53: Road block

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The girl jumped from one truck to the top of the other with superhuman strength.  Cat rushed up to help Bucky, who was being held by both his arms.  Redwing zoomed toward them, shooting bullet after bullet at the girl, but she jumped up and caught it, then broke it in half on her leg. 

"I've always wanted to do that," said Bucky.  One of the men holding his arms punched him again. 

Cat heard Sam flying in behind her as she attempted to climb the large door handles on the back of the truck.  He swooped down and grabbed her hand quickly, then dropped her on the top of the truck in front of the two men holding Bucky.   Cat immediately started using her powers to pry them away from him as Sam came down and kicked the girl in the gut. The girl immediately got up and began fighting him. 

Cat had gotten rid of the men, with Bucky's help, and now they were each fighting one.  Cat tried to stay as far from the man as she could— but with the minimal space on the top of the truck, it wasn't that easy. She ended up fighting hand to hand combat more often than she liked.  Once she was far enough, she built up all her power into her leg and sent a kick his way.

Bucky turned to face Sam for a moment, just as the winged fighter had landed on top of the truck. "Good of you to join the fight, Sam!" he shouted sarcastically.

The two speeding trucks rode side by side on the extensive highway. And once the masked girl was done with Sam, she kicked him over to the second truck, where more of her friends were there, ready for a fight. Lovely, Cat thought. She continued to glance back and forth— from the person she was fighting to Sam— and it really wasn't helping her much. But she couldn't help it— she was worried about her friend.

Using all her might, she knocked the masked man she was fighting backwards, almost off the end of the truck. She cursed herself for not using more strength, then glanced again at Sam while she had time. He was being held down and one of the masked people stood over him, ready to fight, as Sam struggled to get out of the grip of two other masked people. But suddenly, Cat heard a clang as a round shield hit the man standing over Sam, knocking him backwards. She glanced confusedly at Bucky, who gave her the same look. She looked up in the sky where the shield had bounced back to. There was a helicopter, and two men— one of them was Captain America himself: John Walker.

Distracted, Catarina was easily taken aback and attacked by the man she had been fighting before.

"Cat!" yelled Bucky. He began fighting harder, trying to get rid of the person he was fighting, so he could help her. The man Bucky was fighting was strong— as Cat was forced to back to the edge of the truck, the man persisted.

She tried to kick him away with her powers, but he was strong enough to resist her winds. She thought about creating a large tornado— but she knew anything she did create would lead off the truck, where there were innocent people also driving on the highway. Cat decided against it.

John Walker landed a couple feet away from her when he jumped from the helicopter. He began fighting the girl that Bucky had thought was the hostage— the one that had broken Redwing. She was taken by surprise— therefore easily knocked down. Cat watched as the girl in the mask got back up at once. But Walker was smiling. Cat followed his gaze to see the helicopter lowering, and the second person coming down on a rope, kicking the masked girl over, off the side of the truck. Cat really hoped she was gone.

The person she was fighting got closer to her against her wind. He punched her off the side of the truck the moment she was within his reach. She caught herself with her powers, using them as an extension of her arms to hang off the side of the truck. After waiting a moment to build her strength back up, she used her powers to bounce back onto the top of the truck. Just as she hopped back into action, Walker's shield bounced off the man Bucky was fighting, knocking him unconscious. Just as he caught the shield again, his friend landed next to him. They bumped elbows and nodded to each other.

Sam, who was no longer being held down, looked up at Walker and his friend. Walker looked at him and introduced himself.

"Sam, John Walker, Captain America." He saluted.

"Lemar Hoskins," his friend introduced himself.

"Looks like you guys could use some help," said Walker.

As he finished his sentence, the masked girl from before came back up onto the truck and ran at him. He took her on in hand-to-hand combat and kicked her backward, making her fall. He then tossed his shield at the man Cat and Bucky were fighting, now, together. It bounced off the man, knocking him unconscious. As it bounced back, Bucky caught it with one hand. Cat watched as he reluctantly handed it back to Walker. Behind Bucky, Sam was attempting to get into the air, but many of the masked Flag Smashers had grabbed his legs, forcing him back down.

"Bucky," said Cat, nodding toward Sam. He turned around and hopped to the other truck, followed by his girlfriend. They kicked Flag Smashers off the sides of the truck. Cat used her powers to send them off the edges. Suddenly, Bucky and another masked fighter fell off the side of the truck. Cat saw them hanging on— but she knew there would be a struggle, so she just hoped Bucky would win as she helped Sam fight off the remaining Flag smashers on the roof.

As a highway sign came forward, Sam flew into the air. Cat had been right next to him— he took her with him and she held her knees to her chest, careful not to hit the large sign. The fighter on the roof smashed right through it, breaking the sign. Immediately after they drove past it, Sam dropped Cat back on the roof. She stood right next to him— which was a mistake— the fighter on the roof was strong enough to knock them both right off the side. He ran at them and used his full body strength. As Sam fell, he retracted his wings, grabbing Cat. She was lighter than him— not too hard to carry for small amounts of time. He flew behind the trucks as they continued to speed forward.

"You good?" he asked her, looking down as she held onto his grasp.

"I'm okay," she told him. She took in her surroundings. It would be easy to speed up her running here— the air was clear.

"You can drop me," she said to him. "I'll follow you."

"I'm going to get Bucky," said Sam. Cat nodded. She took a deep breath and as she let it out, Sam dropped her to the ground, and she gathered her power into her feet, pushing herself with every step. She ran just as fast as Sam could fly, following him to beside one of the trucks, where Bucky was hanging from the bottom of the truck, just by the wheels.


hey ;)

sam lifting cat up is just like >>>>

like they are besties it's so real.  i love writing

don't forget to vote!


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