Chapter 51

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~Stella's POV~
Kelly and I admired our two new additions to our family.
"We'll give you guys some time alone for now." Nat told us.
"They're ok? Even though they were born a little early when we thought it would be better if they came a little later?" I asked Nat.
"Nope, they're perfectly fine apart from being petite. We'll come back in an hour to just run a few routine tests on them." Nat said.

Once they all left, Kelly and I just kept on staring at the twins.
I looked at him.
"I can't believe they're here..." I smiled.
"I know... I'm gonna have to call Boden and tell him that I'm starting my leave tomorrow." He laughed.
Kelly has 6 weeks home of paternity leave.

Then my phone started ringing. Kelly grabbed it and it was Gabby.
"Answer it." I told him.
He did.
"Hey... yea.. yea, she did... hold on." He was talking, then put the phone to his chest and whispered to me.
"Do you want them to come now? Bella's been asking for us." He whispered.
"Aww, yea tell them to come.." I smiled.

He nodded his head and put the phone back up to his ear.
"Yea you guys can come... alright, see ya." He said, then hung up.
I just kept staring at our babies on my chest. They were both making some little noises and squirming around.

I started tearing up again.
"I can't believe we're a family of 5 now..." I smiled at Kelly.
He stoked my hair and rubbed both their backs.
"Yea... me either..." he smiled.

-one hour later-
Right now the twins were out of the room getting tests down.
I was laying on the gurney, slipping in and out of consciousness because I was so tired from the long night.
Kelly was in the chair right next to me.

"Baby.. maybe you should try and get some sleep.." Kelly told me.
"No it's ok... they'll be back soon and the Casey's are gonna come with Bella." I told him, sleepily.
Then Dr. Manning and April came in with the twins.
"Here are your two new little cuties." April smiled.

They were each in a little crib.
"Do you wanna try breastfeeding now?" Nat asked me.
"Yea sure... but how would I feed them? Both at the same time? Or one after the other?" I asked her.
"You can do either. Sometimes doing both at the same time is quicker, but whatever you want." She explained.

"Well, I think I'll just feed them one by one for now.." I laughed.
I sat up on the gurney and Nat gave me one of the babies.
He latched right on.
"Now I'm breastfeed 3 kids now.." I laughed.

"That's great that you're still breastfeeding Bella? Do you know when you'll stop?" Nat asked me.
"Not sure... I guess when she's 2 maybe? She doesn't really breastfeed though too much anymore, I usually just always give her a bottle before bed. But it's not like my milk will dry up anytime soon..." I laughed.

-another hour later-
Right now both babies were asleep in their cribs. But then, baby boy woke up.
"What's going on buddy?" Kelly whispered to him. He grabbed him out of the crib.
When Kelly picked him up, baby boy calmed down.

"He has your eyes..." I smiled at him.
Kelly looked at him.
"Yea.. he does..." he smiled at his son.
"Is she still asleep?" I asked Kelly, pointing to our little girl.
He looked over and nodded his head.

I laid my head down in the pillow.
"Maybe we should ask Nat to take them to the nursery so do you can sleep for a bit?" He asked me.
I pinched the bridge of my nose and shrugged my shoulders.

"I can't really tell if I'm tired or my body's just sore..." I sort of laughed.
Kelly chuckled and rubbed my face.
Then he kissed my forehead.
I saw him and our son next to one another and smiled.
"I have a feeling they're both gonna look just like you..." I smiled.

Then we heard a knock on the door.
It opened and we saw the Casey's and Bella come in.
"Mama! Dada!" Bella squealed and ran to us.
Kelly gave me our son and he picked up Bella.

"Baby..." she smiled at her baby brother.
"Hey.. how've you been?" Gabby hugged me.
"Good, good.." I said.
"So... what's this little one's name and gender?" She asked me.

I looked at Kelly.
"This little one's name is Brookes Greyson Severide..." I smiled.
"Yes! I knew it was a boy!" Gabby laughed to Matt.
Kelly looked at me. He put Bella on the foot of the gurney and grabbed our other girl.

"And this little one's name is Brooklyn Grace Severide.." he smiled.
Gabby's jaw literally dropped. She was silent for about 30 seconds.
"Twins?! There's no way..." Gabby said.
"Uh yea.." I laughed. Kelly put Brooklynn on my chest and helped me adjust Brookes.

They both looked at them.
"Baby.. Dada hold?" Bella asked Kelly, pointing to her new siblings.
Kelly looked at me.
"Let her hold Brooklyn, she's smaller." I told him.

He picked up Brooklyn and showed him to Bella. Kelly helped Bella hold her.
"Baby!" Bella squealed.
"That's Brooklyn, honey." I smiled.

"Booklyn" she said.
"Close enough." Kelly laughed.
"I didn't think you guys would keep the B theme.. and I definitely can't believe that you guys had twins..." Gabby said.

I looked at Brookes on my chest and how in awe Bella was with Brooklyn.
I smiled at Bella.

-next day-
We're coming home with the twins today.
Violet and Chief Hawkins are at our house right now with Bella.
"Ok Stella, you 3 are all doing extremely well and are ready to go home! Any last questions? Obviously you can text me if anything." Nat told us.

"I think we're good. Now we just have to adjust to having 3 under 2." I laughed.
"It will be a pretty big adjustment, but you can will manage just fine." She laughed.

We left the hospital and drove home.
"It's so crazy how we have 3 now... my brain is still in disbelief." I told Kelly.
"Well, you better get used to it, because they're here now." Kelly laughed.

We got to the house and Bella ran up to us. I didn't have anything in my arms because Kelly didn't want me to carry anything. And Kelly had both babies, carrying them in their car seats.

"Hi princess!" I smiled down at her. I couldn't really move very fast or bend down to pick her up. She hugged my leg and wanted me to pick her up.
Violet came over.
"Hey! Where's the little..." Violet said, but then she saw both babies in Kelly's arms and her face went into pure shock.

"Oh my god, you had twins?" She asked us.
I laughed and nodded my head.
"Yea... come on, we'll show you them." I said.
We all went into the living room.
Hawkins has the same reaction to the twins as Violet.

"Congrats you guys." He said.
We sat down in the living room and Kelly gave me Brookes.
"This little man's name is Brookes Greyson Severide.." I smiled and showed them him.
"And this little girl's name is Brooklyn Grace Severide." Kelly smiled.

"Aww, you kept the B name theme.. do you guys have nicknames for them yet?" Violet asked.
"Considering that they were just born... not yet.." I laughed.
"They're adorable.." Violet smiled.

Bella wanted to hold one of her siblings and I helped her. She kissed Brookes head and I started tearing up at how sweet she was.


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