79: Disruption of desire

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Cat helped with heavy lifting and tying knots.  Any kids around were amazed at the fact that with one flick of her hand she could have a perfect, tight sailor's knot.  They would ask her to lift them up, and she would tell them that if they jumped, she'd give them a little boost, not wanting to use her powers too much. She didn't want their parents to worry or anything.

Whenever he saw her, Bucky would send Cat a little wave or smile. Sometimes she would flick her hand back at him, causing a slight breeze to hit his face. She liked to watch his hair move in the wind, even if it was just a little.

Sam would do technical stuff and Bucky would sand and shine the wood around there. Cat plastered up cracks in the masts— it was convenient because she didn't have to get up on a ladder to do it. At one point, Sam struggled to pry some of the metal siding off the ship— Bucky walked over and ripped it off easily, then threw it down beside him.

As the sun began to really set, they were loading nets and buckets of water off of the dock.

"Think Karli's gonna throw in the towel?" asked Bucky casually, handing Sam another bucketful. He poured it out and handed it to Cat, who stacked it in the ever-growing pile.

"I think she's gonna double down," said Sam.

"Any idea how to stop her?" He scooped up more water and handed Sam the bucket.

Sam handed it to Catarina. "I got Joaquin working on something."

"Well, Zemo says there's only one way."

Sam stared at him with disapproval.

— —

Soon, they were done for the day. Things had died down and everyone was tired. (Well, maybe except Bucky.) Beers had gone around and to keep her mind off things as they sat, Cat'd had a couple. Or maybe more.

She didn't know where se was going after this, and she didn't know who she was going to stay with. She didn't know how she felt about anything, especially Bucky, and thoughts of Karli loomed around her mind as well. There was worrying and stressing and wishes and all sorts of weird feelings, and beer made them go away for a little while.

When Sam, Bucky, and Cat's laughing had died down, and they sat on the boat almost too quietly, the super soldier stood and sighed. "Well," he said. He clinked both of their bottles with his then gulped down the last sip. "Gotta catch my flight tomorrow," he said. He put down the empty bottle. Cat watched his mannerisms closely. "Get a hotel room for the night. Crash, you know?"

He was almost waiting for Sam to say something.

"So you're just gonna set me up like that, huh?" said Sam, smiling.

Bucky sighed. "Well, I don't wanna make it weird for your family."

"Just stay here," said Sam firmly. "Cat's staying." He gestured to her.

"What?" Cat blurted, turning to him after taking a sip of maybe her third or fourth beer.

"Well, you're sure as hell not driving home like this," he said, eyebrows raised. Cat never had an older brother, but she was pretty sure that this is what it would be like.

"Fair enough," she said, turning back and taking yet another swig.

"Come on, the people in this town are the most welcoming people in the world." He gestured around, talking to Bucky. "They don't care if you wear... small t-shirts, or if you have six toes, or if your mom's your aunt.."

"Okay, I get it," chuckled Bucky, the sun accenting his beautiful, smiling face. "I mean, you know, the people are nice," he concluded.

Sam laughed.

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