Chapter 17

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~Stella's POV~
-Stella is now 38 weeks-
-end of April-
I'm 38 weeks now and I'm over being pregnant. I can't wait to meet my daughter, but I'm honestly scared of going into labor.

I woke up to a noise that startled me awake.
"Hey, hey... sorry, I dropped my phone. I have to go to shift, I'll see you tomorrow, I'll try and check up on you later though." He told me, giving me a kiss.
"Ok, I love you, be safe." I told him before going back to bed.

I woke back up at 7:45 am to feeling Bella kick me in the ribs.
"Oh my god..." I groaned.
I sat up in bed and laid there as I saw my daughter kicking my stomach and ribs.

"Oh my god, Bella..." I groaned.
She eventually stopped.
I got up, went to the kitchen and tried to figure out what to make myself to eat. The thing was, nothing sounded good. I was feeling just super nauseous and just so sluggish.

I just drank some nausea medicine and just drank a lot of water.
I cleaned some of the house, but I was so tired.
I eventually just gave up on cleaning and just laid down back in bed.

~Kelly's POV~
It was now around 2 pm. I was in my quarters, doing some stuff.
"Hey Severide?" I saw Dawson at the doorway.
"Yea, what's up?" I asked her.

"How's Stella doing?" She asked me.
"She's ok. She's gonna have her daughter soon. I think she's scared about that though." I explained.
"Yea, that's understandable. Are you gonna be in the delivery room with her?" She asked me.

I thought about that for a minute.
"I'm not sure... she never said anything about that." I told her.
She nodded her head.
"How does... Stella feel about this whole situation?" She asked me.

"I... I think she's a little upset at her ex. Cause now she's a single mom. But I told her I'll help them anyway I can. I'm not sure what role I'll have in her daughter's life, but I promised Stella I'll always be there for her, no matter what." I explained.
Dawson smiled at me.

"Severide... she's in love with you, man. I think you'll be very involved in her daughter's life." She chuckled.
I laughed a little.
"It's all up to her... speaking of Stella, I'm gonna head by the apartment and check on her." I said.

"Can I come with you?" She asked me.
"Yea sure. She is your best friend after all." I laughed.
Stella and Dawson have been getting more and more close lately.

"Hey Squad, we're going for a ride." I said as we went out to the common room.
Cruz drove to my address.
"Is something wrong Lieutenant? Why is ambo following us?" Cruz asked.
"I'm gonna check on Stella, and Dawson wants to as well." I said.

"Lieutenant, you excited to be a dad?" Mills chuckled and hit my shoulder.
I didn't react or say anything to that. Once we got to the address, Dawson and I got out of our units and headed inside.

"Has she been sick lately or in pain? I know she's due soon right?" Dawson asked as we headed up.
"Yea. She's due in about 2 weeks I think. She's just been kinda miserable lately." I said.

We got to the apartment and headed inside.
I told Dawson to stay in the living room while I went to the bedroom.
I didn't see her in the bedroom either.
"Hey Stella?" I called out.

"I'm in here!" I heard her call out from the bathroom, then she came out and smiled once she saw me.
"Hey baby... how you feeling?" I smiled as she came up to me and hugged me.
"Like I'm dying, but not anything new." She chuckled.
I kissed the top of her head and she sat back down on the bed.

"Dawson's here, she wanted to check on you." I told her. She nodded her head.
I let Dawson come in our room.
"Hey Stella." She smiled at her. Stella hugged her.

"How you doing? You think she's gonna come soon?" Dawson asked her.
"I hope so, but I'm terrified of labor." Stella chuckled.
Dawson's radio went off, so she had to go.

Stella and I were on the bed.
She was just miserable so she was just laying down as I was sitting next to her, stroking her hair.
"Kelly?" She mumbled.
"Yea?" I asked her.
"Would.... Would you mind being in the deliver room with me?" She asked me.

I looked at her and smiled.
"Yea of course.." I said.
She looked like she was thinking about something, then looked up at me.

"Do you... do you remember what you told me At Molly's that one night? That first time you invited me there? While I was pregnant?" She asked me.
I was confused my what she meant.

"Um... I don't think so..." I told her.
"Remember? When I asked you about your dreams?" She asked me.
I thought about it for a moment.

"Oh... didn't I say something about being a father?" I asked her. She smiled at me and nodded.
"Yea... you did..." she smiled.
She looked down at her stomach and put her hand on it.

Then she looked back up at me and smiled.
"Um... I want you to be Bella's father... if you're ok with that." She told me.
I looked at her a little shocked and smiled.
"Yea, of course I would. I'll treat her like my own blood.." I smiled at her.

"I know you really want to be a dad and I know you would be a great dad to her. You already treat me so well and I know you'll treat OUR daughter even better..." she smiled.
I looked at her and smiled.

She gave me a kiss.
She grabbed my hand and put it on her stomach.
"She's OUR daughter now... I don't care that she isn't your blood... I don't care that she probably won't look like you... I love you and I know you'll be the best father to our daughter..." she smiled.

"I'm gonna be a dad... we're gonna be parents... together..." I smiled.
"Together..." she smiled and gave me a kiss.


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