63: Selby

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"You okay?" Sam whispered to her, as they walked. Cat assumed he had just asked Bucky the same question. 

She didn't look at him when she answered. "Yeah," she said quietly.

The four of them walked, followed by a man with a gun, through corridors lit with red lights and lined with tabled filled with money and drugs, all just thrown around unorganizedly. Finally they came to a room where a woman with short, platinum blonde hair sat on a leather couch. She wore an expensive-looking suit.

"You should know, Baron," she said. She had a British accent. "People don't just come into my bar and make demands."

"Not a demand," said Zemo, sitting down in front of her. "An offer."

Cat, Bucky, and Sam stood beside where they sat. The room was lined with armed guards. And it was pretty dark.

"A lot has changed since you were here last," she said. Selby glanced at Bucky, then back at Zemo. "By the way, I thought you were rotting away in a German prison. How did you escape?"

"People like us always find a way, don't we?" he answered, a sly smile on his face. "I'm sure you've already figured out what I'm here for."

Selby kept her gaze on Zemo— but raised a finger and pointed to Sam. "You're taller than I'd heard, Smiling Tiger." She then looked up at him, and Sam stared at her too. He nodded and raised his brows slightly. Selby smiled at him and purred.

"What's the offer?" she said, turning back to Zemo.

"Tell us what you know about the super-soldier serum..." said Zemo immediately. He stood up and walked to where Cat and Bucky stood. He put his hands on their shoulders. "... and I give you these two," he said. "Along with the code words to control them, of course."

Cat didn't even think she had code words. At least, she hoped she didn't. And even if she did, she hoped Zemo didn't know them.

Selby grinned.

"They will do anything you ask," said Zemo. He stroked his hand down Bucky's face, then placed Cat's hair on her shoulders and ran his hand down her cheek, as if she were an object to be admired.

"Now that's the Zemo I remember," said Selby, still grinning. Zemo nodded. "I'm glad I decided not to kill you immediately. Yeah, you were right to come to me. Arrogant, but right."

Zemo took his seat in front of her once again.

"The super-soldier serum is here in Madripoor," she informed. "Dr. Wilfred Nagel is the man you wanna thank. Or.. condemn, depending on what side of this you're on. The Power Broker had him working on the serum, but... things didn't go as planned."

"Is Nagel still in Madripoor?" inquired Zemo.

"Oh," said Selby, shaking her head, "the bread crumbs you can have for free, but the bakery is gonna cost you, Baron." She stood up and walked toward him. "And before you get all cute, don't think you can find Nagel without me."

Suddenly, a phone buzzed. Sam looked into his pocket and pulled out his phone, then looked up at Selby. Zemo looked annoyed.

Bucky gave Cat a look— she could read his eyes.  They slowly walked over to where Sam was standing.  All the guards were staring at him, as well as Selby.

"Answer it," said Selby.  "On speaker."  She pointed to an armed guard behind Sam, who now walked closer to him.  Sam looked back at the guard, then slowly picked up the phone.

"Hello," said Sam.

"Hey, um, we need to talk about this situation," said a concerned, female voice from the other side of the line. "It's been drivin' me nuts."

"What situation exactly are you talking about?"

"Are you high?" said the voice, sounding annoyed. "You know what situation.  It's the only situation me and you have."

Selby wandered around the room, walking behind Cat and Bucky, but still staring at Sam.  Everything was quiet except for him and the phone.

"What situation, Sarah?  Say it," said Sam loudly.

"The damn boat," she said.  "And watch your tone, okay?  I let you slide at the bank."

"The bank.. yeah.." muttered Sam, a fake smile forming on his face.  "Laundered so much... yeah, they'll come around."

"If that was the case, then why'd they dog you out, Big Time?" said the voice. 

"Yeah, you damn right I'm Big Time," said Sam, a determined look on his face.  "You'll see.  When I have that banker killed."

The voice then yelled another name over the line.  "Cass!  What'd I tell you about the Cheerios?  I don't have time for this!"  She paused, and her voice tone changed.  She didn't seem to have heard when Sam said he'd kill the banker.  "Sam, I'm sorry, let me call you back?"

Cat tried not to react to her calling him by his name, blowing their cover.

"'Sam'?" repeated Selby.  "Who's Sam?" She looked at him as he hung up the phone.  "Kill them!" she yelled. 

Then a gunshot flew through the window, straight into Selby's chest. 

Cat immediately turned around and pushed the guard behind her to the wall.  In the middle of her burst he tried to fire a shot at her, but she grabbed the gun out of his hand and pushed it to the side.  Bucky grabbed it and fought off another guard in the room.  Cat punched her guard to the wall once again, knocking him out. 

Cat grabbed the other rifle from the floor and stood at the other side of the doorway they four of them ran into, watching for any more threats.

"They're gonna pin this on us," said Sam.

Zemo sighed.  "We have a real problem now.  So leave your weapons and follow my lead."

They walked out the door, leaving the guns on the floor.  They walked quickly and kept their heads down as they went, trying not to get noticed. But people seemed to know who they were anyway, watching them as they walked the streets.

"This is not good," said Zemo, as they walked out of the club they had been in before. 

Suddenly, a light switched off, and they heard gunshots firing— toward them.  Flashes from gunpowder came from every angle.  They ducked, and Cat attempted to send any bullets she could see off course.

"Go, go!"


"Come on!"

They ran from that intersection.  People fired rifles straight into the air.  Some attempted to chase them.  Motorcycles followed them closely behind, and others turned away.  Cat hoped they weren't taking shortcuts.

"I can't run in these heels!" yelled Sam.

The police on motorcycles backed them into a wide alley, with no way around. Another one of the bounty hunters was waiting for them there. Cat turned around and readied herself for a fight. A shot was fired at the hunter— Catarina turned around to see Zemo holding a gun. Two more shots were fired, killing the men on the motorcycles— but these weren't Zemo. Cat looked up to where the bullet had come from and saw a shadow walking away from an open window.



is anyone else wondering whats going to happen with Sharon in new world order??? bc like i dont even think shes confirmed to be in it yet and apparently theres going to be like 5 main villains???

anyway. dont forget to vote lovelies!! sorry this is a boring chapter lol


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