Chapter 8

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~Stella's POV~
-2 days later-
I've been living at Severide's apartment for 2 days now and it's been quite an adjustment. It's also been a little anxious for me because I keep getting texts from Grant asking me where I am. Threatening messages. I know the second he sees me, I'm dead.

Severide goes back to shift tomorrow, and we've just been relaxing. Severide has been not really letting me do anything because of what happened the other day, but it's been a little weird actually relaxing and not having to constantly be doing stuff.

I woke up just before 9am.
I woke up and went to the kitchen. I cleaned up the main area. It took about 45 minutes.
Then I saw Severide come out of his room.

"Hey.." he yawned.
"Sorry... did I wake you?" I asked him.
"No... no, it's fine." He yawned.
He realized what I was doing and just chuckled.

"Stella, you can go relax and lay down. I can clean." He chuckled.
"I know, I'm just not used to it." I chuckled.
"Dr. Manning told you to take it easy if you want to keep working. So go sit down or something." He chuckled.

I laughed and went back to my room and got ready for the day. I still haven't gotten any clothes from the house. I'm on my last outfit that I have from my shift bag. I got dressed in leggings and a loose sweater.

I went back out and Severide was dressed and making breakfast.
"What are you making?" I asked him.
"Pancakes. You want coffee?" He asked me.
I shook my head.
"No, I try to avoid caffeine since I'm pregnant." I yawned.

"But you're tired." He chuckled.
"I always am." I laughed as I put my hand on my stomach.
He laughed and shook his head.

"What?" I asked him.
"Just... wondering how you hid your pregnancy from everyone. And no one else still knows beside Dawson and I." He explained.

"It helps that it got colder now that I'm getting bigger. But I also kept having to wear sweater because of all the..." I said, but my voice trailed off.
Severide looked at me understanding and nodded his head.
"Yea, I got it... don't worry.." he told me.

I sat at the island as he was making breakfast.
"Hey... um... what were you trying to tell me at Med about having to involve the police to force Grant into rehab?" I asked him.
He turned around to look at me.

"Well, I know all the intelligence officers there. And I'm pretty sure we can figure something out.. if you want, we can head by there later. Figure something out." He explained.
I nodded my head.

He looked like he wanted to ask me a question, but then he stopped himself.
"What?" I asked him.
"What do you mean?" He asked me.
"You looked like you wanted to ask me a question." I laughed.

"Just.. was wondering. What are you naming your daughter?" He asked me.
"Bella. Grant and I came up with the name because he always used to call me Stella-Bella... but... my friends used to call me that too... so I thought the name was perfect." I said.

"That's cute. Was she gonna have your last name or Grant's?" He asked me.
"She was gonna have mine. Grant wanted her to have my last name... I'm not sure why." I explained.
"What about a middle name?" He asked me.
"I never really told Grant about it, but I was thinking about Sky. So it would be Bella Sky Kidd." I explained.

"I like that name. You mind me asking how far along are you?" He asked me.
"I'm about to be 19 weeks on... Friday." I said.
"Oh ok. What do you need to get from your house?" He asked me.

"My clothes, I had very little clothes for Bella, and a crib. But that's it... he never let me really go out without his permission. So I haven't bought much." I explained.

"Ok, we'll get all that stuff. After breakfast, you wanna head by the district? Maybe we can figure this all out today?" He asked.
I thought about it.
"Ok.. yea. That would be good." I said.

We ate and then we got went down to the district.
We went up to the intelligence floor.
"Severide, Stella, what do you need?" Erin came up to us.
"Hey. Yea, we were wondering if you guys can help Stella." Severide explained.

"Yea of course. What do you need us to do?" Voight asked.
Severide turned to me. It was my turn to speak. I have to explain my home life.

"It's my husband... or soon to be ex-husband, I guess... he needs to go to rehab... Severide told me there might be a way you guys can make him." I said.
They looked at each other confused.
"We would need a reason to go and arrest him though.. is there another reason?" Ruzeck asked.

"Well... yes..." I said. I had my hair straight, covering the bruises on my face. I pulled down the neck of sweater to show them the bruises and hand marks on my neck. I lifted my sweater from them to see them bruises on my ribs. Then I lifted my sleeves for them to see the cut and burn mark on my arm.

"He's abusive... and it's gotten worse since I've become pregnant... I'm worried for the safety of me and my daughter... I can't bring her home to that house." I explained.
They were all shocked and concerned.

"Do you have a safe place to live right now?" Kim asked me.
I nodded my head.
"Yea, she's living with me. She's been living with me for like 2 days now." Severide explained.

"Does your husband know that you're there?" Atwater asked.
"No. I've been getting threatening texts messages for the pat days now... I'm scared to go see him again... I'm dead." I said, showing them the messages.

"Don't worry, we're going to help you..." Voight told me.


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