71: How gods talk

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"Karli Morgenthau, you're under arrest." John Walker's loud, unwelcome voice boomed through the high-ceilinged room. Cat and Bucky followed behind him and tried to grab him and pull him back, but it was no use.  And Cat wasn't about to use her powers to drag him back into the next room, because to John Walker's knowledge, she couldn't use them at will, nor control them. And she didn't want to get into more trouble than they already were in.

Karli's face turned to face the door as they walked through, then looked back at Sam.  Her expression hardened. 

"So this is what that was?"  she said, stepping away from Sam.

"No, Karli, wait—" said Sam, holding a last, hopeful hand out.  He looked from her to John Walker as he marched closer to the two of them.

"Tricking me until your backup arrived?" completed Karli.  She sounded betrayed.  Cat was quite sure that with more time, Sam could have solved all of it.  She mentally cursed Walker.

Walker held a hand up to Sam as he walked past.  "No, I think we've had enough time to talk," said Walker, approaching Karli. Bucky made another grab at him, but Hoskins held him back.

"Nazi," muttered Karli.

Walker began to hold a hand up to her.  "Why don't you..."

Almost instinctively, the girl punched him in the stomach.  Walker, having not been expecting it, dodged it just barely with the shield. Her strength knocked his arm backward and Sam held up two arms to stop the shield from hitting him.  They were both knocked backward by the super soldier's impact.

Taking advantage of the chaos, Bucky and Cat ran out of Lemar's hold and followed Karli into a room with a grand, gold-railinged staircase.  She jumped and grabbed hold of the railing, then threw herself over it, attempting a quick getaway. Bucky followed her with the same movements and Cat used her powers to get up, following just behind the super soldiers.

They ran up the stairs after her.  She went through a doorway to a balcony over a large room full of people.  It seemed to be a common room with couches and that sort of thing.  There was stuff everywhere.  Karli once again swiftly jumped over the railing and landed on her hands and feet on the wooden floor of the room with a loud bang.  The crowd around her parted to let her through. She scrambled up just as Bucky followed her move, and Cat once again used her powers to lift herself with the help of the air around her.  This time, the crowd closed up the space.

Cat stopped short, but Bucky plowed through them.  She shrugged, then followed, shoving anyone who came back into her way out of it.  Cat followed James blindly— though she didn't see Karli in front of him.  He went quickly up a set of stairs, skipping steps, then through a doorway into a room built with bricks.  It was dark and had many arches going through it.  The only light came from the small windows in the room. When he came here, he slowed, eyes wandering through the room.  Cat mirrored his actions.

"Do you see her?" asked Cat.

"No," he answered, still looking around. Sam came in through a doorway on the opposite side, and Cat and Bucky walked toward him.

"I lost her," Bucky told Sam. 

"This place is a maze," he returned.  He was out of breath.

A second later, they heard a gunshot coming from far away. Its pop rang through the building. They looked at each other, then ran down the set of stairs Sam had come from. They checked multiple rooms but found no action. Then there was a loud clang, and a clatter. It sounded closer than the gunshot.

"Here," said Sam, running down a couple more steps and opening a door to see John Walker below them. Lemar rushed in from another door nearby him. Cat looked down next to Walker, where Zemo was lying on the floor unconscious next to a lot of broken glass and what looked to be a clear blue liquid all over the floor.

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