18: Okay

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The blond woman from earlier (who Steve had finally told her was named Sharon) opened the trunk to reveal Sam's falcon suit and Cap's shield.

Cat watched from the back seat. She looked at Bucky, who was glaring ahead at Sam.

"Can you move your seat up?" he asked.

"No," Sam answered.

Cat rolled her eyes at the two of them and leaned back against her seat. Bucky moved closer to Cat, trying to get more legroom.

Steve and Sharon continued talking. Then their mouths stayed closed for a moment until Steve walked closer to Sharon and pulled her in for a kiss. Cat smiled, as did Sam and Bucky.

Cap and Sharon said something to each other. When she walked away, Cap looked back into the car, at the three of them. Sam smiled and nodded, Bucky and Cat grinned.

Cap gave them a look saying, seriously?

——— ✪ ⍟ ✪———

After loading their gear into the car, Cap began driving to the airport, where they would meet some other people on their side. Bucky began talking to her on the ride there.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay, Catarina?" he muttered.

Cat turned to him. "Of course. Why?"

"It's already a lot of stress, Cat. And I don't want you having —"

"I know," she stopped him. She took a deep breath. "But that won't happen. I can take it."

"Okay," he said. He smiled at her, and she smiled back. The car became quiet again until they got to the airport.

Cap parked quickly near a white van. Cat assumed there were going to be more people there to help out — maybe the person Sam had said they needed.

Cap got out of the car to see who Cat knew as Hawkeye — or Clint Barton. They shook hands. Sam, Cat, and Bucky all got out of the car as well.

"Cap," said Barton.

"You know, I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice," replied Steve.

"Hey man, you're doing me a favor. Besides," he turned to face the woman behind him, someone Cat had seen on news websites recently — Wanda Maximoff. "I owe a debt."

"Thanks for having me back," said Steve to Wanda.

"It was time to get off my ass," she replied.

"That the girl you told me about over the phone?" nodded Barton, toward Cat. She was standing next to Bucky behind the car.

Cat smiled.

"Yeah," said Steve. "She's new. But she can help."

"Got a name?"

"Catarina Palmer," Cat said to him. "Nice to meet you."

"Well hey, the more the merrier," said Clint.

"And what about our other recruit?" asked Cap.

"He's raring to go," said Clint, walking toward the van. He opened the door, where a man was sleeping. "Had to put a little coffee in him, but he should be good."

The man stumbled out of the van. Cat didn't know who he was.

"What time zone is this?" he said.

"Go on," said Barton, pushing the man toward Cap and Sam, who was standing next to him.

The man looked amazed. "Captain America," said the man.

"Mr. Lang," replied Steve, shaking his hand. Longer than normal.

"It's an honor," said Lang. "I'm shaking your hand too long. Wow, this is awesome." He turned to Wanda and pointed at Steve. "Captain America," he said. "I know you too, you're great," he told her. Wanda smiled.

Lang looked back at Steve, impressed. He put his hands on his biceps. "Jeez," he said. "Uh, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so thinks for thanking of me."

Cat tried not to laugh when he mixed up the words.

"Hey man," said Lang, looking at Sam.

"What's up, tic tac," he replied.

"Uh.. good to see you. Look, what happened last time —"

Sam interrupted him. "It was a great audition, but it'll never happen again," he said.

"They tell you what we're up against?" asked Steve.

"Something about some... psycho assassins?" questioned Lang.

"We're outside the law on this one," said Steve. "So if you come with us you're a wanted man."

"Yeah, well, what else is new?" said Lang. Cat assumed he'd been outside the law before.

"We should get moving," said Bucky.

"I got a chopper lined up," said Hawkeye.

There was a beep, and something in German was said over the airport's intercoms. Cat looked to Bucky.

"They're evacuating the airport," he said, looking from Cat, then to the rest of the group.

"Stark," mumbled Sam.

"Stark?" questioned Lang.

"Suit up," said Steve, nodding toward the van. Cat assumed anything they needed was in there.

Cat and Bucky glanced at each other as they walked over there.

Cat walked toward Wanda, hoping to find a friend. Someone with powers that could do some of the same things as hers.

"Hi," she said to her.

"Hello," replied Wanda. "Catarina, right?"

"Yeah," replied Cat. "I just want to say, that, um, I've actually always wanted to meet you."

She hoped that didn't sound awkward.

"Me?" said Wanda.

"Yeah, I mean, ever since I heard about you I wondered how you control your powers so well," she explained. "I never really was able to do that."

"You have powers?"

"Sort of like yours," said Cat. "I can manipulate molecules in the air." Cat looked at one of her hands. "Sort of like a telekinesis, but I can use it to make wind, too, or just as an extension of my hand."

She made a slight pushing motion and blew Wanda's hair back.

Wanda smiled. "It's good to know there's someone with similar abilities."

"It is," said Cat. She nodded to Wanda and they both began looking through the van.

"Hi," said a person behind Cat. She turned around to see Clint Barton behind her.

"Hi," she replied.

"I just wanted to ask — you know what you're doing, right? I know I don't know you, but.. I just want to make sure that you know you have a choice."

"I made this choice the moment I jumped off the roof of my apartment building," replied Cat.

Clint looked confused for a second, but decided he wouldn't ask.

"Well then, it's good to have you on the team, Catarina."

"Hey, it's good to be here, Clint," she said.

It almost felt awkward calling an Avenger by his first name.


wanda and cat besties when?

ahah soon honeys soon

just learned that cat's faceclaim jenna coleman has a British accent, and she's supposed to have an american one for this whoops —

I'm sure Jenna could do an american accent

anyways, don't forget to vote :)


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