Chapter 42

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-one week later-
~Stella's POV~
Kelly and I are going to look at some more apartments today. We really hope that this is our last search because we really want to move out. It's not that we don't like Gabby and Casey, but we just want to get out of their hair and we need a place of our own again. We need the kids to have their own room. Bella's been sleeping in her pack and play by our bed and the twins don't even have a bedroom. And if they were to come early, there's no space anywhere for them to go.

I told Kelly everything that happened at my last appointment the next day when he got home from shift. And now he's even more careful with me than ever. He doesn't want me to do anything and makes sure that I eat at least 3 meals a day.

It was 8am. Kelly and I were sleeping,
Then I heard Bella awake.
"Mama." I heard her say. I didn't want t wake up and just turned over, hoping I actually didn't hear her say anything.
"Mama, mama." She said again.

I rubbed my face and looked at her in her crib. She was wide awake. I looked at Kelly who was sound asleep.
"Are you hungry honey?" I asked her.
She nodded her head and smiled at me. I walked over to her crib and picked her up out of there.

"You're getting heavy sweetheart." I chuckled. But it could also just be that I was tired and pregnant. It's been way harder to pick her up in the last few months.
I put her on the floor and she grabbed my two fingers with her little hand and made me follow her into the kitchen.

I wondered if Gabby was awake because I know that Dani always wakes her up too around this time.
I got my phone and texted her.
Stella: Hey, are you awake?
Gabby: yea, Matt, Dani, and I are all just in our room. Why? Is something wrong?
Stella: no, Bella is just hungry and I didn't want to make breakfast for just her or wake you guys up.

After that Gabby didn't text anymore and came out of her bedroom about 2 minutes later.
"Kelly's still asleep?" She asked me. I nodded my head.
"Yea, and she woke me up like 10 minutes ago... saying she was hungry.." I yawned.

Gabby looked through her pantry and fridge.
"I can make French toast. Does that sound good?" She asked me. I though about it, that didn't sound too bad.
"Yea sure." I said.
We Mae the French toast. Pretty soon, Casey came out with Danielle.

"Hey baby." Gabby smiled and gave them both a kiss.
"Hey, breakfast smells good." He said.
"Yea, we're almost done, I'm gonna go get Kelly." I said.
"Yea no worries." Gabby said.

"Dada." Bella told me.
"Come on, let's go wake up Dada." I told her. I picked her up and groaned.
"You good?" Matt sort of chuckled.
"Yea, it's just not getting easier to carry her." I laughed.

We went into our room and saw Kelly still sleeping.
I smiled as I saw him there. I let Bella go on the bed to wake him up. She crawled on the bed over to him and laid on him.

I laid down next to him and gave him a kiss.
He opened his eyes and saw us there and smiled.
"Well good morning." He laughed.
"Morning baby." I smiled.
"Dada." Bella smiled.

"Breakfast is ready." I told him.
"Ok, I'll be out there in a minute.." He yawned.
Bella and I went back out. Casey was at the island eating. Gabby was eating too, and cutting up some French toast for Danielle.

I put Bella in her high chair and cut her French toast into strips and gave her a little bit of syrup. Kelly came out just a few moments later.
"You guys got plans today?" Casey asked us.
"Yea, we're gonna go look at some apartments today." I told him.

"Really? You guys want us to watch Bella for you?" Gabby asked.
"You mind?" Kelly asked.
"No, not at all. And it'll probably make it easier for you guys too." Casey told us.
"Yea, it would. Thanks, you guys." I smiled.

After breakfast, Kelly and I got ready.
"What time do we have to be at the first place by?" Kelly asked me.
"Uh... noon, I'm pretty sure." I said, looking at my phone. "Yea noon, so we should leave soon." I said, looking at the time.

When it was 1120, we left. We said by to Bella and the Casey's and drove to the first place to meet the realtor.
He was outside the apartment building.
"Hello, you must be Stella and Kelly?" He asked us.
"Yes, how are you?" We asked.
"Very good. I'm Hector Melendez. I have 5 places to show you today." He told us.

He took us upstairs to an apartment.
"Ok, this place is 2500 square feet. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Open concept main area. Gorgeous view of the city." He explained to us.
"Wow, it looks nice." I said.
"I'll let you guys check it out, then you can come back to me and we can discuss." He told us.
Kelly and I both nodded our heads and walked around.

It was a good size. It was actually bigger than the other place that we just moved out of. The bedrooms were bigger too. Kelly and I had our own bathroom and then Bella and the twins would should share one. The main area was really great. The kid up en was nice and it had a big island. And the living room area was very spacious.

We met back up with Hector at the main area and discussed the place.
"How do we like it?" He asked us.
"It's really nice. What's the rent on this?" I asked him.
"So this apartment is roughly $2,100 a month." He said.

"This apartment is great. I think we'll definitely keep this as a contender." Kelly said.
"Great! Let's go look at some other ones and we'll see which one is the best!" Hector said.

-4 hours later-
"Ok, and that is all the apartments on my list, do we live anyone in particular? Do we want to keep looking?" Hector asked us.
Kelly and I looked at each other.
"That first one you showed us, we just instantly fell in love. I think that's the one we want." I said.
Kelly nodded his head in agreement.

"Ok! We can head over there right now. I just will have you two sign some paper work and I can explain to you guys the next step." He said.
Kelly and I went to the car to head back to the first place.
"My back and legs are killing me..." I groaned as we got in the car, rubbing my lower back.
"Don't worry, we'll be back home soon... let's just quickly get this apartment and we can go home." Kelly told me, putting his hand on my back.

I looked at the time.
"Oh my god it's already almost 5..." I said, not realizing how long we've been out of the house for.
"Yea... after we get these papers signed and the keys, we'll go home." He told me.
I nodded my head and we drove to the apartment.

We got to the apartment and went upstairs.
"Ok, so I need you two to sign, here, here, and here. And then I need a check for $500 for the application fee. Then I'll get back to you in a few days to see if you got the apartment." Hector explained.
Kelly and I signed everything and gave the check.

"Ok, so I will be in touch with you guys soon, take care." Hector said.
And Kelly and I left.
"We could finally have our own place again soon." I smiled as we got to the car.

"Yea, we could." Kelly smiled.
"Alright, let's go home and figure something out for dinner with the Casey's." I laughed as Kelly started the car.
"Let's go." Kelly laughed.


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