33: Wait over

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Cat and Steve stayed in a hotel outside of Wakanda for three days in waiting.  King T'Challa had graciously offered to accommodate them, but they had said no, not wanting to intrude — since there were no hotels in Wakanda. 

Cat went back and forth day by day for updates on her own procedure, as well.  It was coming along quickly, as Wakanda's scientists knew very well how to deal with Vibranium.   The scientific aspect of things was less easy to understand, but the procedure was basic, especially for the type of Indosiate poisoning that Cat had.  They would use a special kind of magnet device that they could put into her body and attract all the Indosiate out of Cat's bloodstream, which would take a couple of hours.  They would then remove the device, and— well, that was about it, actually.  As Shuri had called it one time: "Easy as pie, or whatever the Americans say."

Steve had asked her about the procedures multiple times, curious about how it worked. On the fourth day, Steve went with her into Wakanda to see how the procedure was coming along— as it was to be performed the next day.

"You anxious?" he asked her, in the car on the way there. She drove into Wakanda daily, as the hotel they were staying in wasn't too far from it. Besides, the quinjet was still in Wakanda, anyway. Not like she and Steve could park it outside the hotel.

She glanced at him for a moment, then looked back at the road.

"Maybe a little," she said. "I don't know. I'm excited to have the worst aspect of my powers taken away. The only thing that hurts me will finally be gone. That's good, right?" Steve nodded. "But I'm also a little afraid," she said. "Like... what if it doesn't work?"

"I think it'll work," he said. "You deserve it, Catarina. You've been through so much. And you still helped Buck all that time, even if you had your own things to deal with, and now you're helping us, too. You should have something good happen to you."

— —

Cat pulled up to the lab as usual, and went inside. Shuri was waiting for them at the entrance. Cat said hello to her, and glanced around. A big machine was set to the side, empty. It looked like — yes, it was. It was where Bucky had been in cryo.

She glanced at Steve, who looked a little confused, as well. Cat turned to Shuri.

"Why is —"

Shuri interrupted her. "See for yourself," she smiled, a knowing look on her face. She turned to look at the opposite side of the lab, where someone dressed in a white tank top and pants was sitting in a chair, getting his vitals taken by a man in a doctor's coat.

They only had one arm.

"Bucky?" questioned Cat, peering around the man in the doctor's coat. Bucky did the same, and the doctor stepped aside. He smiled, and stood up slowly as Cat walked over to him.

Cat was smiling. She took his hand and held it with both of hers.

"I missed you," she said to him.

Bucky looked into her eyes and smiled.  "I mean, it felt like barely a day for me," he began, "but I missed you too."

Cat bit her lip, still smiling.  Bucky looked beyond her at Steve, and Cat stepped aside, letting them say hello.  Steve gave him a hug, patting his back twice.  They separated and smiled at each other. 

"Good seeing you again, Buck.  Awake, I mean."

Bucky chuckled quietly.  "Good seeing you too," he said.  "So what's the deal?" he asked.  "Did you..."

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