Chapter 56

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~3 months later~
~twins are 10 months told-
-Bella is 28 months old-
~Kelly's POV~
I woke up and felt a weight on my chest. I looked down and saw Stella sleeping on me. I smiled and kissed the top of her head and played around with her hair with my fingers.

We stayed like that for about 10 minutes before I heard some noise on one of the baby monitors. I picked my head up and saw it was Bella's. Then the noise stopped. I couldn't see the screen from where I was, but when the noise stopped, I looked at Stella and she was still asleep.

After about another 2 minutes I heard some noise from the hallway and then I saw Bella come into our bedroom.
"Good morning!" She giggled and ran over to me, seeing I was awake.
I smiled and shushed her. As soon as she started running to the bed, Stella woke up.

"Mama!" Bella smiled.
Stella rubbed her eyes and smiled. I picked Bella up and put her on the bed.
"Good morning, princess. You need to stop climbing out of your crib.." Stella told her.
"Why?" Bella asked.

"Because it's dangerous. You could get hurt." I told her.
"Why?" She asked. She's now in a "why?" Stage where she's so curious about everything and just wanting to know everything.
Stella smiled and pulled Bella into her arms and hugged her.

"We should convert her crib into a toddler bed soon. She can't keep doing this. She's gonna get hurt." Stella told me.
I nodded my head. She's right. Bella figured out how to  climb out of her crib and now she won't stay in it sometimes. It makes Stella a little nervous.

~Few hours later~
It was now 2pm. The kids were in the living room, playing with their toys and watching some movies. Stella and I were cleaning up the kitchen from lunch.
"Hey, should we maybe convert Bella's bed into a toddler bed right now? While they're occupied by playing?" She asked me.

I thought about it.
"Sure, it shouldn't take too long, all we have to do is remove one side of the crib wall and drop the mattress an extra couple inches." I explained.
Stella looked past behind me to the kids.
"Let's do it now." She said.

"Should we... ask Bella about it?" I asked her.
She looked behind me and nodded her head.
"Bella, sweetheart, can you come here?" Stella called out.
Bella came over and I picked her up.

"Yes Mama?" She asked Stella.
"Daddy and I are thinking about changing your crib. Do you want to?" Stella asked our daughter.
"No more crib?" Bella asked.
"Yes. You're climbing out of your crib too much and you could get hurt." I explained to her.

She smiled and nodded her head.
"Ok, so Daddy and I are going to go do that right now. Ok?" Stella smiled at her.
Bella excitedly went back to the living room with her siblings.

Stella and I went to Bella's room and it took less than 15 minutes to convert her crib into a toddler bed. We even put Daniel tiger bed sheets in her bed since she loves that show.
"Ok, let's just take this part and throw it out.." I said, taking the part of the cribs that we just took out.
Stella looked at Bella's bed and teared up.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.
She shook her head and wiped her tears.
"Nothing... she's just... she's getting bigger... our first baby is getting so big..." she chuckled.

I laughed under my breath at how emotional she was getting.
She rolled her eyes and hit me.
"Stop laughing, it's sad..." she said.

I shook my head and hugged her.
"She's growing up... it's just time moving forward..." I said.
"Time's a thief..." she whispered.
I left her sink herself into me and she put my head under my chin.

I kissed the top of her head and when we pulled away, Bella came into her room and was so excited.
"You like your bed?" Stella chuckled and bent down to our daughter.
Bella smiled and nodded her head.
She hugged both of us.
"Thank you!" She squealed.

-night time-
It's now 8pm and we just got all the kids to bed. Stella and I were laying on the couch. She was laying on top of me with her hands intertwined with mine. We were just enjoying the peace and quiet.

"Hey, Stella?" I asked her.
She looked up at me.
"Yea?" She asked me.
"What would you think about... us getting married?" I asked her.

Once I asked the question, she stopped looking at me and looked away.
"Um... I... I don't know..." she said.
"What do you mean?" I asked her.
"Kelly, I love you... more than anyone in this world, but... no... at least not right now..." she said.

"So when?" I asked her.
She squeezed my hand and looked at me.
"Let's at least wait until I'm working again to talk about this. I go back to work in 2 months..." she said.
I didn't say anything, but then I heard some noise coming from one of the kids' rooms. So I got up and went to go see.

-one hour later-
I finally got Brooklyn back to sleep. She was a bit fussy, so I had some trouble getting her back to sleep. But once I did, I went back to the living room, and Stella wasn't there anymore. I went to our room and saw her in our bed. She was laying in bed, with her back to the door. I didn't know if she was awake or not, so I carefully closed the door and quietly got dressed for bed.

Once I came into bed, I looked over to see if Stella was awake. I kissed her neck and once I did, she turned over. She was awake, and it looked like she was crying.
"Hey... are you ok?" I asked her.
She rolled over and looked at me.

"I'm sorry..." she sniffled.
I was confused.
"What do you mean? Sorry for what?" I asked, stroking her hair.
"You're upset with me for saying no about marriage..." she said.

"What? Babe, no I'm not... why would you think this?" I asked her.
"It's not that I don't want to... I love you... it's just... the idea of marrying someone again just makes me terrified and brings me back to those memories..." she cried.

I pulled her in.
"It's ok... it's ok I understand..." I told her.
She pulled away.
"I love you... I promise..." she told me.
"I know you do... I believe you..." I smiled.

She hugged me again and then she laid on top of me. I twirled her hair with my fingers and rubbed her back as I heard her breathing start to deepen as she started falling asleep.

"I love you more than you will ever know. Married or not..." I whispered and kissed the top of her head before I let myself fall asleep holding the love of my life.


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