52: Not so obvious

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"You good?" she asked, helping him up. He took her hand, though he really didn't need it.

"Fine," he said, getting up and dusting off.  He and Cat began walking toward a warehouse a little way's away.  They jogged to follow Redwing toward it once the drone began going faster.  The duo came to a clearing in the trees, and finally they saw it— it was a large, brick, industrial warehouse.  It probably used to be a factory of some sort, but it wasn't in service anymore.  It was expansive, and had multiple windows. Some were broken, and all the doors were unlocked.  Plants grew untamed and freely around it.  It definitely had not been really occupied in a while.

The inside was dark except for any windows or openings in the ceiling to let natural light in.  Many of the brick walls were covered in graffiti. All the doors were merely openings in the wall and the cracks in the floor had weeds peeking through.  Holes in the wall showed rooms nearby with a similar look to them, though some had different layout.

Cat and Bucky were walking again through the dimly lit warehouse.  Sam's drone swerved to follow them, and Bucky turned to hit it, but it quickly backed away.

"Oh-ho-ho, don't hurt him," said Sam's voice playfully, making Cat snicker.

Bucky and Cat walked up to Sam.  He was looking down at the touchscreen at his arm which he controlled his drone with, and had his goggles down.  Bucky glared at Redwing as it went further away.

"You're doing the staring thing again," said Sam, still looking down at his sleeve.

Bucky turned his head slightly to look at Sam.  Sam looked up at him and said, "They're in there."  He nodded into another room.

Cat and Bucky both looked down at the screen on Sam's wrist.

"Where's the guy?" asked Bucky.

"I don't know," said Sam.  "I think they're smuggling weapons, though."

"Well, I think you could be right," said Bucky, as if that fact was obvious.

"Hmm," said Sam.

"But there's only one way to find out."  Bucky turned to look into the room beside them again. "I see a clear path, I say we take it."  He took a step to go, but both Sam and Catarina took his shoulders.

"You can't just go no plan," she said, as he turned back to face them.

"Exactly," nodded Sam. "We're not assassins."

"Well," muttered Cat under her breath.

"I'll see you inside or not," said Bucky, looking to both of them. He walked off.

Cat rolled her eyes, and Sam smiled.

"Hey, come on, man, I'm just messin' with you! Come back!" he laughed.  Sam turned to Cat. "Did you say 'well?'"

Cat laughed.

"It's true," she shrugged.

Sam looked to the side and chuckled.  "Come on," he said.  "Look here."

She looked down at his wrist, which he held out for her to see.  It was a staticky view of Bucky walking behind a stone wall.  The area was darker than the others— the only light came from behind Bucky.

"Look at you.  All stealthy," chuckled Sam through the earpiece. "A little time in Wakanda and you come out white panther."

"It's actually White Wolf," said Bucky's voice quietly through the comms.

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