Chapter 27

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~Stella's POV~
Brett pulled something out of her purse.
"Here." She told me, giving me a pregnancy test.
I looked at her like she was crazy.
"I don't need this.." I sort of chuckled and pushed her hand away.

Brett looked at me and gave me the test again.
"All the symptoms you were describing to me all line up." She told me.
I took the test from her and thought about it.
The nausea, cramping, feeling off, my milk drying up.
But I was in denial. There's no way, Bella's only 8 months old, I can't be pregnant.

"There's no way... there's no way, Brett.." I whispered to her.
"Have you had your period since Bella's been born?" She asked me.
I shook my head.
"Have you and Kelly... you know, recently?" She asked me.

I thought about it and nodded my head.
"Yea but... there's no way, Brett... I can't be... it's probably just a coincidence." I said.
Brett sighed and shook her head.

"Stella, come on. You know there's a chance. Besides the milk drying up, those were the exact same symptoms I had." She told me.
I looked at her confused. Then she looked at me with a 'ooh I fucked up' face.
"What do you..." I started to say, but then I realized.
"Oh my god, Brett!" I said.

She shushed me.
"Shhh! Antonio and I weren't planning on telling anyone for a few more weeks... my god.." she sighed.
"Relax, I won't tell anyone. How far along are you?" I whispered.

"3 months..." she said.
"Oh my god, Brett that's amazing!" I whispered.
"Let's stop talking about this, just take the test already please." She said.
I looked at the test and back up at Brett.

"I can't be... Brett, I can't be..." I whispered and started to get scared.
What if I am? I can't handle two babies at once.
"Don't worry.. just take the test and we'll see.." she told me, walking out of the bathroom.

I took the test. I let Brett back in and put the test face down as we put on the 3 minute timer.
"Hey babe, are you ready to go?" I heard Kelly call out.
I looked at Brett, panicked.
"Just say something." She whispered.

"One sec!" I yelled out, not knowing what else to say.
I looked at the timer and the upside down test on the counter. I was biting my finger nails out of fear.Chill out Stella.. it's gonna be ok..." Brett whispered to me.

"I can't be pregnant again Brett... I can't.." I whispered, shaking.
"Relax, even if it is positive.. it's going to be ok..." she told me.
I was taking deep breaths as we waited for the last few seconds of what felt like an eternity for the test to be ready.

Once it was done, I hesitated, but flipped over the test.
"It's positive..." my voice broke as I saw the two very bold lines on the test.
"Oh my, no, no..." I whispered as I slid down onto the floor and put my head in my knees.

I'm not ready to be pregnant again. Bella isn't even a year old yet.
"Hey, hey Stella it's ok..." Brett bent down in front of me.
I heard a knock on the door.
"Hey Stell? Are you in there?" I heard Kelly's voice.

I looked up. Brett looked at me.
"You want me to get him?" She whispered.
I thought for a moment, then I nodded my head.
She nodded her head too and got up.
I heard the door open, heard them whisper and then heard some noise in front of me.

"Hey baby... what's wrong?" Kelly bent down in front of me and put his hand on my shoulder.
I wiped my tears.
"Kelly I..." I tried to say, but my voice was shaking so much and I was so scared.

"What is it baby? You what?" He asked me, lifting you my chin so I had to look at him.
I shook my head and just gave him the test. I buried my face in my hands, not wanting to see his reaction.

When I gave it to him, there was a moment of silence before he talked.
"Baby... is this real?" He asked. I nodded my head and looked up at him.
He smiled and hugged me.
"Babe this is amazing!" He hugged me.

I looked at him.
"You're not... mad?" I asked him.
"Of course I'm not mad... why would I be?" He asked.
I sighed, realizing.
"It's just... never mind..." I said.

He put his hand on my shoulder and sighed. He knew what I was thinking.
"He got mad with Bella... didn't he?" He asked me.
I nodded my head.
"Don't worry.., I'm so happy... I'll never be angry about this..." he stroked my face.

"Baby... Bella isn't even 1 yet... how did we let this happen? We can't handle two babies at once..." I said.
"It's ok.. we'll figure this all out..." he said in a calming voice.
"I'm scared..." my voice broke.

"It's ok.. let's get you to Med and maybe the doctor can give you something for your symptoms." He told me.
He helped me up and we left to Med.
We walked into Med.
"Hey, I need to see Dr. Manning." I went to the front desk.

"Ok. Can I have your name?" The lady asked me.
"Stella Kidd." I said.
"Ok Ms. Kidd. Just sit and wait. We'll call you back soon." She told me.
Kelly and I sat in the waiting room.

We sat down and he held my hand and squeezed it. I looked at him, afraid to be pregnant.
"Don't worry, we got this..." he whispered and kissed my hand.
I nodded my head, but I was so scared.
After about 15 minutes, we were still sitting there. I put my head on Kelly's shoulder.

~Kelly's POV~
I'm gonna be honest, the last thing on my mind when Brett told me Stella was upset about something, was that she was pregnant. I thought she was just in pain again or something. Or that something was really wrong with her this time.

I'm honestly a little nervous. Bella's only 8 months old. The thing is, Stella and I haven't exactly been careful. But we never would've thought this was gonna happen this soon. I mean, yeah, Stella and I have talked about having another kid. But when Bella's around 2 maybe.

But I knew I had to be strong for Stella. She's already scared as it is. I know if I show her I'm scared, that'll make things worse for both of us.
I noticed she laid her head on my shoulder.

She closed her eyes and held my hand. I looked down at her. I let her just be like that for about 20 minutes. Then her name was called.
"Stella Kidd?" We heard her name.
"Baby.. come on. Your name was called." I whispered and kissed the top of her head. Then we headed to the room. Stella squeezed my hand.


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