Chapter 32

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-one week later-
-Stella is 17 weeks-
No one still knows about Stella's pregnancy besides Brett. Kelly and Stella have just moved into their new apartment.

~Stella's POV~
I was in Bella's nursery putting away some clothes. Kelly was out with Bella right now. He had to go run an errand and wanted to take Bella. So I'm home alone. We've been moved in for only 2 days now. So go the apartment is still a bit of a disaster.

I was sitting in the middle of the room on the floor, looking through Bella's clothes to see what still fits Bella and what we can save for this next baby, if it's a girl. But most of Bella's stuff is neutral and not really "girly" looking. Sure she has some pieces that are very girly. But for the most part, all of her newborn and 3-6 month stuff is neutral or very colorful that it doesn't really have a specific gender.

I was almost done with the clothes. I labeled all her stuff in boxes so we can put them in the new baby's room, when I heard a noise.
"Kelly?" I called out. I figured he was home because it's already 2 and he said he would be home around this time. But I didn't get an answer.

I figured I was just hearing things. And kept on doing what I was doing. I finished after 10 minutes. I put everything away in Bella's drawers and brought the boxes to the new baby's room. I went back to Bella's room. We made Bella's room the pink and purple room. We painted the whole apartment into a light grey. So the pink and purple is gone. Bella's room is the only room that's basically done now. Her room was our main priority to get done first.

I was right about to leave her room when I heard a noise again. The same noise I heard when we were checking out the apartment. They were footsteps.
"Kelly?" I called out. Nothing.
I went out into the hallway, but there was nothing.

"Kelly? Are you home?" I yelled out.
But I got no response.
I was confused and went out to the living room. I sat down on the couch and just put my head in my hands.
I'm exhausted so I know I'm probably just hearing things. Right?

Then I heard something. A child's laugh.
I looked up. I didn't know whether to be confused or slightly terrified.
"Hello?" I called out. I didn't hear anything.
I went into the hallway.
"Hello?" I said. I heard some noise coming from mine and Kelly's room.

"Babe?" I asked.
I walked towards our room.
Then I felt that same weird energy that I felt when we first saw the apartment. And it got very cold all of a sudden.

I was so confused and didn't know how to react.
Then all of a sudden I heard the front door open.
"Babe, we're back!" I heard Kelly yell out.
The cold went away, same with the weird energy.
I looked around, confused.

"Babe?" I saw Kelly appear in the hallway with Bella in his arms.
"Hey..." I said.
"What's wrong?" He asked me.
I looked at him, I knew I'm probably just hearing things.

"Um nothing... I just thought I heard something... I think I'm just tired..." I said. Which is true. I haven't been sleeping very well between being pregnant and having Bella.
"Well... why don't we all just relax and go hang out on the bed?" He asked.

I noticed Bella was fast asleep in his arms. I smiled at her.
"How long has she been asleep for?" I asked him.
"She fell asleep during the last 5 minutes of the car ride here." He said.

I put her in her crib and Kelly and I laid down on the our mattress that is currently on the floor of our room.
"I finished putting together Bella's room today." I told him.
"You didn't have to. I told you I would help you when I got back." He told me.
"No it's ok. I wanted to get her room done first. And it wasn't too much to do... but I'm so tired that I swear I was hearing things.." I chuckled.

He chuckled and kissed my forehead.
"How about you take a nap for now and I'll make dinner soon?" He asked me.
I smiled at him and kissed him.
"That sounds nice... thank you, baby."
"Yea of course. Just try and get some sleep." He stroked my hair.

I soon fell fast asleep in his warm embrace. The one place where I feel all my troubles melt away.


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