Part 13: Twisted Tongues

Start from the beginning

"Good evening!" He and Kobeni greeted the table and sat down. 

"He's finally up!" Himeno chuckled. Kobeni got a place in the back, and (Y/N) got a seat to Himeno's right. (Y/N) got a fill of the assorted appetizers that had already been ordered, and given his own menu as well to order what he wanted.

"(Y/N), remember anything from the hotel?" Aki asked, looking up from his drink.

"Eh... No, still nothing!" (Y/N) chuckled, lying.

"Alright! Now that all the newbies are here, go ahead and introduce yourselves! Tell us your name, age, and the Devil you're contracted with!" A burly Devil Hunter said, leaning his elbow on Denji's shoulder.

"I'm Denji! I'm... 16 if I remember correctly and I love eating and sleeping." Denji said.

"I'm (Y/N), I'm 17 years old and I like writing and drawing!" (Y/N) introduced himself with a bow.

"Ha, nerd!" Power chuckled at his interest, face full of fried chicken.

"Shut up, Power!"

"I'm Arai Hirokazu! I'm 22 years old and I'm contracted with the Fox Devil! My hobby is writing Haikus!" Ari stood up and shouted his introduction.

"Um... I'm Kobeni Higashiyama... I'm 20 years old, and the devil I'm contracted with is a secret..." Kobeni said shyly.

"Hey... where's your newbie, Fushi?" Himeno asked with slurred speech, having already knocked back a couple of glasses.

"Oh him? He died yesterday." The light-haired Devil hunter sitting across from her muttered.

"Aw, man! Can I get an-hic!-aaaae-meeen!?" Himeno raised a half-empty glass to the sky.

"She's already drunk..." Aki muttered.

(Y/N) smiled, and popped an edamame bean into his mouth.

"So, about my kiss..." (Y/N)'s eyes widened and he tore his gaze to his left, where he saw Denji whispering in Himeno's ear.

"Huh? That was my kill, dude!" (Y/N) yelled at Denji, who flinched.

"Wha? Prove it!" Denji yelled.

"I woke up with the chunk in my hand, you ass!" (Y/N) yelled back.

"Well, maybe you just stole the piece after I killed the devil!" Denji argued.







Himeno held the two back with her arms as they barked at one another.

"Alright!" She shoved them both. "I've decided, whoever wins a drinking game gets the kiss!" She declared.

"Wha!? But they're just kids, Himeno!" The burly hunter from earlier cut in.

"Sh...!" Himeno held a finger over her mouth, pointing to an item on the menu.


"Alright, boys! Whoever slams back the most beers gets a kiss!" Himeno said, gesturing towards a tray of mugs filled with foaming 'beer' (in reality non-alcoholic beer that's been further watered down with orange soda, (Y/N) and Denji are just too pissed to notice).

"It's been nice knowing you, Denji..." (Y/N) hissed.

"I'm leaving you in the dust, Froggy..." Denji hissed back. "That kiss is mine already!"

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