66: Every action movie

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"Guys, we're seriously out of time here," said Sharon, rushing into the lab.  Her urgent entrance made everyone turn their heads.

Then a gunshot.  Another whip around.  Zemo put a gun back into his coat and Nagel fell to the ground off his chair, dead. 

"No!" yelled Sam, pushing Zemo to the wall.  But it had already been too late.

"What did you do?" whispered Sharon.

A tense second of silence.  Then, Boom.  All five of them ducked for cover.  Cat felt a cold hand on her back, pushing her to the ground.  Glass broke. The wall had been fired through.  There was rubble all over the floor in front of them.  Half the place was on fire. An alarm blared, flashing red light. Everything shook.

"Anybody see Zemo?" groaned Sam, rolling on the floor attempting to get up.

Cat looked toward the exit.  She thought she saw a shadow in the corner of the doorframe.

Cat lifted herself up as Sharon stood.  She held her gun out and went quickly toward the stairs.  Bucky helped Sam up, and they followed behind the two girls.

They emerged just as the fire and the chemicals inside the cargo container resulted in another large scale explosion. Smoke was everywhere. Cat held her gun down and coughed as they made their way out from a space between the wreckage.

Cat, having stayed behind, emerged just behind Bucky.

"Alright! Wait for my signal!" he yelled through the commotion.

Sam started shooting and ran for cover.

"Damn it," muttered Bucky. Cat suppressed a laugh.

Sharon looked at Cat and nodded her head to the side, gesturing to the bounty hunters in the distance. Cat nodded and ducked most of her body behind a large piece of the cargo container, shooting at one in the distance, then ducking back behind. She could barely see in all the smoke.

Cat followed Sharon and Sam as they moved from place to place, ducking behind every available shelter. Cat shot down one of the hunters who stayed too long out of his hiding spot, gauging the situation— obviously he didn't do it very well.

"And you like living here?" said Sam loudly, to Sharon.

She fired two shots, then ducked back down behind a large pipe. "It's not terrible."

Bucky came up and shot one of the men with a larger rifle with ease. He used one hand. He shot another man higher up, then pulled the trigger again and the gun clicked, signaling an empty chamber.

"I thought we were going left?!" he said, coming back toward Sharon, Cat, and Sam. Cat fired two more shots at the man higher up that Bucky had just missed. She didn't.

"You went the wrong way!" yelled Sam.

"I was clearing the way!"

"I came out first! You had to follow me!"

"And where are we now!"

"Hey, is now really the time?" suggested Cat passive-aggressively, shooting toward a slippery man who kept ducking away from her shots.

"I'm out!" yelled Sharon, after firing her last two shots. She ducked behind the pipe again.

"This is a barricade!" continued Bucky.

"It's in every action movie!"

Cat fired one last shot toward the man who was hiding. She missed once again, then scoffed, glancing at the empty chamber. She put the gun to the side and went further backwards, toward where Sam was standing, arguing with Bucky.

Then, there was another gunshot, and a pipe a few yards away burst into flames, taking three of the bounty hunters off guard. Sam, Cat, Sharon, and Bucky shielded their faces from the light and the smoke. The bounty hunters stopped in front of it, staring. Someone jumped from the top of one of the containers and took them by surprise. He held one of the hunters by the neck and shot another, then turned, using the man he held by the neck as a shield, and shot the other man. He let go of the man he held and he backed away, but the man in the mask shot him twice. Cat didn't see him again.

The man in the mask looked in their direction. It was purple, and only revealed his eyes. He wore a coat with a fur collar.

Cat sighed quickly.


"Go," muttered Bucky.

Sharon quickly got up. Cat followed.

"Come on, go, go!" Sharon said quietly, ducking as they ran as quick as they could through the smoky fog.

Gunshot after gunshot was fired at them— Cat made sure she was wary as they ran, ready to redirect anything. Nothing came at them until they turned a corner and a man with a handgun made his way toward them. Sharon opened the door to one of the containers, and Sam and Catarina followed her. Bucky stopped and grabbed a large metal pole off one of the containers.

"Buck!" yelled Cat, staring out the open door. Sam pulled her inside. Bucky used the pole to knock out the man with the handgun, then threw it at someone on the opposite side, impaling him. Sam pulled Bucky into the container.

After a minute of no commotion as they hid inside, Bucky scoffed, then stepped forward and slammed open the doors. Cat, Sharon, and Sam looked from side to side, making sure there was no one there. They heard the screeching of tires as a blue classic car pulled up quickly in front of them. Zemo sat in the driver's seat, grinning.

"Supercharged," he said with a grin.

"You're going back to jail," said Sam plainly.

"Do you want to find Karli or not?" he challenged.

"He's right," said Bucky, grabbing the passenger seat door. "We need him."

"And there's only three of us and over twenty of them," said Cat, grabbing the door to the backseat and getting inside.

"Come on," said Bucky, taking his seat. Cat moved over for Sam.

"Fine," he said, getting into the back seat next to Catarina. He pointed at Zemo.  "But if you try that shit again—"

"I wouldn't dream of it," replied Zemo.

"Well, that was one hell of a reunion," said Sharon, closing the door after Sam.

"Come back to the states with us," said Sam.

"I told you, I can't," said Sharon. "Just get me that pardon you promised me."  She nodded as a goodbye, then walked away.

"Thanks for everything," he called after her. 

Sam sunk into his seat and looked in front of him at the minimal leg room.  He sighed and looked at the back of Bucky's head.

"You're not gonna move your seat up, are you?" he said.

"No," returned Bucky.

Zemo put the car into gear and drove out of the port as Cat snickered.


i love this chapter so much.

bucky and cat's not-so-subtle protectiveness of eachother omg. "cold hand on her back" "'Buck!'" I'm obsessed. sometimes i can't believe i wrote this like honestly

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