81: Thank you

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The loud sound of Captain America's shield being thrown into the side of the tree made Catarina cringe back a bit. She had been expecting it to bounce back into Sam's hands like he had intended it to. Catarina sat on the stairs of the house leading up to the porch and watched Sam walk over and pull the shield out of the tree. He then turned slightly to face one of the trunks they had secured gymnastics mats onto and threw it there. With incredible precision, the shield bounced off the matted tree and came right back at him. He caught it easily. Cat smiled proudly.

She left Bucky and Sam to the shield. She didn't need that. She didn't need the be any more of a weapon than she already was. Besides, it was their time to bond. She had time with Bucky this morning. And last night. She was good friends with Sam. She just needed to give them time.

Sam was a counsel for veterans with PTSD. She knew giving them time alone would eventually lead them to talking. Talking talking. About real stuff. She watched as Sam started the conversation after the catch of the shield, but heard none of their words— she was too far. Sam threw the shield again, and this time it bounced off two of the padded trees, and landed in Bucky's hand. She watched both of their lips move and caught the occasional word, but nothing enough to make out what they were saying. In a moment, Bucky handed Sam the shield and Sam took it from him, holding it gingerly.

Bucky looked only at the shield and in Sam's eyes when he talked. He looked reminiscent and a little upset. Also sorry. Cat examined his face closely as he spoke, reading every expression. She could tell what he was talking about.

That shield had been his home. The one thing he had left from the golden years so long ago. And Cat did feel bad, because no one should have their home taken from them like that. But she agreed— Sam didn't know his struggle. Bucky and Cat didn't know Sam's struggle. How could they?

She respected Sam for his decision. She didn't like it, but she had to respect it. She knew why he had done it. She knew that it had been hard for him. But she knew that he felt like he had to. She respected that.

The shield was back now, and that's all that mattered.

Bucky took a small red notebook out of his pocket. Cat had seen it around— but every time it was near her, Bucky had picked it up and stuffed it back in his pocket again. She had never dared ask what it was. Though now, she had an idea.

Sam said a couple more words to Bucky and threw the shield again. It bounced off a tree then came back toward them and was caught by Sam. He said something else to Bucky with an advisory look, then threw the metal disc again. It bounced off two trunks this time and landed in Bucky's hands. He looked down at it for a second, then up at Sam as he began to speak to him again. He asked him a question and Bucky gave an answer. Catarina caught the words "Winter Soldier" and nothing else.

Sam replied and Bucky stared in realization at his words. At the word, "closure," Bucky looked down at the grass. He didn't look back up at Sam until a couple sentences later. After a question and a short answer from Bucky, Sam continued. When finished, he stared at Bucky to watch his face for a reaction. Bucky smiled and said something. Sam laughed. They put up their hands and held them in a brotherly shake for a couple seconds. They smiled at each other in trust. Cat grinned at their interaction, glad she wasn't there to interrupt. Bucky nodded and they let go. The super soldier picked up his bag from the ground.

After a couple words to Sam, he called, "Catarina," loudly, glancing back at her. He turned back to Sam and they continued their exchange as she got up from the patio steps and walked over.

"And, uh, we're partners," Cat heard Bucky say as she got closer.

"Co-workers," added Sam.

"But we're also a couple of guys with a mutual friend."

"Friend's now gone.." continued Sam.

"So we're a couple of guys," finished Bucky.

"I can live with that."


Catarina finally stopped next to Bucky as he and Sam stopped walking.

"Thanks for the help, man," said Sam, smiling at his friend.

"Course," said Bucky, patting Sam on the shoulder. He began walking— but slowly, knowing Catarina was still there.

"Thank you, Catarina," said Sam.

"Anytime," she said. He put his hand out for her to shake and she did so, while also pulling him into a brotherly hug. She patted his back twice and stepped away, letting go of his hand. "Hey, you call us when you get that lead, okay?" she said.

"Definitely," said Sam, with a smile and a nod.

Catarina smiled, and began stepping away.

"Hey, good luck with your boyfriend," he said to her.

Catarina chuckled to herself, then turned back around. "Thanks," she said.

None of them looked back at each other as they walked further apart. Their ways diverged in this moment, and yet, Catarina was quite sure they would be together again almost too soon. She hoped that would take place here.


yoooooo happy monday aka founday! thats what its called now

not even kidding we are so close to finished. so close to finished and they're not even oficially back together yet what? you can hate me it's okay! I love romantic tension no one can stop me

anyways love you don't forget to vote!

molly ;)

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