Dawson saw me walk in with Bella.
"Hey! Thanks for agreeing to help us!" She said.
"Yea of course! This place looks nice! What do you need help with?" I said.
I had Bella in the stroller. She had a bottle and was drinking it.

"Mills is bringing the food, Matt is picking up the cake and the rest of the balloons. I just help putting everything else up. We got here a little later than we would have liked because of someone.." she said. Pointing to Danielle sleeping in her stroller.

I smiled at Danielle.
"She's so cute." I smiled.
Dawson smiled too.
"How old is she now?" Dawson pointed at Bella.
"Ten months.. she's almost 1 year old..." I smiled.

"Really? Wow.. that's crazy..." she said.
"Yea.. it's crazy how she's gonna be a..." I said, but I stopped myself. I was going to say that she's going to be a big sister.
"What do you mean?" She asked me.

"What?" I asked her, playing dumb.
"You said that you can't believe she's going to.. and then you stopped." She told me.
"Oh, yea I was going to say that this crazy how she's going to be a toddler now..." I said, thinking fast.

I quickly changed the subject and we finished setting everything up. Casey came back with the cake and the rest of the balloons.
"How are they going to find out the gender?" I asked Gabby.

"The cake. The inside of the cake has the gender of the baby." Gabby said.
"Ohh ok..." I said.
Kelly and Casey were talking and Bella was in her stroller. I was rolling the stroller back and forth so she would be calm.

-party/gender reveal-
It was now actually time for the reveal.
"Ok everyone, before we find out the gender of our baby, we want to say thank you for you all coming and for Gabby, Casey, Stella, and Severide for doing this." Brett said.
"Yea, we appreciate you all and let's just find out the gender of this baby!" Antonio laughed.

Casey and Dawson slipped away.
Casey came back with the cake, but Dawson still didn't come back, which I thought was weird, but I focused on Brett and Antonio.

They cut the cake and there was no color on the inside, just a vanilla cake with white frosting.
"Um... is this a joke?" Brett asked.
Just then, Gabby came back in with two confetti cannons.

"That was a bit of a prank, but in these cannons is the actually gender." Gabby explained.
"Sis, I swear if this is another prank." Antonio laughed.

Then they popped the cannons and pink confetti came out. Everyone cheered. Antonio and Brett hugged each other almost immediately. We were all so happy for them.

-after back/ back home-
Kelly, Bella, and I just got home. It was 8pm and Bella's bedtime. We got her bathed and to bed. After that, Kelly and I laid down in bed.

"Man I'm so tired..." I yawned as we laid with each other.
"When should we tell everyone?" Kelly asked me.
"I'm not sure... maybe within the next few weeks I guess.." I said.
"Ok, but.. I have an idea..." he told me.

I looked at him.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Why don't we move? We need another bedroom for this next baby, which we don't have, plus, we kinda need a bigger apartment." He explained.

I thought about it for a second.
"Ok.. let's starting talking about that more tomorrow.." I smiled.
He smiled too and gave me a kiss.
Then we laid there, hugging each other as we fell fast asleep in each other's arms. Just how we like it.


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