Chapter 3

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~Stella's POV~
I went into the bedroom and locked the door.
I sat on the bed and cried.
I started rethinking if I should even go to Molly's, because what if Grant sees me there?

I was just on the bed, rethinking everything. Then when 7pm came, I just decided to get ready.
I just dressed in maternity jeans and a thick, loose sweater that hid my stomach.

I never hang out with anyone from the firehouse outside of the firehouse, and especially since I'm going to a bar, they'll want me to drink. I'll just make some excuse and to not drink or something.

I did my makeup to cover up the bruises and hand marks on my face. I fixed my hair and then looked at myself in the mirror. I don't go out a lot. The only time I go out is for doctors appointments, shift, or if I need to go to the store.

I haven't really gone out in a while, and it's nerve wracking hiding my life from everyone. And I'm about to go be social with a lot of people around. I know I can only be at Molly's for an hour or two because if Grant sees me, I'm dead.

He doesn't know what Severide looks like, but he knows who he is. He just refers to him as "that fireman" and he doesn't know that Severide and I work together.

I left the bedroom and walked out to the front door. I saw Grant on the couch, drinking. I sighed and left the house.

I drove to Molly's. I sat outside in my car for about 20 minutes, preparing myself. I took some deep, shaky breaths and had my hand on my stomach.
"You'll be ok.. it's only for a little bit... just don't drink, and watch out for Grant..." I whispered to myself.

I got the courage to finally get out of the car. I walked inside and saw Severide, Dawson, and Casey at a table.
"Hey, you came!" Severide said when he saw me walk in.

"Yea, I- I did." I chuckled.
"Man, I didn't think Severide was telling the truth when you agreed to come here tonight." Dawson laughed and gave me a hug.
"Yea, just needed to get out of the house for an hour or two." I chuckled.

"You wanna beer?" Severide asked me.
"No, I'm good." I said.
"Come on, you're at a firefighter bar, and you're a firefighter, you have to drink." Casey chuckled.
"No it's ok. I have to drive home later and I just don't want to have that affect it." I said.

"I can drive you home if you want. Hey Herrmann, get her an IPA!" Severide yelled out to Herrmann at the bar.
"No, it's fine I-" I started to say, but Dawson stopped me.

"It's one drink. And if anything, like Severide said, he can take you home." Dawson told me.
I just decided not to argue anymore.
He gave me the beer, but didn't drink any.

"So, Stella, tell us about yourself." Casey said.
"Yea, Dawson and I knew you from the academy, but ever since then, you're like a mystery now." Severide chuckled.

That caught me a little off guard.
"Well... um... I knew I wanted to be a firefighter when I was probably... 18... went through the academy. Was in firehouse 27 for a few years before coming coming to 51... And... yea..." I said, not wanting to really say anything, especially about my home life.

"What about your hobbies or something? You have any interests?" Dawson asked me.
I genuinely did not know how to respond to this.

I know one thing I would say, but I couldn't- being a mom. And since I'm going to actually be one, I'm excited, but terrified of her father and how he would treat her.

"Um... I like animals I guess?" I laughed.
"Oh nice, Oh, Matt, we should get home, we have that thing tomorrow with my dad." Dawson said.
"Oh, yea. Alright see you guys on shift Sunday." Casey said.

This Is Just The Beginning जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें