77: Staring

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Zemo stood in front of the Sokovian memorial. It was a large stone statue of four peaceful-looking faces looking off into the distance. Under their busts was the country's seal and something written in the language, which Cat couldn't understand. It was on a circular platform of brick and concrete. Behind it was a beautiful lake. It was cold out, but the sun shone brightly over the scene. If it hadn't been Zemo, Cat might call it all serene. But as she knew Bucky walked toward him with a gun in his hand, she didn't dare.

She knew what he was going to do as she watched him from a bench a long way's away, across the expansive memorial park.

Bucky arrived just next to the baron, a couple feet away. Zemo did not look at him. "I thought you'd be here sooner," he said calmly. he glanced at Bucky then back at the statue. "Don't worry," he said. "I've decided I'm not going to kill you."

"Imagine my relief," said Bucky sarcastically. He clicked the gun in his hand and Zemo finally turned to face him. The baron walked forward slowly.

"The girl has been radicalized beyond salvation," said Zemo, still taking steps. He stopped a couple of feet away from Bucky. "I warned Sam, but he didn't listen to me. He's as stubborn as Steve Rogers before him."

Bucky stared as the baron talked, his face scrunched up with anger for the man.

"But you..." said Zemo, looking at Bucky with an idea in his eyes, "they literally programmed you to kill."

Catarina hated him so, so much.

"James... do what needs to be done. Karli has people everywhere.  And there's only one way to make sure she cannot continue her mission."

"I appreciate the advice," said Bucky, still staring him down with the same look of disdain.  "But we're gonna do it our own way."

Zemo chuckled softly. "Yeah," he said, the smile leaving his face, "I was afraid you would say that."

Bucky clicked the gun once again, and Zemo looked at it in his hand. The super soldier slowly raised the gun to the man's head and clicked off the safety, his finger ready on the trigger.

Zemo did not seem afraid of death— in fact, he looked almost as if he were smiling. He nodded as he stared into Bucky's eyes instead of the gun barrel pointed straight toward his forehead.

Bucky pulled the trigger and the gun clicked— the chamber was empty. Zemo blinked in surprise as he pulled the trigger, then, realizing he was not dead, stared at Bucky again.

Bucky's look of hate slightly faded away into a sort of smile as he lowered the gun. He then held up his metal hand and opened the fist, letting a handful of bullets fall into the ground, unused. Zemo watched them fall.

Behind him, three Dora Milaje guards dressed in the traditional red marched up to his back, surrounding him.

"Ladies," said Zemo, looking from side to side.  He then turned back to face Bucky. "I took the liberty of crossing off my name in your book," added the baron. "I hold no grudges for what you thought you had to do."  Bucky still stared, the look of disrespect back on his face. "Goodbye, James," Zemo completed.

Two of the guards accompanied him to their aircraft between the trees. Ayo stayed behind and spoke to Bucky. Cat began getting up from the spot where she had sat and made her way towards where the super soldier stood.

"We will take him to the raft," Ayo said to Bucky. "Where he will live out his days." She turned her head to face him, and he did the same. "It would be prudent to make yourself scarce in Wakanda for the time being, White Wolf," she advised.

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