Chapter 46

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-1 month later-
-Stella is now 36 weeks-
-Gabi is one month old-
-Bella is 18 months-
-Danielle is 10 months-

~Stella's POV~
I am now 9 months pregnant with twins. However, Nat doesn't think I'm going into labor soon. Because the twins are still very snuggled in my stomach. And also because they are still mildly underweight. She doesn't see them coming anytime soon by themselves. But if I'm still pregnant by 41 weeks, I'll get induced. However, the Braxton Hicks have started. And the babies have gotten more strong.

Kelly just left for shift about an hour ago. And Bella was in our bed with me. She was snuggled up with me, but also kept looking at my stomach and putting her little hands on there.
"Baby." She giggled.
I smiled at her.
"Yea, that's the babies." I smiled.

Where she had her hands on of the twins kicked hard.
She got surprised and laughed, while I took a sharp breath because that really hurt.
"Eat." Bella told me.
"Come on, let's go figure out some breakfast." I told her.

We got up and walked over to the kitchen.
Once we got there, I had to lean myself on the island because I got a strong Braxton Hick.
"Mama." Bella told me.
"Hold on sweetheart.." I groaned.
I took a few deep breaths before it finally subsided.

Once I picked my head back up. I saw that there was two plates on the counter, put on one another with a note on the top.
"You should be on bedrest." Was the note in Kelly's handwriting. I laughed at it.

I took off the top plate and there was some French toast and sausage there. That's all I've been wanting or eating lately. I warmed it up and served Bella and I. I put Bella in her highchair and cut up some for her and we ate.

After we were done, I put Bella down and cleaned our dishes. Then she came back with my phone.
"Mama open." She said, giving it to me.
"Ok sweetheart." I told her.

I got my phone, but saw a bunch of missed calls and a voicemail from Dr. Charles. I was confused.
I played it.
"Hey Stella, it's Dr. Charles. I just wanted to let you know that Grant has escaped Rehab... I have police officers looking for him now, but just be a little more cautious for now." The voicemail played.

I couldn't believe it and honestly, I didn't know what to think. Grant went to Rehab about 6-8 months ago. But I never heard anything about it again.
I couldn't tell if I was nervous or not. I mean, Grant doesn't know that we live here. So it should be ok.

"Mama phone." Bella said.
"Here honey, go sit on the couch while mama cleans." I told her, giving it to her.
She did what I told her to do and I kept on washing the dishes and thinking about the voicemail.
There's no way he would find us. Right?
My thoughts were interrupted by me accidentally dropping a pan while washing it.

-few hours later-
It's now noon and Bella just went down for a nap. She still takes one nap in the middle of the day.
I was putting away some dishes when I noticed a knife missing from our set. I was confused, but shrugged it off. We're always loosing utensils in this house.
Then I started cleaning around the apartment.
I was sweeping the hallway when there was something on the floor.

I picked it up and I couldn't believe what it was. It was a hospital bracelet. And it had Grant's name on it.
"Oh my god..." I whispered under my breath.
I felt my body get ice cold with fear.
I grabbed my phone and as soon as I heard the phone start ringing for Kelly, tears were streaming down my face.

"Hello?" Kelly asked on the phone.
"Babe..." I managed to say, but I could barely even speak, I was so choked up and terrified.
"Stella? What's wrong?" Kelly asked me.
"I was cleaning and I found a bracelet and.." I was trying to say, but I was crying so much that my speech just turned into this high pitched cry.

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