But as I met Sebastian's eyes, I was confused to find him staring at me while smiling his head off as though there was just some big hilarious joke that only he knew about.

"What? Why are you smiling like an idiot?" I snapped as I rocked my eyes back and forth between his in confusion.

"Because," Sebastian chuckled as he took two steps closer to me. Reaching for my shoulder gently, I froze as he gently turned me around. Then grabbing the end of my chin, he softly positioned me to look a certain way.

"Look, who's moved to the till," Sebastian whispered against my ear.

Drawing my eyes into the distance, my blood ran cold as I took in Jordan Parker stood right behind the till. The same till where we'd have to pay for the pregnancy test.

"No, no, no," I cried as I started to vigorously shake my head. Ripping myself free from Sebastian's hold, I turned to face him wide-eyed and panicked. "No way in hell! We are not paying for them here. He's going to think I'm pregnant. He's going to think that you knocked me up," I stammered out quickly, realizing the extent of how bad things looked.

Sebastian just smiled back at me, seeming completely unbothered before letting out a loose snicker. "Probably," he shrugged.

"Probably?" I cried, letting out an incredulous laugh. "Is that all you have to say?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Sebastian nodded.

Narrowing my eyes at him, I thought of nothing short of murdering Sebastian in that second.

He rolled his eyes. "Look, if you're going to be such a baby about it, then fine, I'll pay for it by myself. I don't give a shit what he thinks about me," Sebastian scoffed as he snatched the pregnancy test free from my hand.

Turning around, he made a step towards the till. "No," I said, quickly reaching out to stop him.

"What now?" he snapped, looking back at me in annoyance.

"Even if you pay for it by yourself, then he's still going to think you're getting it for me!" I explained frantically.

Sebastian let out a heavy sigh. "Then what do you suggest? You pay for it by yourself?" Isn't that worse?"

"No, I suggest we go to a different shop entirely! One that doesn't have a hot Jordan fucking Parker in it," I whisper shouted.

"Well, too bad, no. I promised my little sister I'd be home soon, so tough shit we're paying for it here," Sebastian rebutted rudely.

Then before I got a chance to talk, Sebastian grabbed me tightly by the wrist and started leading us in confident strides over to the till.

Shit, Shit, shit.

I tried in vain to tug myself free from him, but in no time at all, we'd arrived at the checkout.

Once we'd come to a stop, Jordan parker lifted his perfect little head and made eye contact with us. His brows lifted slightly in recognition before he shot us a polite smile. He was clearly choosing to act like he hadn't overhead Sebastian scream out about our non-existence sex life.

Jordan cleared his throat. "Oh hey, guys. Phoebe, right? And is it, Sebastian?" he said, referring to us each in turn.

Nearly choking on my own spit, I stared at him wide-eyed. "You know my name?" I blabbed out unintelligently. The second the words passed through my mouth, I nearly kicked myself.

Jordan chuckled softly. "Yeah, of course, you're one of the cheer girls, right?" he mumbled as he subtly looked me up and down. My heart immediately started thumping away like crazy.

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