Chapter 12

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~Stella's POV~
-Stella is now 20 weeks-
-Only Dawson, Casey, Chief now know about Stella and Kelly living together, but no one else-

Today I have my 20 week appointment. I have to discuss stuff about work with Dr. Manning today.

I really don't know what I want to do. I would like not working for a bit, especially since I don't have to worry about Grant anymore, but I wouldn't mind just being on ambo for maybe a few weeks. There are some days where I just feel really out of it, but I haven't stopped working yet.

I had to wake up at 5am because the appointment is at 7:30am. So I have to leave at 7:10am. Kelly has to go to shift today, but I decided to just take this shift off. I was planning on going to shift, just a little late, but yesterday at like the middle of the day, I was feeling really out of it and not myself. It got worse close to when I went to bed. I was vomiting a ton, and then my chest felt weird, not like anything major, I think it was from all the vomiting. I've just been a mess since yesterday.

Kelly actually doesn't know I'm taking this shift off. He was at Molly's last night and hanging out with Casey all day while I stayed back home. But he knows about the appointment.

I called Chief to let him know I wouldn't be coming in.
Chief: Hello?
Stella: Hey Chief, it's Stella. I just wanted you to know I'm not gonna be coming to shift today. I know I was just supposed to come in a little late, but I don't think I'm gonna be coming in at all anymore.

Chief: is everything ok?
Stella: yes, I'm sorry I've just been feeling sick since last night and I really don't want that to interfere with trying to save mine or a victims life. I don't want to not be fully aware or ready for a call.

Chief: that's alright, hope you feel better.
Stella: thanks Chief, I'll try and be back by next shift, If Dr. Manning gives me the ok.
Chief: no problem, no rush.

After I hung up the phone, I got ready for the appointment. Dr. Manning only had availability for the morning and she didn't want to reschedule me.

I got in the shower and got ready for the appointment.
I got dressed, did my makeup, and my hair.
I was feeling just so out of it and exhausted.
I went to the kitchen to get some nausea medicine.
I drank it and then I had to leave.

I started the car and sat there for a minute, taking some deep breaths, trying to overcome this wave.
After sitting in my car for 5 minutes, I realized I was going to be late to the appointment so I just left.

I got to Med.
"Hey Stella, how are you doing?" Dr. Manning saw me when I walked in.
"Exhausted..." I chuckled.

"I can take you back now." She looked at me understanding.
I sat on the bed and she lifted my shirt up to see Bella as we talked.
"Ok so... you were telling me you were exhausted? Rough lately?" She asked me.

"Yea, ever since like yesterday afternoon at maybe... 2pm.. I've just been so out of it and just exhausted.. I called out of today's shift actually today because of it... I'm not sure why... it's like my whole body aches. And I'm just like... ugh..." I sighed.

"Hmm... well, it's good that you called out of shift today because of it. So Baby Girl looks healthy. She's a bit small, but that's totally fine. Her heart rate is nice and strong and she's looking great." She told me.
I nodded my head.
"That's great." I smiled.

She put down the wand and looked at me.
"Ok, so.. Stella... now let's talk about what you want to do in terms of work." She told me.
"Ok." I said.

"Would you like to move to Ambo? OFI? Or just stop working entirely right now?" She asked.
I really didn't know what to do.
"Maybe... ambo? I guess?" I said.
"Ok, how long do you wanna work on ambo for?" She asked.

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