Chapter 24

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-1 month later-
Stella has been healing well from the incident, but she's still sore.
Bella is now 8 months old.
Dawson is due next week.

~Stella's POV~
I got woken up in the middle of the night to a weird feeling. It was a like a cramp, but almost like something was just pressing on my stomach.

"What the..?" I whispered, sitting up.
Kelly's on shift, so it's just me and Bella.
This cramping was weird.
"What the hell?" I whispered, putting my hand on my stomach.

It was weird. It would come and go and be soft and intense. After about 15 minutes, I went into the bathroom to take some Advil. I found the Advil. I took the last 4 pills in the bottle. As soon as I swallowed them, I immediately threw them up.

I sat on the bathroom floor with my head in my hands.
"Oh my god.." I groaned.
All of a sudden, the cramping just stopped. But my whole body still just felt out of it.
"This has to be some side effect of that whole thing that just happened..." I whispered under my breath.

My core and back are still sore from that whole incident and it still hurts to move around too much sometimes.
Then I heard Bella crying.
I went to her room and fed her. She only wakes up once in the middle of the night now.

I sat in her little rocking chair in her room as I fed her.
When she was done, she fell back asleep. She didn't eat a lot, so I had to pump the rest.
It took about 15 minutes. It was much less than usual.

"Why is this so little?" I whispered, packing it all up.
I thought this was so weird. This has never happened before. I know she just ate, but she also didn't eat a lot, and even if she did eat her usual amount, there would still be much more.
But I was so tired, so I packed up the milk, put it in the fridge, and went back to bed.

In the morning, I still wasn't feeling good. Bella woke up at 8am. So I got her up and took her back to my room. I laid with her on the bed because my body just felt weird. I was getting cramps and I've just felt sluggish all night. I was so tired, but my body wouldn't let me sleep.

Bella was laying down with me, and I had my hand on her chest so I could feel her moving, and I would pass out for only about 5 minutes, before I felt her move and I had to wake up to make sure she wouldn't fall off the bed because she can now crawl.

At I'm not sure what time, I heard some noise out in the living room. I knew Kelly had just come home.
I could hear him carefully walking around the living room and kitchen. Then I saw the door open and he smiled when he saw Bella and I in the bed.

"Hey beautiful..." he smiled and came over to the bed. He gave Bella a kiss, then me.
I smiled at him.
"Hi baby..." I smiled.

When he gave me my kiss, he looked at my face and stroked my cheek.
"You ok?" He asked me.
I knew my face looked tired, but I didn't want him to worry about me, so I just nodded my head.

"Yea, why?" I asked him.
"You just.. I don't know... you just seem.. tired." He said.
I pointed to our daughter and laughed a little. He laughed too and smiled.
"That explains it. Did she give you a rough time last night?" He asked me.

I rubbed my face and yawned.
"Something like that..." I said.
He chuckled and kissed my forehead.
"How about... I take her.. and let you sleep another hour or two?" He asked, picking Bella up.

I looked at him and nodded my head and smiled at him.
"Ok.. thank you..." I told him.
"Of course babe. Relax and just get some rest. I'll get her some milk from the fridge." He said.

~Kelly's POV~
Stella looked super worn out. I let her sleep and took Bella out of the room. I sat with her in the couch.
"Did you wear out mommy yesterday?" I chuckled as I held her.

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