30: Get in

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It couldn't be just a get in, get out plan, could it?

This time, none of them dropped in on their own — they landed the quinjet a little ways' away and walked to the destination, making sure they weren't being tracked.

Cat and Natasha walked behind Steve and Sam, who stayed ahead just because they were walking fast. 

"You know," thought Cat out loud, as they walked through a woods, "I just realized I left all my stuff at my apartment in Romania."

"We can go get it, if you want," offered Nat. "Though this is top priority."

"That I know," said Cat. "It's not much, anyway.  No one can get in.  It's not a place a burglar would be attracted to.  I can go anytime."

"That's good," said Natasha.

"Hey, do you have a place?" wondered Catarina.

Nat thought about it.  "Not a real home.  S.H.I.E.L.D. was always sending me all over the place, so I never really bothered to get one." She paused.  "Or maybe just never had the time."

"I wouldn't call what I had a home," said Cat.  "Just a place to keep all my stuff, I guess.  I don't think I've ever had a real home."

"I think you find it soon enough," smiled Natasha.  "I'd never had home before, either," she explained.  "But when Clint brought me back to S.H.I.E.L.D... well, I think I found a home here, will all these stupid guys," she said, nodding toward Steve and Sam.

"They definitely need you," said Cat. 

Natasha smiled. 

——— ✪ ⍟ ✪———

"So," said Steve, as they stopped at the edge of the woods, just outside the cover-up town.  "Running down the plan again — Natasha and Catarina sneak in, cause a distraction, then we all get to the entrance to the underground and get to the room with the information."

"And if anything gets in our way?" asked Cat, though she probably knew the answer. 

"Get it out of your way," nodded Steve with a half-smile.

"Easy enough," said Catarina.

"We all ready?" Sam asked. 

Everyone looked at each other for approval, all nodding. 

"Then let's go," said Nat.

She and Cat stepped out of the woods first.  The town was tiny — no buildings were taller than three stories, and Cat estimated there were only about 30 structures there.  In the middle was a town square with multiple market stalls. 

"Distraction's ready," whispered Nat.  "Are you?"

"Ready," said Cat. 

Natasha gave Cat an explosive, which she quietly floated into one of the buildings, pulled the pin out, and let it blow.  Once Sam and Steve would hear the big boom, they would know that was the signal to get into the underground facility.

The only bad thing about this plan was that though it distracted the agents above ground, the agents below would be on high alert. 


It was already too late to change it, anyway.  Once Cat and Natasha heard the explosion, they ran toward where the hatch to the underground was, hoping Sam and Steve would meet them there. 

Catarina ran next to Nat, behind buildings and through small alleys.  They had studied the map of this place in their free time on the jet — both knew their way around.  In theory, at least. 

They met Sam and Steve just as they arrived at the hatch.  There wasn't any time to talk — Steve had already pulled the door open, and the four of them began running down the steps. 

They walked through a narrow hallway.  It was dark other than a few flood lights, and most of them flickered on and off.  They all walked close to each other, some back-to-back.  It felt like a Scooby-Doo movie.  Only real.

They were quiet, but soon met by guards running toward the commotion up above.  The hatch they had come from was the only entrance or exit.  A man yelled something in Russian and began fighting Steve, who ran toward him first.  More HYDRA agents came through the hall.  They looked angry, and many had weapons. 

So it began. 

They were highly outnumbered — Cat counted maybe 16.  She used her powers to slam some of the men from wall to wall, knocking them out.  But multiple men came at her at a time, and soon she had to go to hand to hand combat.  She used her powers to hold their arms behind them and be able to kick them in the stomach, sending them backwards.  Some she threw knives at, severely injuring most.  She didn't have good aim yet. 

Narrow hallways were hard to fight in — especially with so many people — and more coming.  But while they might have been outnumbered, the four of them could easily evade and outsmart the HYDRA agents.  Catarina and Natasha were smaller — able to get through easily just with their skills alone.

"Toss me that!" yelled Natasha from just behind Cat, struggling with one of the burliest men.  She had quickly pointed to a knife Catarina had aimlessly thrown earlier. 

Cat used her powers to hand the blade over to Natasha, who stuck it swiftly through the agent's leg.  He fell in agony.  Nat nodded to Catarina.

They were still able to make their way through, even if more agents continued trying to push them back.  Sooner than later they began bringing guns with them, and it was Cat's main job to send bullets off course. 

Steve, who had no shield, continued to fight heavy hand-to-hand combat.  Sam did the same, especially since his wings couldn't help him in such a narrow place. 

Cat's lip was bleeding, and she could feel a nasty bruise forming on her cheek from one man who actually got close enough to punch her.  The men kept coming, even while they knocked them out, one by one. 

Finally they reached an actual room, going through big doors at the end of the hall. It led to the main part of the facility.  It looked very modern — clean lines, a big HYDRA logo on the floor in the middle of it. It had a high ceiling, and people were walking around everywhere. 

Some people stood wide eyed and rushed out once they saw that this fighting had come in.  But more of the guards were in that main lobby, and came towards them.  And just after they had gotten rid of the guards in the hall, too.

"You guys have to go," said Steve. 

"What?" said Cat.  "We're —" she was cut off by a man who attempted to kick her in the face, but she launched him backwards with a double kick of her own— "not leaving you."

"They're going to keep coming," said Sam.  "And we have things to do.  Steve's right."

"What about you?" asked Nat.

"We can handle ourselves," said Steve, punching one of the men in the face and dodging a punch back.

"But —" began Cat.

"Just go!"

Catarina and Natasha ran off the other way.  Sam and Steve fought harder as a distraction.


oh, how this chapter ends on a cliffhanger muahaha

okay im sorry for the lack of Bucky lately but we are getting some catarina development! she is my child i love her

anyways im going to bed now don't forget to vote!!

molly :)

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