Chapter 43

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-3 weeks later-
Stella is 30 weeks.
Brett is 38 weeks.
Bella is 16 months old.
Danielle is 8 months old.

~Stella's POV~
We got the apartment that we wanted and we officially moved in a week ago.
Some of the firehouse helped us move in, so we are fully moved in.
The only thing Kelly and I have to do is do the twins nursery.

Kelly was on shift right now, so it was just Bella and I at home. It was the middle of the day. Bella and I were in her room, playing with some of her toys.
She has these puzzle toys. So she was playing with this one that has a couple different colored wooden balls and she has to sort them my color.

I gave her a color.
"Can you put this in the red one?" I asked her, holding a red ball. She grabbed it from me and hesitated, but she put it in the red.

"Good job." I smiled and clapped.
She giggled.
"Dada." She said.
"Wanna go visit Dada? We can do that." I told her.
"Yea!" She said.

I got us each ready to go and we left.
When we got to the firehouse, only Ambo was there.
Bella and I went into the common room.
"Hey Stella! How've you been?" Violet came up and hugged me.

"Hey! Been good. We just wanted to visit Kelly." I smiled.
Violet smiled at Bella.
"Auntie Violet." Bella giggled at Violet.
"She's getting so big." Violet smiled.
"Yea it's crazy." I chuckled.
I let Bella go on the floor and Tuesday came up to her. Bella loves Tuesday.

I saw the other paramedic who was replacing Brett for now.
"Hey I'm Stella Kidd, I don't believe we've met?" I asked him.
"I don't think so, Lucas Jameson." He shook my hand.
"Nice to meet you. Are the paramedic I'm filling in for?" He asked.

"No, I'm a firefighter on truck 81. Speaking of filling in, who's filling in for me Vi?" I asked Violet.
"Some guy named... Sam Carver I believe. He said he used to know you from the academy. But I didn't really bother to ask anymore because I didn't know how much truth he was telling." Violet explained.

When she said that name, my eyes widened.
"Um... yea I used to know him... we.. weren't the best of friends... doesn't matter. I won't see him, hopefully.." I said.

Violet looked confused and intrigued, but then she dropped it.
"So, how's the pregnancy going? How far along are you now anyway?" Violet asked me.
"I'm 30 weeks now." I said.
"Congrats, do you know the gender?" Jameson asked me.
"Yea, but we're waiting to announce it after I give birth." I explained.

He nodded his head.
I heard Bella giggling and saw her running from Tuesday as Tuesday was carefully chasing her.
"Mama! Dog!" Bella squealed.
I laughed as I saw how cute they both were playing and how soft and gentle Tuesday was with Bella.

"Who's filling in for Dawson?" I asked Violet.
"No one. Chief just didn't fill that spot in." Violet explained.
"Oh ok." I said.

Ambo 61 Person in Distress 37 Wakefield Ave

Ambo left and then Bella and I were by ourselves.
Tuesday was now just sleeping on the couch.
"Bella, you wanna go to Daddy's office?" I asked her.
She excitedly ran to me and grabbed my hand so we could go.

We went into Kelly's office and Bella climbed in his chair like she loves to do.
"Dada?" Bella asked me.
"Daddy will be here soon, baby." I told her as I sat down in on Kelly's bunk.

I laid back and put my hand on my stomach as I felt the twins kicking. I have my appointment in two weeks to find out with I have gained enough weight so they aren't underweight anymore. My stomach has been getting bigger, so I think that's good. But is it enough is the question.

"Mama, eat." I heard Bella say.
"Eat." She said, which means she was telling me that she was hungry.
"Let's go see what's in the kitchen." I told her. I cooked her up and we went to the kitchen.

I sat her on the kitchen counter as I looked in the kitchen cabinets and fridge.
"There's a bunch of ingredients, but not a lot of full blown food here..." I said.
I looked at the common room and saw the bowl of fruit on the counter.

"That could work.." I whispered under my breath.
I took 2 apples from the bowl.
"You want an Apple, sweetheart?" I asked her.
"Apple.." she copied my speech.
"You want it?" I asked her.
"Yes mama." she said.

I cut up both the apples and gave the bowl to Bella and we shared.
We went back to Kelly's quarters and just stayed there.
We were both sitting on Kelly's bunk as we were eating the apples.

Bella then turned her attention away from the food and put her hands on my stomach.
"Baby." Bella giggled.
"You see your baby brother and sister?" I chuckled.
"Baby." Bella laughed again and looked up at me.

I twirled her hair with my fingers. It was so long now. Her hair grows at an insane rate. She got my hair type, which I'm so glad about because it looks so cute on her. She got Grant's blue eyes, but we always just say that she got them from Kelly. Kelly and I don't know if we'll ever tell Bella about Grant. I would prefer not too, but we know that it could come up in the future.
"Dada." Bella said.
"Daddy will be back soon, baby." I said.

It was probably 30 minutes later now.
Bella and I went back to the common room and we were playing with some blocks and Kylie gave us for Bella to play with.

"What's this color?" I asked Bella, holding up a blue block.
"B-boo." She said.
"Good job. Blue." I smiled.
"Ba-ba- blue." She giggled.

Then I heard the door open behind me.
I turned around with the spinning seat and saw Carver there.
"Stella Kidd..." he said, surprised to see me there. He looked at Bella and my pregnant stomach.
"Um hi... Carver." I said.

He sort of studied me for a second, looking at me and my daughter.
"Mama, who's that?" Bella asked me.
"He is.." I started to say, but then Carver interrupted me.
"Just leaving." Carver said in the same attitude that I remember him in. Then he just went back out the door he came in.

I shook my head, rolled my eyes, and sighed.
"Come on Bella, wanna go see Chief?" I asked her, getting her off the table and holding her hand.
"Chief!" She giggled.

We went to Boden's office.
"Hey Chief? Can I speak with you?" I knocked on his door.
"Stella, what can I do for you?" He asked me.
Bella and I walked inside and I closed the door.

"Chief!" Bella squealed and ran up to him.
Chief chuckled and picked her up.
"Bella... sorry, Chief." I sighed.
"No it's ok. She's getting big since the last time I saw her." He chuckled.

Then he looked back at me and put Bella down.
"So, what is it you wanted to discuss?" He asked me.
Bella came back to me and I sat her down on one chair in front of chief's desk, and I sat in the other, Chief sat down in his.
"It's about that guy Carver..." I said.


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