My heart jumped in what I assumed to be disgust. "Fuck no," I said almost immediately.

"Fine, then, I get to see you with no clothes on at all?" he suggested, all while still smiling.

"No," I snapped out in a humorless laugh.

"Fine, then how about I get to see you with no clothes on and get one boob touch," he threw back.

So bombarded by his unwavering confidence, it took a second to collect myself. "Do you not know how to fucking bargain? If you want me to agree, you're supposed to be making the stakes better for me, not worse," I snapped.

Sebastian shrugged. "My way might work too, you might slip up and agree to it," he smiled. "Then, I'll get a better reward."

Astounded by his stupidity, all I could do was laugh. "Yeah, well, I'm not agreeing to your stupid bet. Especially considering I don't know your normal time to swim 25 metres. Do you think I'm an idiot?"

Sebastian let out a long dramatic sigh. "Fine, then, what do you deem a worthy bet that I can do in this pool?" he asked, giving me a flattened look.

I was about to flat-out tell him nothing when I suddenly thought of something. Something that I knew, there was no way he'd be able to do. Tucking my legs in so that I sat before him cross-legged, I smiled back at him broadly. "Yeah, actually I've got something," I said, with a laugh to my tone.

Sebastian's brow plucked up, and he leaned further into the poolside in intrigue. "Really? And if I do this thing, you agree to let me see you with no top on?" he smirked as his eyes drew shamelessly down to my neckline.

My smile instantly swiped free from my face at yet another pervy comment. God knows what happened to that innocent little ten-year-old boy, I once knew.

"What the fuck is your obsession with seeing me naked?" I snapped.

He shrugged. "Well, duh, your hot," he explained simply, and shamelessly. My heart jumped and something weird ran through my stomach after hearing his words.

Clearly not remotely embarrassed, Sebastian just kept on talking. "I mean, don't get me wrong, you're annoying as fuck and I hate you, but you're nice to look at. I'm not going to lie to you."

Not even sure how to reply to that, I just stared at him blankly. I mean should I be insulted, disgusted, flattered, or a weird mixture of the three? I wasn't really sure.

"Oh, and because I want revenge of course. You know, from that time you stole my clothes and then gawked at my naked dick," he said, giving me a pointed look.

My face instantly burned as hot as fire. "For fucks sake, how many times do I have to tell you, I didn't do it on purpose!" I stammered out. He was making it sound like I was a pervert.

"Hmm, maybe I'll believe you when you actually come up with solid evidence," Sebastian snickered. His expression made his face look so punchable in a way you wouldn't believe.

"Now, anyway," Sebastian said, shifting his tone. "Do you agree to the clauses of the bet, yes or no?" he smiled.

I snickered. "Yeah, sure, why not," I laughed, knowing with full certainty he wouldn't be able to do it.

Sebastian started grinning like he'd already won. "Then let's hear it," he chuckled.

"Okay, first of all, close your eyes," I instructed.

His brow plucked up. "Why? You gonna kiss me, Brooks?" he teased.

I flinched back at his audacity and frowned. "No, you fucking idiot. Now shut them," I ordered.

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