heart to heart

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Khione felt like a sick, twisted thing dying in the dark. She had never forgotten the terrible thrill that came from wielding her bloodbending. Everything had slowed to a snail's pace, and Khione's mind refused to cooperate, refusing to do anything.
Some part of realised she was still in shock when Korra and Mako gently steered her the entire trip back to Air Temple Island. Khione must've looked pretty upset, because they wore matching expressions of extreme worry and discomfort at seeing such barren emotions on her face.

The sea breeze had helped to wake her up a bit, she still felt like she was a tiny bird caught in a storm at sea; battered and lost and alone. Her eyes drifted to the airbenders who gathered by the docks, all grouped together in a clinging embrace. She was happy for them, at least, that they had managed to survive the encounter, unscarred.

They'd found Chief Beifong too, at some point during their fight with Amon.

"I can't believe Amon got you too," Beifong sighed sympathetically, placing a hand on Korra's shoulder.

"Hey, at least you unlocked your airbending," Bolin offered excitedly, as everyone turned to stare at him pointedly.

"Bro, not the time," Mako reprimanded seriously, causing Bolin to pause, before blinking sheepishly.

"Right, right. I'll just stand over here. Quietly. In silence."

There wasn't much else to say. Khione wished she could rip out her heart, and Korra looked utterly devastated. Emotions. Such tricky, human things. It was in moments like this, where guilt and self-loathing overwhelmed her, that she wished she didn't have them.

"You saved Republic City," Tenzin murmured to Korra, placing a hand around her shoulder.

"But Amon got away," She replied sadly, wrapping her arms around her chest, oblivious to the way Khione's shoulders curled in on themselves at the mention of him.

"Yay, Uncle Bumi's here!" Ikki squealed in excitement as one of the United Nations' ships neared the docks, revealing a man standing on the deck, grinning madly.

Khione glanced at Korra, before turning to Tenzin.

"Katara's the best waterbender in the world. We have to go see her," She said flatly. Tenzin nodded in agreement.

"To the Southern water tribe then," Korra said softly, her head downcast.


Khione knew she was freaking everyone out, but she was too depressed to care. She'd been glaring daggers at the space in front of her the entire time Korra had been with Katara. Her cane rested in her hands, which gripped them so tightly Bolin had been afraid she was going to start swinging. The rest of her friends were stationed around the waiting room, along with Tenzin and Chief Beifong. Asami sat beside her, and Khione could feel the girl staring worryingly at her, though Asami was trying her hardest to hide it.

As soon as they'd met again, Asami had seen the look on her face again, and had known. To her credit, she didn't judge her, or run away screaming. She simply told Khione: "You did what you had to do."

They were true, but Khione wasn't listening to reason. She was slipping. Slipping through the walls she'd so carefully built.

The shoji doors slid open, and Katara stepped out. Her face was grave, and Khione's heart shattered even further.

"I've tried everything in my power, but I cannot restore Korra's bending," She said mournfully, looking out to the room of defeated faces.

"But you're the best healer in the world. You have to keep trying!" Lin pleaded.

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