Chapter 48 - Evil

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The doors opened and came inside a woman wearing old-looking clothes. The other person inside the room instantly glanced at her yet she remained passive. Her eyes only watched as the other lady also minded her own business.

Until she saw that the former had brought a broom with her.

Scritch... scratch... said the many woven-like fingers of the broom as it cascaded through the cold and hard floor.

Scritch... scratch... there it went again and the latter's eyes continued to observe the other lady. She did not know when the other woman comes inside the room as she had lost the count of correct days but she knew the woman comes to clean the place every four days.

It would always be the same sight. The woman wearing the clothes of a servant would clean the other rooms beside hers and they paid no attention with each other.

There were times when she reminisced the moments she had been with the woman cleaning outside. It was starting to become hazy but she knew her. She was the woman who was constantly quiet as she listened to one of the nobles that followed her.

"Hey," she called. Her voice was coarse as despite having water and food on a bowl beside the room she was confined in, she refused to drink it until she was at the brink of death from dehydration. Neither did she eat the food until her stomach was screaming her to do so.

However, the other woman did not even bother looking at her or giving the slightest of response to her call.

As if she was invisible.


The word that crossed her mind made her stiffen and her face darkened. She hated it so much. She hated being irrelevant.

"Hey!" She called and rattled the bars of her cell by shaking it vigorously. Her eyes were wide as she continued to call for the woman cleaning her cell.

Suddenly, the woman stopped sweeping the floors of the room and she sighed before turning her attention towards the other person who kept on rattling her cell. Though she did not speak, she still had a questioning look on her face as she observed the prisoner.

The copper-haired woman smirked once she caught wind of the other's gaze.

"Let me out of here," she commanded with a tone of finality. Her gaze was daring yet soft. There was something about the way she looked at the cleaning lady that made the latter almost raise her brow.

She knew her words had an effect on the woman even though there was no reaction. For all the time she had been locked in here, there was one skill that she developed and that was paying attention even to the smallest of things.

"Why?" The woman held the broom with her one hand. She was waiting for at least a valid answer before even thinking about the command she had gotten from the copper-haired lady.

"If you want to take a piss, do it inside your cell." The smirk was immediately wiped off of her face when she heard the lady's words.

"If you want to take a shit, then do it inside your cell as well. I will come clean it." The woman who held the broom sighed for the second time before turning her back from the copper-haired lady when the said person responded. "Please come closer, I want to whisper something I am embarrassed to say out loud."

She then heard her sob sadly.

"There's only two of us in this prison. Speak."

"P-Please... I... I can't say it out loud."

She almost rolled her eyes with how pathetic the plead sounded but composing herself, the woman who carried a broom complied to anyway. Once more, she faced the imprisoned lady and made her way towards the cell.

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