Chapter 1

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~Stella's POV~
I woke up to my alarm ringing at 6am. I did my normal routine for shift.
I woke up, got in the shower, got my uniform on, and did my makeup.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I had a bruise on my neck from a fight I had with Grant last night. I also had a burn mark on my arm from the same fight.
I covered up my bruises with makeup and then looked at myself in the mirror.

I'm 15 weeks pregnant with a baby girl. We decided to name her Bella. But Grant wants her last name to be mine. So she's going to become Bella Kidd.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I put on my shift pants and a shirt. I'm now getting bigger, so it's harder to hide my pregnancy. But, I don't want anyone to know. No one at 51 knows about the pregnancy, or even about my home life.

Only one person knows about my pregnancy, Chief Boden. But he has no idea about my home life or anything like that.

I'm very quiet and private about my life at 51. I don't talk much unless I'm working on a call, but that's pretty much it.
I put on a sweater since it's October and it's now starting to get cold in Chicago. And the fact that I need to hide the burn mark. It wasn't a small burn mark. It took up half my forearm.

I went out to the kitchen to get my shift bag ready. Careful not to wake up Grant.
He was passed out on the couch with some beer cans beside him. As I was getting my bag ready, I accidentally dropped something.

I flinched, worried that I woke up Grant.
It didn't seem like I did, so I went into the bedroom to grab a charger and when I came back out, he was in the kitchen looking through the fridge.

"You better get some beer on your way back from work tomorrow." He told me, opening a can and drinking it.
"Grant, it's 7 in the morning. And I just bought you a 24 case yesterday." I said.

"So? You're the one who made me mad yesterday. I drank because of you." He raised his voice at me.
"I asked you for some help cooking dinner and you tried to choke me out and burned my arm!" I yelled at him.

"What did you say?" He raised his voice at me again and got close to me. He grabbed my arm super tight. I just looked at him, not wanting this to go where I think it's going.
"Huh?... yea, that's what I thought. You better bring back some more beer tomorrow." He let go of my arm and pushed me away from him.

"Whatever, I'll see you tomorrow." I rolled my eyes at him and grabbed my shift back.
He threw a glass and it hit the wall as I was about to leave out the door right next to me.

"Grant, we're not starting this right now! At least just pick up the house while I'm gone! You don't do anything beside drink and watch TV all day!" I held at him.
"Yea sure. Whatever." He said and grabbed another beer and sat on the couch. I looked at the broken glass on the floor and left for shift.

I got to shift and went to the locker room. I put my shift bag away and then Dawson came up to me.
"Hey Stella, what's up?" She asked me.
I looked at her and just answered the same thing I always said.

"I'm good, you?" I asked.
"Good. So, do you have plans tomorrow after shift?" She asked me.
I knew where this was going, she's been trying to get me to hang out with her and some other people from 51 for weeks now.

"Yea, I do have plans.." I lied.
"Aww man really? Well, just wanted to know if maybe you wanted to catch some breakfast." She told me.
"Yea sorry... I had plans to get some breakfast with my husband." I lied again, then went to the briefing room for briefing to start.

After briefing, everyone was in the common room, but I was in the bunk room. I find the quiet peaceful, just to have an escape from the loudness of home.
I was feeling really nauseous and out of it, so I was just lying in my bunk with my eyes closed, taking deep breaths.

All of a sudden I felt super nauseous and ran to the bathroom. I threw up. Once I got out, I ran some cold water on my hands and then let the coldness of my hands cool down my face.

Then I heard one of the stall doors open. I wasn't alone.
I saw Severide come to the sink next to me.
"Hey Kidd... are you ok?" He asked me. We've known each other for a long time. I actually feel comfortable around him. But he doesn't know about my life.

"Yea just.. caught a bug or something." I said.
"You can talk to Casey, he'll let you go home if you don't feel well." He told me.

The thing was I don't feel good, but being at the firehouse is my escape from Grant.
"I'm good. It's all good." I said. And then I just left.

~Kelly's POV~
Kidd has always been very quiet. But lately she's been more distant than usual. We knew each other from the academy, but she was more energetic and social back then. She came to 51 just over a year ago when Borreli left. But when she came to the firehouse, she was a totally different person.

I have a feeling it has something to do with her husband. I know she's married now, and she's very private about her life outside of the firehouse.
Dawson used to know Kidd too at the academy. We've talked about how different Kidd is from then to now.

I just have a feeling something is up. I wanna help her.


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