38: Semi-stable

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Temperamental, wasn't it?

Never lasts too long. And yet peace always feels like an eternity. It's calming. Lets you finally live the life you want. It might make you a little bored, though.

Cat had never really gotten used to peace. All her life there had been something going on. Some secret she was keeping, some mission she had to go on, something that she was waiting for, all tied up in suspense and anxiety.

Come to think of it, maybe she had been waiting for this the whole time. She knew it would come. One way or another. It was always something. The only mystery was when.  And what.

"Look," said Cat, as Bucky threw a bale of hay across the grass for the goats. She put down the bale she had been holding and walked closer.

T'Challa, Okoye, and two guards in gold armor were walking toward them. Each of the guards was carrying a silver case.

They laid it on one of the more sturdy bales of hay, and Cat and Bucky stopped where they stood.  The two guards opened the cases — one revealing a new and improved suit for Cat, in her purple color, and the other, in casing, holding a shiny black and gold metal arm.

Bucky and Cat glanced at each other as if saying, we knew it. They looked back up at T'Challa and Okoye.

"Where's the fight?" asked Bucky tiredly.

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"Aliens.  Are they serious?"

"It's happened before," Cat shrugged. 

"That was—" Bucky sighed.  "Anyway.  And who the hell is Tha- Thay.."

"Thanos," said Okoye.  "Space titan.  Trying to take all six Infinity Stones to wipe half the universe's population."

"And he's coming here?"

"It's one of the most protected places on Earth," she explained. "We are purposely bringing the fight here to keep it away from the rest of the world."

"As to not cause any more damage," Bucky pointed out.


A loud whooshing of air was heard outside. They turned their heads to see the quinjet landing outside, and T'Challa walking past them with multiple Wakandan guards to meet it.

"Are you coming?" asked Okoye.

Cat and Bucky both nodded, and Okoye turned to follow T'Challa and the guards outside.

"You ready?" asked Cat. She knew how he felt, though.

Bucky looked at her and smiled tiredly.

"As I'll ever be," he replied.

"Did I tell you I liked the suit?" she asked, looking him up and down as they walked out of the building toward the others.

Bucky smiled and kissed her. "Thanks," he said.  "I can see you're still wearing the.." he gestured to his own neck.  Cat looked down and held Bucky's dog tag in her hand.  It jingled when it hit one of the metal clasps of her suit.

"Oh, yeah," she smiled down at it.  "It's like a good luck charm, I suppose."

Bucky smiled. "I like it."

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