Chapter 10

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~Stella's POV~
-Next morning-
I woke up in a bit of a daze. I woke up to Bella kicking me a bit. I rubbed my eyes open and realized I was in Kelly's bed.

I laid there and rubbed my eyes, remembering last night and how he was afraid and cautious because I'm pregnant. I chuckled as I laid there.
I heard some noise coming from his bathroom.

He has shift today.
I sat up and looked at all the bruises on my arms from Grant. I sat there, thinking about how much Kelly has helped me these past couple days. I'm finally free.
I'm free.

I saw Severide come out of his bathroom in his uniform and he smiled.
"Hey..." he smiled and gave me a kiss.
"Hey..." I smiled.
"You sure you'll be ok by yourself here?" He asked me.

"Yea I'm sure, It's ok. Go to work." I told him.
"Alright, I'll swing by later to check on you. Call me if anything." He told me.
"Ok, I'm sure I'll be fine. Bye." I told him.

"Try and relax today. You're safe. He's not going to hurt you anymore." He chuckled.
He kissed the top of my head and left.

I got up and went to the kitchen.
I made myself a quick breakfast and then looked at everything in the living room, all the bags and the crib box.
I started looking through the bags, looking at everything I was able to grab from the house.

I started cleaning up the main area, but left the bags and box where they were.
It took me almost 4 hours to clean everything. I wiped the surfaces, I swept, and mopped. After that, I sat on the couch, exhausted, on my phone.
I'm not sure how long after, but I fell asleep.

~Kelly's POV~
It was now 1.
No one at the firehouse knows that Stella is living with me. Or the fact that she's pregnant, or about her husband. Only Dawson does.

She's wanted an update on how she's doing, so she's the only one I've been telling everything to.

We all just got back from a call.
"Hey, Severide, can I talk to you?" Dawson came up to me.
"Yea sure." I said.
She took me to the briefing room.

"What's up?" I asked her.
"How's Stella doing? Did you guys finally get rid of her husband?" She whispered.
I smiled and nodded.
"Yea, she's rid of him now. We got him arrested yesterday. She's living with me right now." I explained.

She chuckled.
"That's great to hear. How long do you think she'll stay with you for?" She asked.
"I'm not sure... but... we did make out last night.." I chuckled.
She looked surprised and hit me on the shoulder.
"No you didn't!" She laughed.

"Hey she made the first move! I didn't know she would do that." I put my hands up and laughed.
"Oh my god, you guys would be perfect together. You've had a crush on her forever now." She laughed.
"Well, she does have a kid on the way. I'm not sure what she'll want." I said.

"When does she come back to work?" She asked me
"Next week." I said.
She nodded her head.

Ambo 61 Wellness check 67 Park Place

Gabby and Brett left.
I was at the squad table with Mills, Cruz, and Capp, we were playing cards.
Then I remembered Stella. I wanted to go check up on her.

"Squad gear up, let's go for a drive." I ordered.
We all left.
"Where to Lieutenant?" Cruz asked as we pulled out of the firehouse.
"My place, I have to check on something." I said.

We drove to my address.
I got out of the Squad truck and and went up to my apartment.
I opened the door.

I saw Stella passed out on the couch.
I chuckled when I saw her sleeping, then I saw that she cleaned to whole apartment.
"I told you to relax..." I whispered.
I carried her to my bed.

She woke up in my arms.
"Hey..." she smiled.
"Hey, I just came to check up on you." I said as I put her down on the bed.
"Yea.. sorry I started cleaning the apartment, then I got tired and just passed out on the couch." She yawned.

"I told you to just relax. You can rest..." I chuckled.
She chuckled and rubbed her eyes.
"I know, I know... I'm just not used to this... I'm not used to someone who actually treats me good..." she smiled up at me.

I smiled at her.
"I promise I'll never act like he did.. you're safe with me..." I whispered to her.
She nodded her head. I picked up her chin and kissed her.

"Promise me you'll actually relax now? When I come home tomorrow, I'll clean." I chuckled.
She chuckled too and nodded her head.

She laid back down on the bed.
I sat with her, stroking her hair until she almost fell asleep. Then my radio went off.
"Hey Severide? Everything ok in there?" I heard Cruz in my radio.

Stella got spooked out of her sleep and looked at my radio.
"Does anyone know? About... me and you? And the fact that I'm here? And the reason why?" She asked.
I shook my head.

"Only Dawson. But that's it. Your secret's safe.." I reassured her.
"Ok then, you better get going then. Or else they'll know something's up..." she chuckled.

I laughed too.
"You're right. Bye." I told her.
"Bye." She smiled.

Then I left.
I went back to the Squad truck and they all looked at me curious.
"What?" I asked them.
"You were up there for almost 10 minutes." Cruz laughed.

"Yea, I had to check something." I said.
"Ok but what did you do?" Capp asked.
"Just had to check something. Let's head back to the firehouse." I ordered.

~Stella's POV~
-next morning-
I woke up at 8:30 am to Kelly coming back home.
I stayed in bed, trying to wake up.
I was in my room, I woke up yesterday and went back to my room.

I have no clue if Kelly and I would actually get together, or if this was a one time thing.
I heard Kelly walk to his room. Then I heard him open the door to my room.

"Hey, did I wake you?" He asked me.
"No, no it's ok. I probably should wake up. I've just been sleeping the whole time since yesterday." I laughed.
He laughed and came in.
"How come you aren't in my room?" He asked me.

I looked at him, then looked down at my stomach for a minute. I thought about what to say, then looked back up at him.
"I can't tell if I'm in love with you... or if it's just the heroics of you saving me from Grant..." I said.

He looked at me a little surprised.
"You're- you're in love with me?" He asked.
"I..." I was saying. I really didn't know how to answer.
"I don't know..." I finally said and looked up at him.

He sat at the foot of my bed and smiled.
"Well.. whatever you decide... is what it will be... I'm not gonna pressure you and or make you choose a choice you don't want to. You wanna stay friends? I'm fine with that. You wanna become something more? I'll be fine with that too..." he told me.

I looked at him and smiled.
"Thanks Kelly... I'm sorry to put you in this situation..." I sighed.
"No, no it's ok... you're confused and just trying to sort some feelings out... don't worry." He said.
I chuckled.

"How was shift? Any exciting calls?" I asked him.
"Not really. Just some big car accident, but everything else was pretty normal." He said.
I nodded my head.
He noticed the duffles bags and crib box in the corner of my room.

"You want help putting that stuff away and maybe building the crib?" He asked me.
I thought about it for a moment.
"Yea sure, do you mind?" I asked him.
"No, not at all.." he smiled.



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