Chapter 57

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-6 Months later-
-the twins are 16 months old-
-Bella is still 2-
~Stella's POV~
Kelly and I have shift today. The kids go to daycare from 7:30 am to 5pm, and then Chloe picks them up and they stay over at her house until Kelly and I pick them up the next morning.

I was ready for shift, getting the kids' bags ready.
They eat breakfast, lunch, and two snacks at their daycare, so it's once less thing to have to worry about in the mornings. Once I got their bags ready, it was already 6:45. I saw Kelly come out into the main area with both twins in his arms and Bella was walking, holding his pant leg. He got the kids all ready.

"Good morning." I smiled as I saw Kelly with all the kids.
"Mama, I'm tired..." Bella told me, coming over to me, wanting me to hold her. She usually doesn't really mind when we wake her up for daycare, bc she loves waking up early anyway. But it took forever for her to fall asleep last night. For some reason, she kept leaving her bed and just wanting to play with her toys. Kelly and I went in there probably over 50 times to put her back in bed until we found her asleep on the floor with her toys.

I picked her up and she laid her head on my shoulders.
"It's ok, I'm sure your teacher will let you sleep when you get to daycare." I kissed her head.
I looked at Kelly and the twins and gave them each a kiss.
"Are you ready to go?" Kelly asked me.
"Yea, are you?" I asked him.
He nodded his head.

We went down to the car and put the kids in the car.
"Oh my gosh she's passed out." I told Kelly as I put Bella in her car seat.
"Yea, so is Grey." He said. We sometimes call the kids by their middle names just because sometimes we get mixed up bc all their names start with a B.
After we got the kids in their seats, I started the car and Kelly went back inside to get our bags.

We drove them to daycare and dropped them off. Then Kelly and I drove to the firehouse.
We couldn't even get through with briefing before the bells went off calling all units out for a car accident call.

We all got in the vehicles and got to the scene. It was a 3 vehicle accident. 1 minivan, 1 pickup truck, and 1 smaller car.
"Kidd, go check on the small car." Casey ordered me.
I went over and there was a young girl in the front seat. Couldn't be older than 18.

She had blood coming down her face and she was frozen in fear.
"I need a c-collar over here!" I called out.
Cruz handed my one and I put it on her neck.
"Hello? My name's Stella. Are you ok?" I asked her.
She looked at me.
"I can't go to jail... please..." she told me, she started crying.
"Alright, I'm not a cop. I'm a firefighter. Can you just tell me your name?" I asked her.

"Kay- Kaylee." She said.
"Alright Kaylee, does anything hurt?" I asked her.
"Is she ok?" She asked me, trying to look in the backseat.
"Try not to move your neck too much. Is who ok? Is someone else in the vehicle with you?" I asked, trying to look in the back seat.

"My daughter, Payton. She's only 2 days old." She cried.
I looked in the backseat and there was a car seat.
There was a baby in there, and she looked ok.
"Alright, Kaylee, your baby looks ok, are you injured anywhere?" I asked her.

She nodded her head and carefully took her jacket off, she looked in pain.
She revealed that she had an open wound. It was extremely bloody, I'm surprised I didn't see it before.
"I was trying to get to the hospital... my c-section wound opened up while I was trying to clean." She said.

"Ok... let me get a gurney over here!" I yelled out.
I saw Kelly come over too.
"What's going on here?" He asked me.
"She was trying to get to the ER. She just had a baby 2 days ago and her c-section scar opened up." I explained.

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