Chapter 28

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~Stella's POV~
Kelly woke me up when my name was called. Then we went into a room. We sat in the room.
I sat on the gurney and Kelly sat in a chair in the room.

I was still absolutely terrified. Kelly put his hand on my thigh and then grabbed my hand. I looked at him.
"It's ok... it's all going to be ok..." he told me.
I nodded my head.

I was visibly and physically shaking.
Kelly got up and came in front of me. He held both my hands.
"Relax baby... just breathe... it's ok..." he whispered to me in a calming voice.
I closed my eyes and just leaned my face into his chest.
He wrapped his arms around me a kissed the top of my head.

-30 minutes later-
No one has still come in the room. And I was getting sort of restless and anxious because we've been here for an hour ready. And I wanted to get back home to Bella this was the first time I've been without her.

"Babe, can you call Antonio?" I asked Kelly.
"Yea. But why. What's wrong?" He asked me.
"Nothing, I just wanna know how Bella's doing." I said.
"Relax babe. I'm sure she's fine. But I can go out and see if a doctor's going to come in soon." He said, getting up.

I nodded my head.
He left the room and I went on my phone. I got a notification from my photos app. One year ago today.
It was photos from Bella's pregnancy. I was about 5 months pregnant. I was living with Kelly then too.
I went down the rabbit hole on my photos app.

Once I got past through all the baby photos and the photos of our little family. I got to some photos that I would like to forget. It was some photos of bruises on my face. Marks on my arms from fights with Grants. I have videos of my crying, sitting in the corner of my bathroom. Wondering if I would be a good mom and scared for my daughter.

I finally made myself turn off my phone and put it face down. I took a deep breath and rubbed my face.
Then Kelly came in.
"It's super busy here... April told me that Dr. Manning is swamped in the ER. She said that we can either make an appointment for a different day. Or there is another OB here that can see you now." He said.

I thought about it.
"What do you think we should do?" I asked him.
"I think we should just have the other doctor come in. Just to confirm you are pregnant." He said.
I stayed quiet for a moment before agreed.
"Yea, you're right." I said.

Kelly nodded his head and went back out to tell April.
He came back after about 2 minutes.
"More waiting..." he sighed as he sat back in the chair.
"Hopefully we'll be out of here soon..." I said.

Then I got a text message on my phone. I smiled at it.
"Look at what Brett just sent me." I showed Kelly.
It was some photos of Bella that Brett sent me.
He smiled at them too.

"She's starting to look so much like you... maybe this little baby will look just like you too..." he smiled and put his hand at my stomach.
I smiled at him and put my hand on top of his.

Then the doctor came in.
"Hello, I'm Dr. Asher. You're... Stella?" She asked me, looking at her tablet.
"Yes." I said.

"Ok... so what are you in for today?" She asked me.
"I took a pregnancy test about 2 hours ago and it came back positive. We just wanted to confirm this." I explained.

"Ok... did you have any symptoms that made you want to take a test? Or is your period just late and you took one?" She asked me.
"That's the thing. I've been feeling over for just over a week now. I was getting so much cramps. I was nauseous, and just tired and out of it. But it didn't click with me that I could be pregnant, until a friend gave me a test and told me to take it." I explained.

"Ok.. and when was your last period?" She asked me.
"I haven't had a period in almost 18 months... we have an 8 month old daughter at home.. and since I've been breastfeeding, I haven't had one yet." I explained.
"Ok... one big symptom with that too is.. did you notice your milk drying up or no?"

"Yes I did notice that. It was something my friend also pointed out."
"Ok... well, why don't we just check and see for ourselves now?" She said and got the machine ready.
She put the gel on my stomach and turned on the machine.

She looked at the computer for about a minute while moving the wand around my stomach.
"Ok Stella... it looks like you are in-fact pregnant." Dr. Asher said, turning the computer for us to see.
We looked at the tiny bean on the screen and I smiled at Kelly.

"It's looks like you're just about 6 weeks now and your due date by my guess would be around November 3rd." Dr. Asher explained.
"Ok, sounds good." I said.
She wrapped things up and gave us some photos.

Kelly and I went to the car. I looked at the photos and smiled. Almost like a switch, most of the anxiety and nerves went away, and got replaced with excitement and joy.

"We... we have another little one on the way..." I smiled at Kelly.
"Yea.. we do..." He smiled at me.
"I'm This means I'm not going back to work anytime soon... right?" I asked him.

"Most likely.. I think you would. You wanted to go back when Bella's a year old. How far would you be by then?" He asked me.
I did the math.
"I would be... almost 6 months by then... so that means I'm adding another almost year and a half until I go back to work.." I sighed.

I love working, these past 9 months have been amazing being a mom to Bella. But I was looking forward to be busy again, working at the firehouse.
"It's ok.. because we'll have another little one and if we want another one after this one, we'll wait a little bit and be a bit more careful before you're ready to stop working again." He laughed.

I laughed too.
"You're not... even a little nervous about having two kids so close together?" I asked him.
He kinda thought about it.
"Yes... and no. I know this will probably be hard, especially on you. But we can do this. You can do this." He told me.

I smiled at him and gave him a kiss.
"You think we can do this?" I asked him.
"I know we can do this..." he smiled.


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