14: Unincluded

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Cat watched through the glass into the control room, where on a monitor was a camera into Bucky's room. Steve stood next to her, gazing at the monitor as well. People walked around him, some guards, some making sure he was locked up in his glass case securely.

As two more guards walked into the view of the monitor, Cap looked at Catarina.

"So how did you meet Bucky?"

"In the market," she said, still staring at the monitor. "Bumped into each other. Literally. One day — um — something came out in the newspaper about me... it was an accident. But I told him because I felt like I could trust him."

"Told him what?"

"About — um... it's hard to explain."

"We'll be here for a while," said Steve.

"I have — powers. When I was younger, I was, um, experimented on.. and, uh... well, apparently something went wrong."

Steve turned to look at her, a little confused.

"I can manipulate molecules in the air," she said. "I can make any sort of wind, or use it as sort of a telekinesis."

She turned around to look at the table. Steve followed her gaze. She made a pushing motion with her hands and one of the chairs pushed away from the table and spun. Steve raised his eyebrows.

"So that's how you jumped the building and landed on your feet."

Cat nodded. "I can carry myself with it, too."

"Huh," said Steve, now watching the monitor as two people placed a file on a table in Bucky's room and left the view of the camera.

They heard the door opening and turned their heads to see Tony Stark. He seemed to be only looking at Steve. Cat turned back to the monitor, standing and crossing her arms, but her ears stayed sharp.

"Hey, wanna see something cool?"

He walked over.

"Pulled something from dad's archives," he said, holding up a small leather box. Steve and Cat glanced at each other for only a second before Steve wandered away and sat down on the chair that Cat had pulled out earlier. Tony wandered to the table and opened the box.

Inside were two fountain pens with gold tips and a black body.

"F.D.R. signed the Lend-Lease bill with these in 1941," he said, putting the open box on the table. "Provided support to the Allies when they needed it most."

Steve half-smiled.

"Some would say it brought our country closer to war."

Cat turned around to watch their conversation. Neither noticed.

She wanted to leave to room — this was going to get awkward for her. But the thing was, she wasn't really allowed to, having gotten herself into this, and all that.

"See, if not for these you wouldn't be here," said Tony, annoyed with Steve's reply. "I'm trying to — what do you call it — that's a ... an olive branch." He sat down.

"Is Pepper here? I didn't see her," said Steve, changing the subject.

Cat knew he was referring to Pepper Potts, who she knew was Tony Stark's girlfriend from multiple newspaper articles and magazine covers.

"We are... kind of... well, not kind of —"

"Pregnant?" asked Steve.

Cat shortly raised her brows.

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