70: John walker

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Sam made his call to Sharon, then they left, allowing Zemo to lead them to the place where Donya Madani's funeral was to be held. As they walked, Cat watched her feet step on the brick road and the looked at the beautifully designed buildings around the city. She watched the people around her mind their business, shopping and chatting and going about their day. She wondered what these people would be doing if they knew who they really were. She pictured a lot of whispering and staring.

As they walked down the street, a voice yelled from a case of stone stairs in front of them.

"Karli Morgenthau is too dangerous for you guys to be pulling this shit," yelled a familiar, annoyed voice from in front of them. Cat looked up to find John Walker in all his glory, walking down the stairs with his head held high. Lemar Hoskins walked down next to him at the same pace. Both of the men stared straight at them.

"Ah!" began Bucky sarcastically. "How'd you find us now?" He opened his arms wide in question as the four of them walked closer.

"Come on, man, you really think Avengers can walk around Latvia without drawing attention?" said Hoskins as if it were obvious.

"No more keeping us in the dark," said Walker, still angry. "You could start by telling us why you broke him out of prison." He gestured to Zemo when he said it.

"He did that himself, technically," said Bucky.

Walker and Hoskins stepped off the stairs to meet the four of them. Walker looked angry. "Oh, this better be an unbelievable explanatio—"

"Hey, take it easy," said Sam, putting a hand on his shoulder, "before it gets weird."

Walker let out a sharp breath and nodded to the side.

"I know where Karli is," said Zemo.

Cat looked up at Walker, then at Bucky, who began walking away as Zemo finished. She followed him, and Zemo took a step to follow her. He was stopped by John, who put a hard hand to his chest and looked him in the eyes.

"Well, where?" he said immediately.

"All we know is, it's a memorial," answered Sam. Walker turned to face him and let down his guard on Zemo. "So we're gonna intercept her there."

Zemo continued walking away from the scene, pushing around John. Cat followed him silently.

"That means civilians," began Hoskins, turning around. "High risk of casualties." Sam, Hoskins, and Walker all followed Zemo's lead.

"Right, good. We'll move in fast. Take her by surprise," said Walker quickly.

"No, I wanna talk to her alone," protested Sam.

"I'm not losing her again," said Walker strongly.

"Look, the person closest to her died, she's vulnerable," explained Sam. "If there's any time to reason with her, it's now."

"What? No. Wait, no!" said Walker, running to the front of the group. "No, stop! Hold on, stop, okay!" They stopped in front of him. "I think we're way past reasoning with her, unless you forgot the fact that she blew up a building with people still in it."

"Sam, you walk in there cold, she could kill you," said Hoskins, much more calmly than his partner. Cat decided she liked him a lot better than Walker.

"And if I go in hot and the op goes wrong, more people will die," stated Sam.

"You guys are gonna let him do this?" said Walker, turning to Bucky and Cat. "Are you gonna let your partner walk into a room with a Super Soldier alone?"

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