Chapter 25

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-5 days later-
~Stella's POV~
These past 5 days have been.. odd. Some days I feel absolutely fine. And others, I almost can't get out of bed. But because I've been so on and off, Kelly and I are still keeping the deal where if this is still going on for the next 2 more days, I'll go to Med and get this sorted out.

It's about 2am now. Kelly's on shift, so I'm alone with Bella. I was having a rough day all day yesterday, so sleeping feels so good right now. Lately, I haven't been able to sleep too well. So the fact that I'm actually sleeping is amazing. But then I got a phone call. I was so tired that I didn't even look at my phone, but I silenced the ringer.

I turned over and went back to sleep.
Then it went off again. But I was so tired. So I did the same thing. Then my phone went off again.
I got my phone and looked at it. It was a call from Gabby.

I was confused. Why would she be calling me at 2am?
"Hello?" I yawned as I answered the phone.
Gabby sounded frantic on the phone.

"Oh my god Stella? Stella! Oh my god, Matt is answering and I don't know what to do! Oh my god please, I don't know what to do!" She yelled. I was confused by what she meant, and now worried.
"Woah, woah.. slow down. What happened?" I asked her, finally waking up more and sitting up on the bed.

"My water broke! Matt's not answering his phone! I don't know what to do!" She panicked.
"Ok, Gabby, just breathe... when did your water break?" I asked her. I got out of bed and got sweat pants and a sweater on.

"Like.. 15 minutes ago..." she said.
"Ok, have you had any contractions?" I asked her.
I didn't get an answer.
"Gabby? Hey, are you still with me?" I asked her.

"Yea.. yes... sorry but yea. I've been getting contractions. Oh my god they hurt so bad..." she groaned.
"Ok.. why don't you try calling Casey again? I'm gonna try and get to your house as fast as I can.. call me back if he doesn't answer, I'm gonna try and call Kelly." I explained.

"Ok ok... I'll try again..." I heard her say. I could tell by her voice she was in pain. When she hung up the phone, I called Kelly.

"Hey, baby. Is something wrong? You know it's 2am right?" He asked, sounding a little worried.
"Listen I'm fine, but where's Casey?" I asked him.
"They went out on a call like 20-30 minutes ago. Why? Is something wrong?" He asked.

I was now getting Bella's bag ready to quickly leave.
"Dawson's water broke and she's in labor. But Casey isn't answering. I'm about to head over there.... Shhh Bella it's ok..." I explained.

Bella was upset and cranky that I woke her up.
"Let me go to where they are, maybe I can fill in for him or something. You're gonna go to Dawson?" He asked me.
"Yes I am. I'm about to head out." I explained.

"Alright." Kelly said, and hung up.
I quickly got Bella in the car. I called Gabby as I drove to her place.
"Hey Gabby?" I asked her.
"Stella, Matt's still not answering.. oh my god these hurt so bad now..." she groaned.

"Just breathe. I'm 2 minutes away. Kelly's trying to figure out where Casey is. They're out on a call right now." I explained.
"Just hurry please.." she said.
I pulled up to their house. I grabbed Bella's car seat and ran inside.

"Gabby!" I called out once I got inside. Gabby and I have spare keys for each other's houses in cases of emergencies.
"I'm in my room!" I heard her call out.

I went into her room and didn't see her.
"Gabby?" I called out.
"Bathroom!" I heard her yell.
I went into her bathroom and she was leaning on the counter.

"Ok, I'm here Gabby." I said. I put Bella's car seat down on the floor and went to Gabby's side.
She grabbed my arm and leaned her head on my shoulder.
"God this hurts! Where's Matt?" She groaned.

"I'm not sure where he is right now honey. Why don't we just focus on getting you to the hospital?" I told her. I grabbed Bella's car seat with one arm and helped Gabby walk out. Right when we got outside, we saw Ambo pull up.

Brett, Violet, and Casey came out.
"Gabby? Baby? You think it's time now?" Casey went to Gabby's side and switched off with me.
She nodded her head.
"Let's get you loaded in the ambo and get you to Med." Brett said.

"I'll follow you guys to Med." I said.
They loaded Gabby up and I got Bella in the car.
Bella was crying again. I knew she was hungry.
"It's ok Bella. I'll feed you at the hospital..." I whispered to her.

She cried the whole way there. Once we got to Med, I saw Violet and Brett in the waiting room.
"Hey, they sent her up now." Brett said.
I nodded my head. Bella was still crying.

"My god... so much excitement in just 30 minutes..." I yawned, looking at the time.
"She called you after she couldn't reach Casey I'm guessing?" Violet asked.

"Yea, I was like dead asleep. Then I hear my phone ring once, I immediately just shut my phone off, then it ringed again, I shut it off again. Then when it went a third time, I looked at it and answered it. Quickly got dressed, got her bag ready then we just got in the car and quickly went to Gabby." I explained.

I sat down on a chair and got a little blanket to feed Bella.
"I'm guessing Kelly went and told Casey?" I asked them.

Violet nodded her head.
"Yea. Squad came, Kelly told Casey, and we took him to their house." She explained.

I nodded my head and watched Bella eat. When she was done, she was super tired, and so was I.
I let Bella sleep in my arms and bopped her up and down.

After about 15 or so minutes. I saw Squad and the rest of truck come into the waiting room. Kelly saw me and went over to me almost immediately.
"Hey baby." He sat next to me and gave me a kiss.
"Hey.." I said.

"You tired?" He asked me, putting his arm around me. I leaned my head on his shoulder and nodded my head.
"Yea but I'm... happy that I answered my phone when she called me..." I yawned.

"You ok?" He whispered and rubbed my shoulder.
I shrugged my shoulders and closed my eyes while still holding Bella.
"I'm not even sure anymore..." I whispered back.
"Well.. we're at Med now, why don't we just get you checked now?" He asked me.

I thought about it, then I shook my head.
"No, it's fine... let's just be here for Gabby right now..."
I whispered.
He took Bella from me so I could be a little more comfortable as all of 51 was now in the waiting room.

-2 hours later-
Everyone was basically falling asleep in the waiting room. We had Bella in her car seat sleeping.
"Hey, I think I'm gonna grab a coffee, you want anything?" Kelly asked me.
"Sleeping drugs." I whispered and laughed a little.

Right before Kelly got up, Casey came out rolling out Gabby on a wheelchair. She was holding a baby.
"Everyone... meet Danielle Raymond Casey." She smiled.


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