78: Right-handed

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"Hey, Catarina!" said Sam, as Catarina wandered onto the dock in Delacroix. People bustled around, unpacking food they had brought, talking about tools, untangling fishing nets, etcetera.  Everyone there looked happy, and they were all conversing or interacting with other people.  The dock was lively and all the people felt like they were all one big, close-knit family.  Even if there was a breeze, Catarina felt warmth the moment she walked in. 

"Hi, Sam," she greeted with a smile. He brought her in for a hug and she hugged back, patting his back twice.  Cat was quite sure that she had never greeted Sam as just... friends.  No mission, no loss, no sadness.  Just good friends coming together and doing each other a favor.  "This place is really nice," she said, looking behind him as they came apart from the hug. 

Over the dock was a view of the bay showered in beautiful gold light.  It reflected off the people and the wood of the marina and glittered over the calm waves.  Behind it was a large forest whose distant trees reflected over the surface of the water.  Catarina immediately fell in love with the Wilsons' marina, and planned to come back often. 

"Thank you, thank you," he said, putting his arm around her shoulder.  "Hey, where's Bucky?"

"Um..." Cat took her phone out of her pocket and turned on the screen, looking for a notification from him. Nothing but her wallpaper of a picture of the fields in Wakanda. "He said he would text me," she said, looking back up at her friend. "I know he's coming at some point."

"Hey, come on over here," he said, taking his arm off her shoulder and motioning her over to a woman who looked to be in her thirties. She and Sam had the same eyes. She had long black hair that was tied up in a ponytail and a friendly, smiling face. She chatted to another, older woman beside her as she took empty wooden crates and piled them up by the side of the dock. "Sarah, this is Catarina," he said, pecking her on the shoulder. She turned around and smiled. "Catarina, this is my sister, Sarah."

"Nice to meet you," said Catarina, smiling. She put out her hand, and Sarah took it and shook.

"Good to meet you too," she said happily. She definitely looked to be in her element here. "Telekinesis girl, right?"

"Sort of," said Catarina, with a nod of her head.

"Hey, come on over here," said Sam, nodding her over to a group of men gathered by a truck with a large pallet on it. Cat assumed it was some sort of large part for the boat. She waved to Sarah as she followed her brother away. They went toward the truck and Sam stared at the large part as they walked over. It was wrapped in Saran Wrap and a little rusty, but looked functional.

"Tommy, Carlos, man, this is amazing!" cheered Sam. He chuckled and looked at the men beside it. They all looked very friendly. One had a short white beard and a cap, one had long locks tied in a low ponytail, and the other wore a blue hoodie. They chuckled with Sam. "Thanks so much, man," Sam said happily, going around and patting the backs of them. "Thank y'all."

"Look, word comes out the Wilson family needs help?" said Carlos. "We still got a bit of usefulness in us," he joked.

"How do we get it off the truck?" Sam inquired.

Cat, who had been standing just a foot aside from the group, was about to offer to help when the pallet with the large, heavy-looking part lifted off with ease. Cat's eyes followed the metal arm carrying it to Bucky, who now held it above his head with both hands. Sam and the other three men stared, surprised as he did so. Bucky put the load down on the dock with a grunt, then turned to look at all of them.

"You're welcome," he said plainly. He then bent over to pick up something from the ground. Sam walked over curiously, and Catarina followed.

"Quite the entrance," she commented with a smile.

"Just dropping this off," he told them, placing a high-tech-looking black and white briefcase on the bed of the truck in front of them.  He turned to Sam.  "You can sign for it and I'll go."

Cat was a little upset by the fact that he was leaving straight away, but didn't say anything. 

Sam looked at the briefcase, a little confused.  He put his hand on it softly as Bucky explained, "I called in a favor from the Wakandans."  Sam turned to look at him, as if questioning the fact that this was for him.

Behind them, there was a sudden, loud hiss from one of the pipes on the side of the boat.  Their heads turned to look at the white steam combine out of whatever had abruptly loosened. 

"Sam!" called Sarah, jogging over with a clipboard in her hand. She turned the corner and stared at the rupture in the pipe spewing gas.  Her brother walked over and stepped down into the boat, picking up a large wrench beside it rushingly and clamping it over the knob to try and turn it.  He struggled.  Bucky and Cat stepped forward— while Bucky went onto the boat to help Sam, Cat stayed back with Sarah. 

Bucky tapped Sam on the shoulder and he moved over.  "Hold on, hold on, hold on," Bucky said quickly, grabbing the wrench.  "You gotta go up," he said, clamping it around the knob again and turning it easily.  The hissing stopped and the gas quickly went away.  Bucky stepped back and threw the wreck down beside him.  He and Sam stared at the pipe.

"That your boyfriend?" Sarah asked, putting her hand over her eyes to shield the sun.

"It's complicated," replied Cat, staring at the boys.

"Talented," Sarah muttered. 

"Why didn't you use the metal arm?" Sam asked Bucky, looking down at the hand beside him.

"Well—" Bucky brought his ungloved metal hand closer to him and looked at it. "I don't always think of it immediately," he said, gesturing to it.  "I'm right-handed."  He looked back at the pipe, then back around at the boat, up and the masts and all that. "So this is the boat, huh?" he said, squinting and looking around.

"This is it," replied Sam.

He raised his brows and made a face that read pretty impressive. "It's nice," said Bucky. He put his hands on his hips and turned back to Sam. "You want any help?" he asked, as if he didn't already know the answer.  Cat watched their awkward interaction with the slightest bit of second-hand embarrassment. 

Sam looked at him for a moment. "Yeah," he said quietly, getting up.

Sam led him around the side of the boat. Bucky stopped in front of Catarina, who continued to watch him, arms crossed. He sent a smile and a finger wave her way and she rolled her eyes and chuckled. Sam waited for him with raised brows.


I'm bored. here's a new chapter of found!

going to see amatwq today so excited

dftv!! love you ♡


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