Chapter 24 - People

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Raegan soundly slept in his father's arms and Ciaran looked content with his son's calm face.

Meanwhile, the smile on Pier's face slowly disappeared as he turned to look at the remaining people of the kingdom.

His gaze shifted to every person.

There was Chray, the workers inside the palace, the regular citizens, everyone.

They all had a confused yet astonished look on their faces when they saw the young king perform and manifest his new magic.

His display of unrivaled power amazed every last one of them and they felt giddy at the king's powers.

However, they were hesitant to approach him too.

The wings that spanned on the young king's back were the first thing they were unsure of. Each pair gave off different feelings toward them.

First was the white-colored wing.

Unlike the norm where white was believed to be the representation of purity, it wasn't applicable to the one the young king possessed. Instead, it gave a chilly atmosphere that when he moved, the wing left behind a trail of white sparkles with a mix of beautiful small snowflakes that glimmered with flickering lights.

'A trail of snow under his white wing?' Fluffy observed what the others were seeing.

Their attention then went towards the black wing.

Now, it felt familiar to them.

The imminent feeling of the darkness surrounding them and cradling them in its arms was strong in the dark wing of the young king.

However, it was also horrifying for them.

In contrast with the white wing that left behind a trail of beautiful white sparkles, the black wing was releasing so much dark energy that a dark flow-like of a current was trailing as the young king moved.

It wasn't a normal trail and they knew it.


It was death that could be felt screaming and pounding the doors for it to be released.

An intoxicating yet deadly power was hidden inside the black wing that sprouted from his back. It made them tremble and weak as it resonated well with the now renounced incomplete Sovereign of Darkness.

But that's what they were all surprised with.

How can someone turn a candidate into an incomplete sovereign?

"Sovereigns are the highest existence amongst their respective fields. They are the strongest amongst the strong, the most powerful amongst those who have power." Fluffy was still having a hard time understanding how it had come to this.

Someone who can create a sovereign upon his desired will.

He cannot measure how powerful the white-haired king is right now, which terrifies him the most.

The fairy of death was never afraid of what was in the unknown as he had experienced both life and death. He had lived for thousands of years and saw how the world progressed. He saw many things that even humans do not know of.

But it was a different case this time.

Shivers ran down his entire body continuously while looking at the King of Mir.

It was the first time Eliezar feared what lies beyond the unknown.

An absolute being that transcended the limits of the world. Someone who can start the beginning and the end.

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