Chapter 34

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~Stella's POV~
Natalie's face worried me.
"Nat.. what's wrong?" I asked her.
She looked at us and then turned the screen towards us. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. There was two babies.

"No... you're joking..." I said.
"Nope.. you are indeed pregnant with twins." Nat said.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Kelly looked at me and chuckled.
"Oh my god..." he said.
"How did we not catch this at my 8 week appointment?" I asked Nat.

Nat typed on her computer to find my previous ultrasound.
"Now looking back, I can see the other baby. It was just very blurry." Natalie explained.
Natalie did a few more checks.
"Ok... so, unfortunately, I can't see the genders right now. But if you want, I can draw some blood work and you should get the results in the mail within a week. Or we can wait until your 20 week appointment." Natalie explained.

Kelly and I looked at each other.
"We'll do the blood work." I said.
Natalie did the blood work and we got some photos and left.

We went to the car, and I kept staring at the sonograms. Not believing this.
"Can you believe it?" Kelly asked me. I looked at him and he was smiling.
"I um... no, I can't..." I said.

I could feel myself getting overwhelmed and I just wanted to cry.
"Hey. What's wrong?" He asked me, putting his hand on my shoulder.
I looked at him and just cried.

"How are we gonna handle twins? We're gonna be out numbered now... that's 3 kids, babe. And Bella is still so little..." I cried.
"Hey, hey it's ok... yes, it's gonna be a scary adjustment, but we'll get through it together. We'll figure it out just like how we did with Bella. And hey, it's gonna be just like how it was with Bella, only double." He said.

He calmed me down a bit.
"Ok... yea.. you're right..." I said.
We went home and I kept staring at the sonogram photos. It's still so surreal, but it does make sense. My stomach is huge, even tho I'm only 18 weeks. I've been sick way more than I was with Bella. And everything has just been more intense.

Kelly was cooking dinner and Bella was with him. While I was cleaning up a bit in Bella's room. I was putting away some clothes.

Then all of a sudden, I felt off. At first I was just dizzy.
I grabbed the dresser so I wouldn't fall. Then I got a head splitting migraine. I winced in pain and sat down on the chair in Bella's room. My head was throbbing and it was so weird how it just came on so suddenly.

I couldn't even open my eyes and I just buried my face in my hands as this migraine felt like it was slowly killing me.
"Oh my god.... Oh my god.. my god..." I was groaning underneath my breath.
I was trying to take some deep breaths, but then I heard something.

"You wanna play?" I heard a little voice. A little girl's voice.
I looked up and didn't see anything. Then I looked back down. I heard some giggling and looked back up. I saw a little girl clear as day. Holding a little doll.

"Wanna play dolls?" She giggled.
I jumped back and then screamed.
"Kelly! Kelly!" I screamed.
But then the girl just giggled and ran away.
Kelly came running in, holding Bella.

"What? What? Babe what's wrong?" He came in super worried. I was crying and couldn't even talk.
"There was... someone in here..." I cried.
"What? Babe there's no one here..." he said, looking around.
"Yes there was! Yes there was!" I yelled.

"Babe I-... who? What did you see?" He asked me.
"It was a little girl. She- she had a little doll and asked if I wanted to play..." I cried.
"Babe I don't think that's what you saw. There's no way some random little girl could've been in here." He told me.

"No, come one baby, you have to believe me. Please!" I cried.
He shushed me and stroked my hair.
"You're just tired... come on, it's been a crazy day.. how about you go and take a nap?" He asked me.

"Kelly, I'm not crazy! I know what I saw." I said.
"I never said you were crazy.. but it's been a long and crazy day for you... how about you go to sleep early tonight, and I'll put Bella to sleep myself? I get her some milk from the fridge, feed her dinner, and put her to bed myself." He told me.

But I didn't want her to be in this room.
"No, I don't want her sleeping in here tonight.." I said.
"Babe.. where else is she gonna sleep then?" Kelly asked me.

"Her pack and play. Put it in our room. And she can sleep with us." I said.
"Babe, she should just sleep here. You know she doesn't sleep anywhere else half of the time.." he told me.

~Kelly's POV~
Stella was honestly worrying me. She was freaking out saying some random little girl was in the Bella's room, but there's no way anyone was in here.

She was shaking and crying. I put Bella in her crib.
"Ok, Stella. Let's get you to bed. You've had a long day... I'm sure you'll feel better in the morning." I told her.
"Kelly, I'm not crazy! I know what I saw!" She yelled the same thing to me again.

"Stella, again, I never said you were crazy... I'm just saying that maybe you're just tired... and again, it's been a really long day for you... how about you go to bed early?" I asked her.
"Kelly, no... it's not that... yes I'm tired... and- and stressed, but I know what I saw!" She yelled.

I pulled her in.
"Ok, ok... but let's just still get you to bed..." I shushed her. She hugged me and had her hand on her head.
I pulled her away when I heard her wince.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"I got this really bad migraine..." she said.
"Ok.. come on, let's get you to bed..." I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom.

"You're getting heavy..." I chuckled. She hit me in the back of the head and laughed a little.
"Do you wanna sleep on the couch?" She whispered.
"Kidding, kidding.." I chuckled as I laid her down on the bed.

She was already wearing pajamas, so I laid her down, put her head on the pillow, and covered her with the blanket.
I kissed her on the forehead.
"You'll feel better when you wake up." I kissed her.

I wiped the tears on her face and she looked up at me. I could read all the emotions all her face. Fear, upset, stress, worry, exhaustion.
"Should I take you to Med?" I asked her.
She thought for moment, then shook her head.

"No... I know they're just gonna have me talk to Dr. Charles..." she said. And I knew she was right. The way she's been acting and what she keeps telling me, isn't normal.
I laid down with her and stroked her hair. She started to close her eyes and sleep, before she started telling me something.

"Kelly?" She asked me.
"Yea?" I asked her.
"Do you... do you believe in ghosts?" She asked me.
The thing is, I don't. And she knows that.

"No... not really... why?" I asked her.
"I don't know..." she said.
She leaned herself on me and closed her eyes.
"I love you..." she whispered before falling asleep.
"I love you too..." I whispered and kissed her forehead.

I covered her with the blanket and saw her hand was on top of her stomach. I put mine on top of hers and gently rubbed her stomach. I saw her smile in her sleep.
I stayed with her for a few minutes before I heard on the baby monitor that Bella was getting fussy in her crib.
I carefully got out of the bed and made Stella more comfortable and went to Bella.


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