Chapter 54

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~Few weeks later~
~Stella's POV~
I was awake in the twins room. They were both hungry and fussy. I had Brooklyn in my arms, humming to her to get her to fall asleep. I already fed Brookes and everything.

I finally got her to sleep went to go check on Bella.
She was still sleeping. I went back to Kelly and I's room. He was still asleep. And right when I got in bed, his alarm went off.
"You have shift today?" I asked him as he turned off his alarm.
"Yea, why?" He yawned.

"No, I just didn't know." I said.
"What are you doing awake so early?" He asked me.
"The twins wanted to be fed and boy did they give me a hard time about falling back to sleep." I chuckled.
He chuckled and gave me a kiss.

I put my hand on his cheek and smiled.
"How'd I get so lucky?" I chuckled.
He shrugged his shoulders.
Then he got up because he had to get ready.
I got comfy back in bed and fell back asleep.

Then I got woken up by Kelly giving me a kiss.
"I'm going to work now. I love you so much." He whispered.
I smiled and kissed him back.
"I love you more..." I smiled.

He smiled back at me and then he had to go.
I stayed in bed for probably another 20 minutes before I heard some noise on one of the baby monitors. I check them both and it was Bella's.

I went over to her room and saw my happy little girl in her crib. She smiled at her.
"Mama!" She giggled.
"Good morning, sweetheart." I smiled, picking her up.
"Where's dada?" She asked me.
"Dada's at work right now, honey. But maybe later we can go visit him." I told her.

~few hours later~
It was now about 2pm and the 4 of us were in the living room, playing with some toys.
"Circle." Bella told me, grabbing a circle block.
"Yea, good job, what color is it?" I asked her.
"Green." She said.
I smiled.
"Atta girl." I was so proud of her.

"Mama, can we go see dada?" She asked me.
"Yea sure. Go get your shoes so I can put them on you." I told her.
She went to her room and grabbed her sneakers. Then she handed them to me so I could put them on her.

I got the twins bag ready and we went out.
We drove to the firehouse 51.
We saw truck on the driveway doing drills.
"Hey, it's been a while since we've seen you guys here." Gallo chuckled.
"Hey, yea, it's been a minute." I chuckled.

We walked into the firehouse and I saw Mills, Violet, and Ritter.
"Hey you guys." Mills smiled.
"Hey guys." I said.
"My god, they've gotten so big." Violet chuckled.
"Tell me about it." I laughed.

"Hey Bells, you want to bake some cupcakes? We went shopping earlier today and I got some ingredients." Mills bent down to Bella's level.
"Yea! Mama can we?!" Bella asked me excitedly.
"Yea sure. Just don't eat them all." I chuckled.

Mills picked her up and put her on the counter as they got the supplies out.
"You guys know where Kelly is?" I asked Ritter and Violet.
"Last I saw him, he was in his office talking to some cop I think." Ritter said.

"Oh ok, I'm gonna go see him. Do you guys mind watching the twins?" I asked them.
"No, of course not!" Violet laughed and took Brookes from my arms.
"Ok thanks." I said, giving Brooklyn to Ritter.

I went to Kelly's office and he was in there, but he was on the phone.
"Ok yes I hear what you're saying, but I'm not working on that case with you. It's too risky and I have a family." Kelly was saying. I was in the doorway, he didn't see me there. He was focused on some papers in front of him and the phone call.

He was quiet for about a minute, but he started talking again, raising his voice.
"No, no. Listen. I don't care. No you aren't dragging me into this mess. I've helped you this far, now I'm out. Either replace me or drop the case because I'm not doing this anymore." Kelly started getting angry and hung up the phone.

Then I went over to him and put my hand on his back and kissed his head.
"Hey, what was that all about?" I asked him.
"Uh nothing. There's this detective that wanted my help on something. I helped him get the information he needed, but he wants me to help more and I just can't do that." He explained.

"Why not?" I asked him.
"Because he also has some other people involved in this case. And the people we're trying to catch, aren't necessarily the friendliest. And I can't risk anything happening to you guys." Kelly explained.

I stroked his face.
"I thought you loved working on these cases.." I told him.
"I do, but I have a family now. I gotta remember that my actions not only affect me, but they affect you guys too... and considering that we also have kids... definitely have to be careful." he said.

I didn't say anything except kissed him. Once we pulled away, he smiled.
"Speaking of the kids, where are they?" He asked.
"Well, Bella's making cupcakes with Mills, and the twins are with Violet and Ritter." I explained.
He laughed under his breath.

He got up and we both went to the common room.
"Dada!" Bella called out when she saw us come out.
Mills helped her off the counter and she ran over to Kelly.

Kelly smiled and picked up his oldest daughter.
"Hey there my little munchkin. What are you doing?" Kelly asked her.
"Making cupcakes!" She laughed.
"Really? What kind?" He asked her.
"Blueberry." She smiled.

Kelly let her down and she went back with Mills.
Kelly said hi to the twins, and then he asked me to follow him back to his quarters.
"What's up?" I asked him.
He smiled at me.

"Nothing... just... wanted some time by ourselves for just 5 minutes..." he smiled.
I smiled back at him and kissed him.
He fell back onto his bunk, right when the bells rang.
All units, Structure Fire 57 Catcher Street

"Of course..." he joked around.
We both got up and I was with the kids in the common room as everyone ran out.
"Mama, what about the cupcakes?" Bella asked me, showing me the bowl of batter.

"Don't worry, honey. You and Mills can finish when they get back." I told her.
"When?" She asked.
"I'm not sure." I told her.

~1 hour later~
It's been just over an hour and no one has come back yet. It was getting me worried that it was a big fire that they were working on. The kids and I were still here. Bella was adamant about finishing the cupcakes, but she didn't want to do it with anyone else but Mills.

The twins were just hanging out on the floor with some toys.
All of a sudden, I heard the garage doors open.
I looked out and saw Truck. Only Dawson got out and walked into the common room.

"Hey Stella. You guys have to come with us." She told me.
I looked at her concerned.
"What? Why?" I asked her.
"It's Kelly..."


This Is Just The Beginning Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora